Following on from the success of Pokémon Origins, Pokémon Generations is a series of 18 3 to 5 minutes shorts, available straight on Youtube, focused on various special instances of the games such as Championship battles, legendary Pokémon and more. These episodes all have a different focus, with a different character as the lead and showcase many of the Pokémon.
Episode 1: The Adventure
Episode 2: The Chase
Episode 3: The Challenger
Episode 4: The Lake of Rage
Episode 5: The Legacy
Episode 6: The Reawakening
Episode 7: The Vision
Episode 8: The Cavern
Episode 9: The Scoop
Episode 10: The Old Chateau
Episode 11: The New World
Episode 12: The Magma Stone
Episode 13: The Uprising
Episode 14: The Frozen World
Episode 15: The King Returns
Episode 16: The Beauty Eternal
Episode 17: The Investigation
Episode 18: The Redemption