Giovanni (Jp. Name: Sakai)
Hometown: Viridian City, Kanto
First Appearence In Episode: Battle Aboard The St. Anne
Giovanni, following in his Mother's footsteps, is the leader of the criminal organisation Team Rocket. While rarely seen, Giovanni is always behind the Team Rocket plans, however he does get frustrated with Team Rocket members Jessie & James. While he seldom battles, Giovanni for a while was in control of the Viridian City Gym. However behind this gym leading job, was a more sinister scheme, usually using the gym battles as a way of testing out Pokémon that he has stolen, or created such as Mewtwo. Giovanni is a rather intimidating person and an evil genius.nni
Giovanni was formally the Viridian City Gym Leader and is the head of the criminal organisation Team Rocket
Pokémon on Team
Pokémon Picture
Persian is not a battling Pokémon of Giovanni's, but rather more of a pet. Persian is always seen with Giovanni. Meowth often covets the position that Persian currently holds which has led to a rivalry with the two Pokémon.
Caught Prior To Episode: Battle Aboard The St Anne
One of the Pokémon that Giovanni uses in his gym battles, Kingler is a fairly strong Pokémon, however it was defeated easily enough by Gary's Arcanine but later provided a challenge for Ash when Jessie & James were utilising it.
Caught Prior To Episode: Battle For The Badge
Rhydon is another of Giovanni's Pokémon that he loaned to Jessie & James. Using it in a gym battle against Ash, Jessie & James managed to unlock Rhydon's power, however it started to get attacked by Pidgeotto and eventually defeated.
Caught Prior To Episode: Battle For The Badge
Machamp is the final Pokémon that Giovanni loaned to Jessie & James to look after the gym. Machamp is an incredibly strong Pokémon that managed to take out Ash's Squirtle with a single Karate Chop.
Caught Prior To Episode: Battle For The Badge
Golem was one of the Pokémon that Giovanni used in his gym battle against Gary. Using it's Rollout attack to try and damage Nidoking, Golem was quickly disposed of with a strong Horn Attack.
Caught Prior To Episode: Battle For The Badge
Giovanni's Cloyster was not seen in battle, however it was seen in a Tank in the room with all of Giovanni's other Pokémon.
Caught Prior To Episode: Battle For The Badge
Pokémon He Has Had
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Following his mother's previous involvement with Mew, Giovanni comissioned a science team to create an improved clone of Mew based on one of Mew's eyelashes. After Mewtwo destroyed New Island, Giovanni suggested working together with it to which Mewtwo agreed. Using it's powers against many gym battlers, including Gary, Mewtwo eventually got annoyed with being subserviant and broke free from Giovanni's control and returned to New Island. Several years later, Giovanni managed to track it down in Johto. Threatening the other Pokémon in the area, Giovanni persuaded Mewtwo to rejoin him, however eventually, with the help of Ash & Co. Mewtwo managed to escape from Giovanni's control.
Caught in Movie: Mewtwo Strike's Back
Lost in Movie: Mewtwo Strike's Back
Re Captured in Special Episode: Mewtwo Returns
Lost Again in Special Episode: Mewtwo Returns