4 Star ☆☆☆☆ | Get a picture of Deerling reuniting with Sawsbuck in the second foggy area Lure Deerling to the front of two Crystabloom in the second foggy area and take a picture of it happy with Espurr First, take the alternate route by the Trevenant and follow Espeon to the Winter area. When you get to the second foggy area, light up the Crystablooms to lure Deerling to Espeon. When there, Espeon, Deerling and Sawsbuck will have a reunion. Take the path to the Sunny Area. To the left of the Sunny Area you will see Espeon. Knock it down with a scan and feed it, then give it an Illumina Orb. It will then move over to the plains for all seasons. Hit the Crystabloom to attact all the Deerling and Sawsbuck in. Take the photo with all four around the Crystabloom |