Monday: Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - Tera Raid Battle Event + Pokémon Masters EX - Five Friends' Treasure Hunt + Pokémon Café ReMix

17-02-2025 00:00 GMT / 19:00 EST by Serebii.

This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 06:00 GMT
Edit @ 06:00: Pokémon Masters EX

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

In The Games Department

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

The next Tera Raid Battle event has been announced for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This event will feature a focus on the Pokémon Walking Wake if you play Pokémon Scarlet or Iron Leaves if you play Pokémon Violet. These will be in 5 Star Raids and can only be caught once. If previously caught, you can't catch another
This event will run from 00:00 UTC on February 21st through 23:59 UTC on February 27th

Pokémon Masters - Five Friends' Treasure Hunt

In The Games Department

Pokémon Masters EX - Story Event

The "Five Friends' Treasure Hunt" Story Event has begun a run in Pokémon Masters EX. This event focuses on Juliana and Florian both arriving in Pasio. it runs until March 29th 2025
To tie in with that, a new Master Fair Scout is available to get the Sync Pair of Juliana & Koraidon
We're currently compiling all details in our Five Friends' Treasure Hunt event section

Pokémon Masters - Blue & Arcanine

In The Games Department

Pokémon Masters EX - Special Sync Pair Event

The "Clavell & Sprigatito" Special Sync Pair Event has begun a run in Pokémon Masters EX. This event is a new Sync Pair Event and is focused around getting you vouchers to exchange for items to power up the Sync Pair of Clavell (Alt.) & Sprigatito, adding it into the game.
We're currently compiling all details in our Clavell & Sprigatito event section
In addition to this, the Riley & Lucario Special Sync Pair Event has begun a repeat run.

Pokémon 2019

In The Anime Department

Pokémon Horizons - News

The second set of episodes for Pokémon Horizons Season 2: The Search for Laqua have been released in the UK on BBC iPlayer. This contains the next 11 episodes and follows the conclusion of the arc where Liko, Dot and Roy join the Naranja Academy and participate in Terastallisation Training

Pokémon Café ReMix

In The Games Department

Pokémon Café ReMix

Another new Vee Vee's Cooking Class Team Event has begun in Pokémon Café ReMix. This is a Team Event where all players on the team work together to finish stages and earn points to get a variety of rewards including Tarts. This event runs until February 20th 2025
Alongside this, a new Special Pass is now live in the shop to offer a chance to get Inteleon by earning stars for completing stages

Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Pokémon TCG - Hot Air Arena + Pokémon GO - Special Research

16-02-2025 06:02 GMT / 01:02 EST by Serebii.

This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 13:00 GMT
Edit @ 08:05: Pokémon TCG | Edit @ 13:00: Pokémon of the Week

Pokémon TCG

In The TCG Department

Pokémon Trading Card Game

The latest set of cards for the new Pokémon TCG Set, Hot Air Arena, have been officially revealed at the Pokémon TCG City League in Fukuoka. These cards are focused on the Pokémon used by Cynthia
We're currently compiling full details in our Hot Air Arena section, with thanks to ToineLay for help in the translation

Pokémon GO

In The Games Department

Pokémon GO

The next pages in the Pokémon GO Dual Destiny Special Research are now rolling out from 10:00 local time today. This Special Research is running throughout the season and offers a variety of rewards including Poffin. We have added all details into our Dual Destiny Special Research section

Pokémon of the Week - Iron Hands

In The Pokémon of the Week Department

Who's That Pokémon

Today marks the one hundred and seventeenth entry into the Generation IX competitive field with a Paldea Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Mestorn,. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the ninth generation. It is very similar to a cyborg covered exclusively by a paranormal magazine. The cyborg was said to be the modified form of a certain athlete. This Pokémon shares many similarities with Iron Hands, an object mentioned in a certain expedition journal. So, here it is, the one hundred and seventeenth Pokémon, Iron Hands

Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Pokémon Masters EX - Juliana & Florian Reveal + Pokémon GO - Hoopa Unbound Raid Day

15-02-2025 00:00 GMT / 19:00 EST by Serebii.

