
Name: Shulk

Game Series: Xenoblade
First Appearance: Xenoblade Chronicles (2010)

Unlock Criteria:

  • Starting Character

3DS Screenshots

Wii U Screenshots

Alternate Costumes

Special Moves

Neutral SpecialMonado Arts

Shulk's neutral special has him run through the various aspects of his Monado weapon. These aspects then boost one part of Shulk's strengths while reducing another, creating absolute balance. These are cycled through and last for a short time. Their effects can be seen by the coloured aura around Shulk.

翔 (Jump): higher jumps, lower defense.
疾 (Speed): faster movement, weaker attacks.
盾 (Shield): higher defense, slower movement.
斬 (Buster): stronger attacks, weaker launch ability.
撃 (Smash): Stronger launch ability, weaker attacks, lower defense against launching.

Side SpecialBack Slash

Shulk's side special is the Back Slash and has Shulk lunge forward with his Monado to do damage to the opponent. This attack does more damage if the opponent is facing away from you.

Up SpecialAir Slash

Shulk's up special has him jump upwards, slacing with the Monado sword. It will damage anyone that it hits, and if it hits anyone at the peak of the jump, then Shulk will slice them again for further damage.

Down SpecialVision

Shulk's down special is a counter. Like all counters, Shulk primes himself for an attack and, if attacked during it, will slow time for the attacker while he slashes at the attacker.

 Final Smash:

Shulk's Final Smash is a new one and, when activated sends out a ball of blue energy that, if it makes contact, calls upon Xenoblade Chronicles characters Riki & Dunban who will continually attack any opponent for a short time, until the attack ends and the opponent is sent back, with significant knockback.

Custom Moves

Coming soon.

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