
Name: Falco

Game Series: Starfox
First Appearance: Starfox (1994)

Unlock Criteria:

  • Defeat Classic Mode once
  • Play 20 VS Matches

Alternate Costumes

Special Moves

Neutral SpecialBlaster

Like all other Starfox characters in Super Smash Bros., Falco has a Blaster. Falco's Blaster is a moderately slow and moderately powerful Blaster. It isn't rapid fire like Foxs so it can only be shot every second, but unlike Foxs, it delivers decent damage and knockback to prevent enemies getting close quickly.

Side SpecialFalco Phantasm

The Falco Phantasm move is a move that does little damage. This move allows Falco to move quickly to the left or right, leaving several illusions in his wake which cause minimal damage to the opponent, but can knock them upwards. The distance it travels is less than Foxs.

Up SpecialFire Bird

Falco's recovery move has Falco able to charge up power. Once power has been charged, Falco will shoot off in the direction your control stick is pointing. Anyone in its path shall be hit causing decent damage and throwing them quite a bit, while also briefly setting them on fire.

Down SpecialReflector

Falco has a reflector move that reflects any projectile sent at him back the way it came. However, Falco uses his reflector in a different way to Fox. Instead of standing with the reflector, Falco kicks it out like a boomerang. It still reflects and causes damage to anyone it hits. This does mean that Falco can be hit from behind, however.

 Final Smash: Landmaster

Falco's Final Smash sends in the LandMaster tank into the match. The tank has the ability of shooting enemies with its gun. If any enemies are on the tank, the tank has the ability to spin which will cause decent damage to that opponent. It also has the ability to hover, and can do so quickly, it is also known for hovering high enough to knock other players off of the top of the screen.

Custom Moves

Coming soon.

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