This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 07:04 GMT
Edit @ 07:04: Pokémon Masters EX

Pokémon Masters EX

In The Games Department

Pokémon Masters EX

Pokémon Masters EX has announced the next event. This event is the Five Friends' Treasure Hunt event and introduces the Sync Pair of Juliana & Koraidon and Florian & Miraidon into the game. It runs from February 17th 2025
Alongside this a special Sync Pair Event is going to run to give the Sync Pair of Clavell (Alt.) & Sprigatito

Pokémon GO - Hoopa Unbound Raid Day

In The Games Department

Pokémon GO - Raid Day

The latest Raid Day is rolling out in Pokémon GO. For three hours in each region, Hoopa Unbound will appear in Raids on each Gym in the area. In addition to that, Hoopa Unbound's form can now be changed to Hoopa Confined regardless on if you completed the Research in 2021, and Hoopa Unbound can now be sent to Pokémon HOME
With this, you will get up to 5 extra Raid Passes from Gyms and can participate in up to 20 Remote Raid a day.
A paid ticket is also available that gives increased experience as well as another 8 additional free Raid Passes from Gyms.
It runs from 2pm to 5pm in your local time.
We have full details on our Hoopa Unbound Raid Day page

Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - Milcery Raid Event + Pokémon TCG - Starter Sets + PokéToon + Pokémon TCG Pocket - New Event + Pokémon Rayquaza Rising - Episode Details

14-02-2025 00:00 GMT / 19:00 EST by Serebii.

This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 10:49 GMT
Edit @ 05:18: Pokémon TCG | Edit @ 06:00: Pokémon TCG Pocket, Pokémon Masters & Pokémon Café ReMix Events | Edit @ 09:11: PokéToon | Edit @ 10;49: Episode Details

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - Milcery Raids

In The Games Department

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

The latest Tera Raid Battle event is now live in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This is the special Raid event which offers 5 Star Raid Battles against Milcery with various Tera Types offering a variety of rewards including Sweets.
This event runs until February 16th 2025 at 23:59 UTC
We're currently compiling all details of the event so be sure to keep checking back
Edit @ 00:08: We have updated our section with full details of this Tera Raid Battle Event.

Pokémon TCG

In The TCG Department

Pokémon Trading Card Game

The Pokémon Company have revealed all the cards for the coming Starter Sets featuring Marnie's Pokémon and Steven's Pokémon, which are due for release in Japan next week. These cards include more of their Pokémon including Marnie's Scrafty and Steven's Skarmory.
We've begun adding the cards to our Card Database with help from ToineLay for translation. You can find them in their corresponding links below
Starter Set ex Marnie's Morpeko & Grimmsnarl ex
Starter Set ex Steven's Beldum & Metagross ex


In The Anime Department


The latest PokéToon from the second series is now available. This short is called Murkrow and the Midnight Adventure and features the story of a boy who lost his memory and the wild Pokémon try to help him
We have added details and an embed into our section for this short

The Place Where Heaven and Earth Meet

In The Anime Department

Pokémon Horizons

The latest episode has aired in Japan today. This episode features Liko, Dot and Roy find a village by a mountain in their search for Laqua. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.

Pokémon TCG Pocket - Wonder Pick Event

In The Games Department

Pokémon TCG Pocket - Wonder Pick Event

The latest Pokémon TCG Pocket event is now live. This event is the second part of the Wonder Pick event featuring Chimchar & Togepi and features the addition of new missions and new cosmetic items. It runs until February 21st 2025.
We're currently compiling all details in our Wonder Pick Event Part 2 event section

Pokémon Sleep

In The Games Department

Pokémon Sleep

Pokémon Sleep has started distributing a special gift to all players. From now until March 4th at 04:00 UTC, if you log in to the game you will receive a special gift of 5 Ingredient Ticket S, 5 Poké Biscuits, 20 Soothing Cacao and 20 Rousing Coffee.

Pokémon Café ReMix

In The Games Department

Pokémon Café ReMix

Pokémon Café ReMix has begun the next event. This event is the Cyndaquil the Confectioner event and adds Cyndaquil (Confectioner) into the game. This event is a Cooking Festival event where players in a team work together to earn Likes to defeat Team Crunch
Alongside this, a new Delivery Focus is live to get Hisuian Typhlosion (Confectioner) and another to get Froslass (Royal Winter) & Slowpoke (Cozy)
We have begun compiling all details in our Cyndaquil the Confectioner event section

Pokémon Masters - Go, Go, Team Flare

In The Games Department

Pokémon Masters EX - Villain Event

The "Go, Go, Team Flare" Villain Event has begun a repeat run in Pokémon Masters EX. This event has you play against Team Flare in some stages to earn vouchers to exchange for items. It runs until February 26th 2025
We're currently compiling all details in our Go, Go, Team Flare event section
In addition to that, a repeat of the Extreme Battle Event has also begun

Pokémon UNITE

In The Games Department

Pokémon UNITE

Pokémon UNITE has received a new patch in order to alter a variety of Pokémon with various adjustments to Galarian Rapidash to adjust its balance after it was found to have too high a win ratio. We've begun compiling all the changes of this patch in our Patch section

Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Pokémon UNITE - Holowear + Pokémon Café ReMix - Delivery + Pokémon GO - Osaka Expo 2025

13-02-2025 05:45 GMT / 00:45 EST by Serebii.

