Purification Chambers are a new function brought in to Pokémon XD in order to help you Purify Pokémon Easier. There are 9 of them and they're situated in the Pokémon HQ Lab

When you enter you will start off in an empty room. You need to access your Pokémon Box and start placing Pokémon in. You can put up to 4 Pokémon in the circle and they HAVE to be Purified or Non Shadow Pokémon

What you have to do is add Pokémon so that there are type advantages going Clockwise so each Pokémon is Super Effective on the Pokémon next to it such as Ground, Fire, Grass, Water, which makes a loop

If you put 4 Pokémon in and they're all super effective their tempo is maximum and it will take less time to Purify a Pokémon so throw one in the middle and watch as your Pokémon start to purify. You can leave while this is happening and come back to retrieve your Pokémon. You can do this for up to 9 Shadow Pokémon at a time

This is also the only way to Purify Shadow Lugia. You need all 9 Chambers to have the Maximum Tempo possible and then place Lugia in any one of them. It will be automatically purified as soon as you place it in