Donkey Kong

Name: Donkey Kong

Game Series: Donkey Kong
First Appearance: Donkey Kong (1981)

Unlock Criteria:

  • Starting Character

3DS Screenshots

Wii U Screenshots

Alternate Costumes

Special Moves

Neutral SpecialGiant Punch

Donkey Kong's Neutral Special attack is a massive punch. This punch requires charging in order to get ti to its maximum strength. After charging, some steam will come out of Donkey Kong's head and he is ready for punching, allowing you to move around with the charge. Press the button and you send the punch out firmly in the direction you're facing, causing massive damage to any opponent caught in its wake.

Side SpecialHeadbutt

Donkey Kong's side special is a simple headbutt. Donkey Kong lunges at the opponent with his head and causes damage. If the opponent is on the ground, they get pushed into the ground, stunning them temporarily leaving them open for any powerful attack at Donkey Kong's disposal.

Up SpecialSpinning Kong

Donkey Kong's up special is his recovery move, but can also be done on the ground. Like many recovery moves, this move has Donkey Kong spin around, with his fists out, to act like a propeller. If anyone is hit by this, they will receive decent damage.

Down SpecialHand Slap

Donkey Kong's down move is a commonly used one in Multi-Man Melees since Super Smash Bros. Melee.. Donkey Kong slams his hands down on the ground repeatedly as you press the button. This sends out shockwaves that damage and throw the opponent whenever they come near. If the opponent has got high damage, this will knock them flying.

 Final Smash: Konga Beat

Donkey Kong's Final Smash is similar to the Final Smash in Super Smash Bros. Brawl but has a difference. In these games, there's a small bar which have timings for when to press the button. If you press the button at the right time, you will get a more powerful beat. Each beat sends out a shockwave that damages opponents and knocks them back.

Custom Moves

Coming soon.

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