This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 06:00 GMT
Edit @ 06:00: Pokémon Café ReMix

Pokémon UNITE

In The Games Department

Pokémon UNITE

Two new piece of Holowear has been released for Pokémon UNITE through a special event Treasure Chest mission. This is the New Year Festival Holowear for Blastoise. It is Premium Holowear with many unique animations.
The other is Colored Suit Style for Psyduck. This Holowear is 1290 Gems with an animation for movement

Pokémon GO

In The Games Department

Pokémon GO

Niantic have announced a collaboration as part of the special Expo 2025 being held in Osaka this year. From April 13th through October 13th, at select parts of the Osaka-Kansai Expo site, various Pokémon will spawn in the game, specifically Pikachu, Snorlax, Meowth and Unown E, Unown X, Unown P and Unown O. There will also be special photo spots to take photos in the AR Snapshot feature of the game

Pokémon Café ReMix

In The Games Department

Pokémon Café ReMix

Pokémon Café ReMix has announced the next Delivery Focus. This will add the special Confectioner outfit for Hisuian Typhlosion into the game which has the Candy Jar & Chocolate gimmicks. It runs from Friday, February 14th 2025 and will be of use in the Cyndaquil the Confectioner event

Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Pokémon HOME - Shiny Keldeo & Meltan Distributions + Pokémon Masters EX - Battle! Friends From Kalos + Pokémon Café ReMix - Next Event

12-02-2025 05:19 GMT / 00:19 EST by Serebii.

This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 21:04 GMT
Edit @ 06:00: Pokémon HOME, Café ReMix & Pokémon Masters | Edit @ 21:04: Pokémon GO x MLB

Pokémon HOME - Shiny Manaphy & Enamorus Distributions

In The Games Department

Pokémon HOME - Shiny Keldeo & Meltan Distributions

A new distribution has begun for Pokémon HOME. This distribution is the fourth and fifth Pokédex completion tasks which unlock if you complete the Pokédex inside Pokémon HOME
If you complete the Galar Pokédex, the Isle of Armor Pokédex and the Crown Tundra Pokédex for Pokémon Sword & Shield you will get given a Shiny Keldeo. This is the first time it has been available
If you complete the Kanto Pokédex for Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu & Let's Go, Eevee, you will get given a Shiny Meltan
We have updated our Event Database with details of this event

Pokémon Café ReMix

In The Games Department

Pokémon Café ReMix

Pokémon Café ReMix has announced the next event. This event adds Cyndaquil's Confectioner outfit into the game and is a Cooking Festival event where you face off against Team Crunch to get rewards. It runs from Friday, February 14th 2025

Pokémon Masters - Battle! Friends from Kalos

In The Games Department

Pokémon Masters EX - Villain Event

The "Battle! Friends from Kalos" Villain Event has begun a repeat run in Pokémon Masters EX. This event has you play against some stages to earn vouchers to exchange for items. It runs until February 26th 2025
We're currently compiling all details in our Battle! Friends from Kalos event section
In addition to that, a repeat of the Into the Blazing Chamber Extreme Battle Event has also begun
Finally, to tie in, a new Poké Fair Scout is live to get the Sync Pairs of Emma & Crobat, Anabel & Snorlax, Lysandre (Sygna Suit) & Volcanion & Diantha (Sygna Suit) & Shiny Diancie

Pokémon GO

In The Games Department

Pokémon GO

Niantic have confirmed that, as of the Hoopa Unbound Raid Day on February 15th, all players will be able to change Hoopa's Form between Hoopa Confined and Hoopa Unbound regardless on if they completed the Special Research several years ago that unlocked it. It's also been announced that Hoopa Unbound will be transferrable to Pokémon HOME starting with this event

