
Name: Fox

Game Series: StarFox
First Appearance: StarFox (1993)

Unlock Criteria:

  • Starting Character

3DS Screenshots

Wii U Screenshots

Alternate Costumes

Special Moves

Neutral SpecialBlaster

Like the other Starfox characters, Fox has a Blaster. Fox's Blaster is a rapid fire blaster that does minimal damage with no knockback whatsoever. With this, you are able to get a decent amount of damage onto far away opponents as they are coming to get you.

Side SpecialFox Illusion

Fox's side special, once again, is the Fox Illusion. This will move Fox quickly to the left or the right, depending on your direction, causing a small bit of damage and knockback to any opponent that is caught in it.

Up SpecialFire Fox

Fox's recovery move has Fox able to charge up power. Once power has been charged, Fox will shoot off in the direction your control stick is pointing. Anyone in its path shall be hit causing decent damage and knocking them back quite a bit.

Down SpecialReflector

Fox's down special, like in all previous Super Smash Bros. games is the Reflector. This move will cause any and all projectiles to be reflected back the way they came. If it is used when in very close proximity to other players, it will do some minor damage.

 Final Smash: Landmaster

Fox's Final Smash sends in the LandMaster tank into the match. The tank has the ability of shooting enemies with its gun. If any enemies are on the tank, the tank has the ability to spin which will cause decent damage to that opponent. It also has the ability to hover, but not to any decent distance.

Custom Moves

Coming soon.

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