
Name: Corrin

Game Series: Fire Emblem
First Appearance: Fire Emblem: Fate (2015)

Unlock Criteria:

  • Downloadable Character

Alternate Costumes

Special Moves

Neutral SpecialDragon Fang Shot

Corrin's neutral move is a charge move. This has Corrin charge a massive ball of water and send it out. When an enemy is hit by the water, they receive damage and if it's charged up enough, will be stunned before being knocked back. The hand used to generate the shot will also do damage to any character that it makes contact with.

Side SpecialDragon Lunge

Corrin's side special is the Dragon Fang, which acts in multiple different ways. Corrin uses a lance in order to send a sharp sting out. However, if in the air, Corrin can make the lance stick to the ground and by pressing B again, can use it to kick off to the side for another powerful hit.

Up SpecialDragon Ascent

Corrin's up special can be seen as his recovery move. This move has Corrin jump upwards, damaging anyone that makes contact with the winds. Corrin has the ability for better control as ascending.

Down SpecialCounter Surge

Corrin's down special is a standard counter move. She will get into position and, if hit when doing so, will turn into a dragon and attack with an energy wave to knock the opponent back.

 Final Smash: Torrential Roar

Corrin's Final Smash is a new one. When activated, Corrin will send out a stomp to nearby enemies. If it makes contact, then Corrin will create a massive water vortex that sucks them in, damages, and knocks them back.

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