Pokémon GO

In The Games Department

Pokémon GO

Niantic have announced a special collaboration between Pokémon GO and Major League Baseball. For the rest of the 2025 season, there will be special in-game avatar items, Timed Research and unique Raid Battles featuring Location Backgrounds for a variety of MLB matches. They will take place at the following home games
Cleveland Guardians – Friday, May 9, 2025
Seattle Mariners – Wednesday, July 2, 2025
Miami Marlins – Friday, July 18, 2025
Milwaukee Brewers – Friday, July 25, 2025
San Diego Padres – Monday, July 28, 2025
Arizona Diamondbacks – Sunday, August 10, 2025
Chicago White Sox – Monday, August 11, 2025
Baltimore Orioles – Wednesday, August 13, 2025
New York Mets – Monday, August 25, 2025
Boston Red Sox – Friday, August 29, 2025
San Francisco Giants – Friday, August 29, 2025
Minnesota Twins – Sunday, August 31, 2025
Texas Rangers – Sunday, September 7, 2025

Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Pokémon Sleep - Good Sleep Day + Pokémon Masters EX - Sweet and Fancy + Pokémon GO - Beloved Buddies

11-02-2025 00:00 GMT / 19:00 EST by Serebii.

This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 18:00 GMT
Edit @ 06:00: Pokémon Masters EX | Edit @ 18;00: Pokémon GO Community Day

Pokémon GO

In The Games Department

Pokémon GO

Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO Community Day on March 8th 2025 will focus on Fuecoco, introducing its Shiny into the game. This event will 3* Catch Stardust, 2* Catch Experience and double the chance to get XL Candy as well as 3 hours Incense and Lure Modules.
It will also give out the move Blast Burn and Torch Song to Skeledirge. You will be able to purchase a ticket to receive Special Research which offers multiple encounters with Fuecoco including 3 with a Special Background and the Special Background Timed Research will be free to all players and offer an encounter with Fuecoco with the Special Background.
The Community Day runs at 2pm to 5pm in each local time zone

Pokémon Sleep

In The Games Department

Pokémon Sleep

The latest Pokémon Sleep Good Sleep Day event is starting to roll out. This event runs from 04:00 local time today until 03:59 local time on February 14th and features bonus Drowsy Power and Pokémon Experience for every Sleep Research that begins during this time period. This will give *1.5 Drowsy Power on February 11th and 13th and *3 Drowsy Power on February 12th
It also features increased spawns for Cleffa, Clefairy & Clefable
We have all details to our Good Sleep Day Event Page

Pokémon Masters - Sweet & Fancy

In The Games Department

Pokémon Masters EX - Special Sync Pair Event

The "Sweet & Fancy" Special Sync Pair Event has begun a repeat run in Pokémon Masters EX. This event has you play through stages to earn rewards which include making up a Sync Pair between Main Character & one of seven Alcremie, one of which has been introduced with this event rerun. It runs until February 25th
We're currently compiling all details in our Sweet & Fancy event section

Pokémon GO - New Year's Event

In The Games Department

Pokémon GO

The next Pokémon GO event is rolling out globally. This is the Beloved Buddies Event featuring the addition of Dhelmise into the game. It runs from 10:00 local time through 20:00 local time on February 15th.
We have full details in our Beloved Buddies Event event section

Pokémon Café ReMix

In The Games Department

Pokémon Café ReMix

The Pokémon Café ReMix event, Collect with Gholdengo, has made its fortnightly return. This event has Gimmighoul appear as icons in the stages. If you collect them, you can earn rewards including Gholdengo. It runs until February 14th at 05:59 UTC
We have details in our Collect with Gholdengo event page

Until Next Time, See Ya

Monday: Pokémon Sleep - Valentine's Day Event

10-02-2025 00:00 GMT / 19:00 EST by Serebii.

This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 20:00 GMT
Edit @ 06:00: Pokémon Masters EX | Edit @ 18:00: Pokémon GO | Edit @ 20:00: Beloved Buddies

Pokémon Sleep

In The Games Department

Pokémon Sleep

The latest major Pokémon Sleep event, the Valentine's Day event is rolling out. This event runs until 03:59 local time on February 17th 03:59. This event features an increase of spawns for various Pokémon with certain ingredients and Snorlax having a speciality in Desserts and introduces Paldean Wooper from 15:00 local time today. It runs in all islands with different boosted spawns depending on the island.
We have all details to our Valentine's Day Event Page

