Tuesday: Pokémon Sun & Moon Latest Information + Pokémon Shuffle Events + Pokémon Comaster
19-07-2016 07:03 BST / 02:03 EDT by Serebii
This update may be updated throughout the day. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
With the generation continuing and Nationals coming up globally, and the Chatroom has been rife with discussion while the WiFi Chatroom has been a place for battles, trades and Friend Safari hunting, so be sure to visit them. Our Forums have also had these discussion and are a bustling trade and competitive section for the games. Be sure to like our FaceBook Page.
Last Update: 15:39 BST
Edit @ 09:55: Pokémon Comaster | Edit @ 10:05: Pokémon Sun & Moon | Edit @ 10:34: Sun & Moon Pre-Order Bonuses | Edit @ 14:01: Sun & Moon News
In The Games Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon
It has been confirmed that the next batch of Pokémon Sun & Moon information is to be released on the official sites tonight at 22:00 JST, which is 14:00 BST, 15:00 CEST, 09:00 EDT & 06:00 PDT. It's not currently known what information will be revealed at this time but be sure to keep checking back for news
Edit @ 14:02: Some new Pokémon have been revealed: Wimpod which is Bug/Water with the ability Wimp Out which when this Pokémon’s HP drops below half in battle, it will run away or swap out for another Pokémon., Bounsweet which is Grass with Leaf Guard & Oblivous, Comfey, Fairy-type with Flower Veil and Triage, which makes restorative moves gain the highest priority in battle., Mudsdale which is Ground with the abilities Own Tempo & Stamina which increases the Pokémon’s Defense goes up by 1 when it’s hit by an attack.. Mimikyu keeps its Japanese name and its ability Disguise which allows it to escape damage from an enemy’s attack just one time, and then its appearance changes. The bear Pokémon is called Bewear. Its ability Fluffy halves the damage taken from attacks that make direct contact, but in return it also doubles the damage taken from Fire-type moves.
You can also host your own competitions on the Pokémon Global Link
A new mode called Hyper Training is announced. With Hyper Training, Pokémon that have grown to Lv. 100 will be able to increase their individual strengths (IVs), which has never been possible before. It utilises Bottle Caps as an item in order to boost the stats. Magearna will be given one when distributed
Edit @ 14:23: Updated our Pokémon Listing
Edit @ 14:35: Updated our New Attacks page, Abilities Page & Pre-Release Screenshot Page
Edit @ 15:00: Created a page for Hyper Training
Edit @ 15:12: The customisable rules in Pokémon Global Link hosted tournaments are as follows
Name - The Name of the competition
Description - The Description of the competition
Ruleset - Currently only Singles & Doubles are listed
Pokédex - Currently can select Alola Pokédex or National Pokédex
Restrictions - Can choose whether to be Pokémon Sun/Moon only or to include Pokémon transfered via Pokémon Bank
Duration - The length of the competition
Timer - The duration of battles | 10 minutes or 30 minutes.
Battles Per Day - The number of battles allowed per day
Competition Type - Public or Private
Participating Trainers - Everyone or Specified Trainers, with a selection allowing you to specify trainers
Edit @ 15:21: Created a page for the Pokémon Global Link
Edit @ 15:39: The Japanese site elaborates and states that Magearna is holding a Silver Bottle Cap
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In The Games Department
Pokémon Sun & Moon
Some more pre-order bonuses have been revealed for Pokémon Sun & Moon. This time it pertains to a serial code distribution. If you pre-order the games at ShopTo in the UK or Gamestop in Italy, you will receive a serial code that can be redeemed to receive a set of 12 Quick Balls in your Pokémon Sun or Moon game. We'll provide more pre-order bonuses as they come
In The Games Department
Pokémon Shuffle - Events
A few brand new challenges have begun on Pokémon Shuffle and Pokémon Shuffle Mobile.
First, a Mega Manectric competitive stage has begun and will last until July 26th. The top 22,000 in North America, 60,000 in Japan, 15,000 in Europe will get the Manectite and a Disruption Delay. However, if you're in the top 5,600 in North America, 15,000 in Japan or 3,800 in Europe you will also get a Mega Speedup and if you're in the top 1,800 in North America, 5,000 in Japan, 1,200 in Europe, you will get a Mega Speedup and a Raise Max Level. If you don't get the Manectric but are in the top 30,000 in North America, 80,000 in Japan, 20,000 in Europe, you'll get an Attack Power and a Disruption Delay. All other players get an Attack Power
Next, the Rhyperior stage has begun a run until August 2nd 2016
Next, the Palkia stage has begun a repeat run until August 2nd 2016. It may drop Palkia Skill Boosters
Next, the Landorus stage has begun a repeat run until July 26th 2016. It may drop Landorus Therian Forme Skill Boosters
Next, the Bellossom stage has begun a repeat run until July 26th 2016. It may drop Bellossom Skill Boosters
Finally, Daily Pokémon (#2) is begining a repeat run for Druddigon, Pachirisu, Sigilyph, Tropius & Farfetch'd until August 2nd. If you chave obtained the Pokémon, you may receive coins in the stages.
All of these require the version 1.3.15 to download. Our Pokémon listings have been updated with these Pokémon
In The Games Department
Pokémon Comaster - Login Bonus
It has been announced that the smartphone title, Pokémon Comaster, has been downloaded 1 million times. To celebrate, some special Login Bonuses are to be given every day from tomorrow until August 2nd. These bonuses include Diamonds, Trevo Tickets, Ingots and Rare Metal items.