Princess Zelda

Name: Princess Zelda

Game Series: The Legend of Zelda
First Appearance: The Legend of Zelda (1986)

Unlock Criteria:

  • Starting Character

3DS Screenshots

Wii U Screenshots

Alternate Costumes

Special Moves

Neutral SpecialNayru's Love

Zelda's neutral special has Zelda surrounded in an energy field. This energy field is capable of reflecting any projectiles that hit it while it is in use. If used when an enemy is touching it or Zelda, the enemy will receive several hits of minor damage.

Side SpecialDin's Fire

Zelda's side special has Zelda send out a ball of fire. While the button is held down, you have the ability to control the trajectory and position of the fire ball and when you let go of it, you will unleash damage onto anyone caught in the blast vicinity.

Up SpecialFarore's Wind

Zelda's up special has Zelda spin in a veil of energy and teleport upwards in the direction the control stick is facing. If anyone touches the energy around Zelda, they will receive damage.

Down SpecialPhantom

Zelda's new down special is based upon the Phantom in the Zelda game, Phantom Hourglass. When used, this brings out a Phantom knight forwards to slash at the enemy or take hits from moves or projectiles.

 Final Smash: Light Arrow

Zelda's Final Smash remains unchanged from Super Smash Bros. Brawl and has Zelda get out a bow and prepare a Light Arrow. The Light Arrow is then shot forwards making for a fine-tuned horizontal beam causing massive damage and give serious knockback.


Custom Moves

Coming soon.

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