Pokémon GO

In The Games Department

Pokémon GO

Niantic have announced the next season's Pokémon GO Community Days and dates for special events at the weekends
Saturday March 8, 2025
Saturday March 22, 2025 (Community Day Classic)
Sunday April 27, 2025
Sunday May 11, 2025
Saturday May 24, 2025 (Community Day Classic)
They have also released some dates for special events happening throughout the next season
Saturday and Sunday March 8–9, 2025 (Max Battle Weekend)
Sunday March 16, 2025 (Catch Mastery)
Sunday March 23, 2025 (Raid Day)
Saturday March 29, 2025 (Research Day)
Saturday April 5, 2025 (Raid Day)
Sunday April 6, 2025 (Hatch Day)
Sunday April 13, 2025 (Raid Day)
Saturday April 19, 2025 (Max Battle Day)
Saturday May 3, 2025 (Raid Day)
Saturday May 17, 2025 (Shadow Raid Day)
Sunday May 25, 2025 (Max Battle Day)

Pokémon GO - Beloved Buddies Event

In The Games Department

Pokémon GO

The next Pokémon GO event is rolling out in Asia Pacific regions. This event is the Beloved Buddies event which focuses on Dhelmise's introduction and various buddy boosts. It runs from 10:00 local time on February 11th through 20:00 local time on February 15th.
We are compiling full details in our Beloved Buddies event section

Pokémon Masters - Battle with a Theme Team

In The Games Department

Pokémon Masters EX - Special Battle Event

The Pokémon Masters EX Battle with a Theme Team Special Battle Event is now live. This event has daily added battles against several teams with special boosts given to Sync Pairs of certain Theme Skills.
We have full details in our Battle with a Theme Team event section

Until Next Time, See Ya

Sunday: Pokémon GO - Karrablast & Shelmet Community Day + Pokémon Café ReMix - Event Bingo

09-02-2025 00:00 GMT / 19:00 EST by Serebii.

This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 13:00 GMT
Edit @ 06:00: Pokémon Café ReMix | Edit @ 13:00: Pokémon of the Week

Pokémon GO

In The Games Department

Pokémon GO - Community Day

The Pokémon GO Community Day is rolling out globally. For three hours in each region, Karrablast & Shelmet will appear, en masse, in Pokémon GO. During this event, when you evolve Karrablast and Shelmet, the evolutions will have a unique move. This coincides with 3* Catch Experience, 2* Catch Candy, 3 hour Incense and more. This runs at these times:
It runs from 2pm to 5pm in your local time.
We have full details on our Karrablast & Shelmet Community Day page

Pokémon Café ReMix

In The Games Department

Pokémon Café ReMix

The final bingo panel is now live for Pokémon Café ReMix's current event, Pancham the Dim Sum Chef. This panel gives a number of tasks which give you Rainbow Swirl Alcremie's Stylish New Year outfit when completed. These need to be completed before the event ends on February 14th 2025
We have full details in our Pancham the Dim Sum Chef event page

Pokémon of the Week - Alomomola

In The Pokémon of the Week Department

Who's That Pokémon

Today marks the one hundred and sixteenth entry into the Generation IX competitive field with a Unova Pokémon. These entries are created by the visitors for the visitors and then compiled by our writers Mestorn,. To get involved, Click here for the discussion forum
Today, we are covering a Pokémon introduced in the fifth generation. It gently holds injured and weak Pokémon in its fins. Its special membrane heals their wounds. They float upon the open sea. Many water Pokémon gather in the area around Alomomola. So, here it is, the one hundred and sixteenth Pokémon, Alomomola

Until Next Time, See Ya

Saturday: Pokémon Masters EX - Next Event

08-02-2025 08:00 GMT / 03:00 EST by Serebii.

This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 08:00 GMT

Pokémon Masters EX

In The Games Department

Pokémon Masters EX

Pokémon Masters EX has announced the next event. This event, Battle With A Theme Team, is a special battle event with new stages being added daily with missions based on completing the battles with teams featuring certain Theme Skills. This event runs from February 10th 2025

Until Next Time, See Ya

Friday: Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - Mass Outbreak Event + Pokémon TCG - Hot Air Arena + Pokémon TCG Pocket - Wonder Pick Event + Pokémon Center Tohoku

07-02-2025 00:00 GMT / 19:00 EST by Serebii.

This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 15:05 GMT
Edit @ 05:05: Pokémon TCG | Edit @ 05:21: Pokémon Center | Edit @ 06:00: Pokémon TCG Pocket & Café ReMix Events | Edit @ 08:00: Pokémon Horizons | Edit @ 10;47: Episode Details

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - Year of the Snake Mass Outbreak

In The Games Department

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

The latest Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Mass Outbreak event has begun. This event causes Mass Outbreaks of Fletchling in Paldea, Starly in Kitakami and Pikipek in the Terarium; all these Pokémon have got an increased chance of being shiny. This runs until February 9th 2025 at 23:59 UTC.
We have begun adding all the details to our Mass Outbreak Event Page.

