Pokémon Abilities
Like the previous Pokémon Rumble, Rumble Blast features Pokémon who have special abilities. These abilities are not changeable and come randomly on the Pokémon when you obtain them. They are denoted by a pink name and description of the ability. Most of these are found randomly, but a variety of Pokémon obtained via password will have a special ability, some of which can only be obtained herthrough that method. You will only encounter Pokémon with abilities after you have reached Chapter 3
The abilities typically are beneficial, allowing for boosts in the strengths or defences of the Pokémon you use in the levels. Typically, they are restricted to only boost the Pokémon itself, but some Pokémon have abilities which do boost all Pokémon when in multiplayer or Team Battles. This page will detail all of the abilities and what they do
Ability | Japanese Name | Effect |
* Boost | *アップ | Increases damage from Specific-type moves |
* Boost + | *アップ+ | Further ncreases damage from Specific-type moves |
Chop Chop | にとうりゅう | You can fire off moves A and B alternately in succession. |
Punch | アタック | Raises the Pokémon's Attack |
Turbo | れんしゃ | The move will keep firing for a short period while you keep holding down the button |
Rapid Fire+ | れんしゃ+ | The move will keep firing for a longer period while you keep holding down the button |
PokéTC | ポケスマ | Boosts strength of self & partners in multiplayer |
Effective | ばつぐん | When hit by a super-effective move, damage goes up against an opponent not receiving that move. |
Superstar | スーパースター | "Cool & Popular". Makes the Pokémon more of a target |
Speedy | かいそく | Pokémon moves faster. |
Healthy | しぜんちゆ | Pokémon heals by 1% of maximum HP every second. |
Lucky | ゴージャス | Doubles the amount of "P" enemies drop. |
Perky | たちなおり | Heals from Status Afflictions quicker. |
Unstoppable | いたみしらず | You move later, but your opponent cannot stop you with a move. |
Greedy | コレクター | Allows access to P located further away. |
Gutsy | ノックアウト | Opponents become dizzy easier. |
Techie | わざし | Moves with low power are stronger. |
Feisty | つきはなし | Pushes Pokémon away easier. |
Slugger | おおぶり | Moves are slower but have longer range. |
Slugger + | おおぶり+ | Moves are slower but have longer range. |
Mighty | かんろく | Stops you being blown away by opponents. |
Brawny | タフネス | Increases Hit Points by 50%. |
Resistence | タフネス | Status Afflictions last longer. |
Barrier | バリヤー | Can't be hit by Super Effective hits. |
Hardy | ディフェンス | Increases the defence of the Pokémon. |
Sluggish | ゆっくり | Your moves are slower. |
Reflection | はんしゃ | Reflects bad status afflictions onto the opponent. |
Macho | つよがり | Strength is increased when playing with friends. |
Scourge | たたり | Lowers opponents speed when hit by an attack. |
Rally | ムードメーカー | Friends strength is increased. |
Boomer | ばくはつ | Explosions by this Pokémon are larger. |
Tangling | しばり | Restrains enemies easier |
Daring | むこうみず | Attack is raised while Defence is lowered |
Spiky | とげとげ | Damages the opponent on physical contact |
Skittish | にげごし | Lowers damage when HP lowers |
Poisonous | どくもち | May cause the opponent to get poisoned on contact |
Resiliant | きあい | May be left with 1 Hit Point if it was to be knocked out |
Snappy | Attacks faster | |
Jinxed | きあい | Slows the opponents |
Lingers | ながもち | Any Status change lingers longer |
Adept | ながもち | Avoids negative effects including recoil |
Lobber | ロングレンジ | Increases damage on long distance moves |
Steady | がんこ | Not affected by any Status Changes. |
Steely | Inflicts more damage when it has a status problem | |
Picky | Only can have one move. Has Punchy, Techie and Snappy | |
Grappler | ショートレンジ | Increases damage on close range moves |
Unruly | ショートレンジ | Increases damage when moving into foes while attacking |
Rusty | どくもち | Rusty Pokémon. Has only Struggle. When cleaned in the fountain, it gets a new trait and move |

Special Abilities
As you progress through the game, you'll start encountering more and more abilities. However, as you near the end of the game, you will start seeing Pokémon with abilities labelled in Blue as opposed to Pink. These abilities are special and give the Pokémon several different traits. However, some of them require you to complete certain tasks to obtain them
Ability | Japanese Name | Effect | Unlocked By |
Brave (Pink) | ゆうしゃ | Increases strength by 300 Points | Finish Game |
Super | スーパー | Has 1 to 6 different traits; Attack, Defense, Speedy, Brawny, Type Boost or Type Boost + | Have a Pokémon with the Brave ability |
Hyper | ハイパー | Has 1 to 6 different traits; Attack, Defense, Speedy, Brawny, Type Boost or Type Boost + | Have a Pokémon with the Brave ability |
Ultra | ウルトラ | Has 1 to 6 different traits; Attack, Defense, Speedy, Brawny, Type Boost or Type Boost + | Have a Pokémon with the Brave ability |
Great | グレート | Has 1 to 6 different traits; Attack, Defense, Speedy, Brawny, Type Boost or Type Boost + | Have a Pokémon with the Brave ability |
Special | スペシャル | Has 1 to 6 different traits; Attack, Defense, Speedy, Brawny, Type Boost or Type Boost + | Have a Pokémon with the Brave ability |
Miracle | ミラクル | Has 1 to 6 different traits; Attack, Defense, Speedy, Brawny, Type Boost or Type Boost + | Have a Pokémon with the Brave ability |
Marvelous | ワンダフル | Has 1 to 6 different traits; Attack, Defense, Speedy, Brawny, Type Boost or Type Boost + | Have a Pokémon with the Brave ability |
Nice | ナイス | Has 1 to 6 different traits; Attack, Defense, Speedy, Brawny, Type Boost or Type Boost + | Have a Pokémon with the Brave ability |
Good | グッド | Has 1 to 6 different traits; Attack, Defense, Speedy, Brawny, Type Boost or Type Boost + | Have a Pokémon with the Brave ability |
Excellent | エクセレント | Has 1 to 6 different traits; Attack, Defense, Speedy, Brawny, Type Boost or Type Boost + | Have a Pokémon with the Brave ability |
Epic (Pink) | レジェンド | Has many traits at once Increases likelihood of toys joining. Takes random special ability |
Defeat Cobalion World Rank 6+ |