Pokémon Eggs

Pokémon Eggs make a return in Pokémon GO and work in a manner much similar to the main games. Getting Pokémon Eggs is very simple; just go to a PokéStop and you'll have a chance to get a Pokémon Egg at it until you have 9 Eggs. You can tell the distance required by the colour of the eggs: Green 2km, Orange 5km and Purple 10km

Unlike the main games, you can't just have a Pokémon Egg with you for it to hatch. In this game, you need to use an Egg Incubator item. While you get one Egg Incubator from the get-go, you also can find others by levelling up or by purchasing them with your PokéCoins. The purchasable Egg Incubators have a use limit, though, meaning you can't just load up and be done. Each purchased Egg Incubator can hatch 3 Eggs while the one you get as standard can hatch an infinite amount of eggs.

Hatching eggs is a very worthwhile thing to do as many eggs hatch into Pokémon that you could have a hard time finding in your area.

Hatching Eggs

Hatching Eggs is done just like the main games in that you have to walk in order to hatch the egg. Each egg has got a set distance that needs to be traversed before the egg will hatch. Unfortunately, there is no way of speeding this up using a Pokémon. You need to have the app open while walking for the distance to count. If the app is closed, then the egg will not hatch.

In addition to this, if you end up travelling by a vehicle such as planes, trains and automobiles, the distance will not be counted. The game can detect how fast you move due to the GPS and will not register that distance for the Egg.

When the egg hatches, you'll get experience for hatching the egg being the distance travelled times 100 so 200, 500 or 1000 XP and, if it's a new Pokémon, you'll get 500 more XP. You will also receive a number of candies for the evolution line. This ranges from 5 to 40 candies randomly, based on the CP of the hatched Pokémon.

Pokémon Egg List

Anchors 2km 5km 7km 10km 12km
No. Pic Name Type Egg Distance Max CP At Hatch

2km Distance Eggs

Shiny Capable
2km 770
Shiny Capable
2km 305
Shiny Capable
2km 744
Shiny Capable
2km 489
Shiny Capable
2km 855
Shiny Capable
2km 814
Shiny Capable
2km 488

5km Distance Eggs

Shiny Capable
5km 632
Shiny Capable
5km 855
Shiny Capable
5km 529
Shiny Capable
5km 778
Shiny Capable
5km 1475
Shiny Capable
5km 1234
Grookey 5km 620
Scorbunny 5km 627
Sobble 5km 627

7km Distance Eggs

Meowth (Alola Form)
Shiny Capable
7km 455
Meowth (Galarian Form)
Shiny Capable
7km 591
Grimer (Alola Form)
Shiny Capable
7km 785
Voltorb (Hisuian Form)
Shiny Capable
7km 577
Qwilfish (Hisuian Form)
Shiny Capable
7km 1220
Corsola (Galarian Form)
Shiny Capable
7km 855
Darumaka (Galarian Form)
Shiny Capable
7km 824

10km Distance Eggs

Shiny Capable
10km 855
Carbink 10km 838
Shiny Capable
10km 553
Dreepy 10km 438
Shiny Capable
10km 418
Frigibax 10km 713

12km Distance Eggs

Shiny Capable
12km 594
Shiny Capable
12km 592
Shiny Capable
Routes - 7km 819
Shiny Capable
12km 726
Shiny Capable
12km 606
Shiny Capable
12km 850
Salandit 12km 641
Varoom 12km 650

Adventure Sync 5km Distance Eggs

Shiny Capable
Adventure Sync - 5km 1204
Shiny Capable
Adventure Sync - 5km 738
Shiny Capable
Adventure Sync - 5km 874
Shiny Capable
Adventure Sync - 5km 1081
Shiny Capable
Adventure Sync - 5km 567
Shiny Capable
Adventure Sync - 5km 713

Adventure Sync 10km Distance Eggs

Shiny Capable
Adventure Sync - 10km 660
Shiny Capable
Adventure Sync - 10km 635
Shiny Capable
Adventure Sync - 10km 1270
Shiny Capable
10km 553
Shiny Capable
10km 418
Frigibax 10km 713

Mateo 7km Distance Eggs

Vulpix (Alola Form)
Shiny Capable
Routes - 7km 504
Sneasel (Hisuian Form)
Shiny Capable
Routes - 7km 1172
Corsola (Galarian Form)
Shiny Capable
7km 855
Basculin (White-Striped Form)
Shiny Capable
Routes - 7km 1194
Shiny Capable
Routes - 7km 819


Click Here for all previous Egg Pools.