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - Online Competition

In The Games Department

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

The special Flying Tera Type Eevee distribution is now live in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. This event is available in stores from today until February 27th in order to celebrate Pokémon Day. It is in the following stores
Best Buy (US)
GameStop (US and Canada)
Toys "R" Us (Canada)
EB Games (Australia and New Zealand)
Our Event Database has full details of this event

Pokémon TCG

In The TCG Department

Pokémon Trading Card Game

The next Pokémon TCG set has been revealed for Japan. This set is Hot Air Arena and releases on March 14th 2025. It features Trainer's Pokémon for Ethan, Cynthia, Misty and Arven.
We're currently compiling full details in our Hot Air Arena section, with thanks to ToineLay for help in the translation

Pokémon Masters - Pasio Subway

In The Games Department

Pokémon TCG Pocket - Wonder Pick Event

The latest Pokémon TCG Pocket event is now live. This event is a Pick event which features a special Wonder Pick featuring new Chimchar & Togepi Promo cards, as well as various missions to earn Shop Tickets to exchange for new cosmetic items. It runs until February 21st 2024.
We're currently compiling all details in our Wonder Pick event Part 1 event section

The Truth Revealed? Amethio's Resolve!

In The Anime Department

Pokémon Horizons

The latest episode has aired in Japan today. This episode features Amethio learn about the history of Gibeon, Lucius and Rystal. The AniméDex has been updated with the contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the section but be warned however as it contains spoilers.

Pokémon Store

In The Pokémon Center Department

Pokémon Center

It has been confirmed that the Pokémon Center in Tohoku is to re-open on March 14th. This overhaul has it gain an aesthetic akin to Japanese Obon Festivals with Pokémon such as Ogerpon, Rillaboom and more feartured alongside the mascots of Pikachu & Victini. A special Garden will also be available outside the area. It will be found on the third floor of the Sendai PARCO building in Sendai

Pokémon Center Tohoku Garden
Pokémon Center Tohoku Merchandise Pokémon Center Tohoku Merchandise

Pokémon 2019

In The Anime Department

Pokémon Horizons - News

The first episodes for Pokémon Horizons Season 2: The Search for Laqua have been released on Netflix in the US and other countries where Netflix carries the show. This includes the first 11 episode of the season which focuses on Liko, Dot and Roy enrolling in the Naranja Academy in order to learn how to Terastallize their Pokémon
Edit @ 15:05: Alongside this release, the theme song, My Favorite Pokémon, is now available to stream or purchase on all music platforms including Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music and more.

Pokémon Masters - Legendary Gauntlet No. 5 Event

In The Games Department

Pokémon Masters EX - Legendary Gauntlet Event

The Legendary Gauntlet No. 5 Event has begun its first run. This has you face off against various Legendary Pokémon to build up a win streak. The higher the streak, the better the rewards. It runs until October 23rd 2024
Alongside this, a new Triple Feature Poké Fair Scout is now live that offers the Sync Pairs of Korrina (Sygna Suit) & Marshadow, Eusine & Shiny Suicune and Ingo & Excadrill

Pokémon Café ReMix

In The Games Department

Pokémon Café ReMix

The Pokémon Café ReMix Fluffy Alcremie event is now live. This is a Team event that focuses around the Pokémon Alcremie (Rainbow Swirl), offering a means to obtain it and power it up with cookies by earning points alongside your team. It runs until February 14th 2025

Until Next Time, See Ya

Thursday: Dragonite and the Postman + Pokémon Sleep - New Update + Pokémon UNITE - Suicune Reveal + Pokémon Masters EX - Ultimate Battle Event

06-02-2025 06:00 GMT / 01:00 EST by Serebii.

This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 17:02 GMT
Edit @ 06:13: Pokémon UNITE | Edit @ 09;30: Pokémon UNITE: Suicune | Edit @ 17:02: Illustration Contest


In The Anime Department


It has been confirmed that a new web animation, Dragonite and the Postman, is to release on Pokémon Day, February 27th 2025. This animation is by CoMix Wave Films features Hana, a girl from Paldea who admires the Dragonite postman and wants to become a postman herself. However, she soon finds a letter with no addressee so decides to try and find the sender. With her partner, Fuecoco, she looks for the sender.
In addition to that, the soundtrack for the animation will be released on Pokémon Day. There will be 8 tracks: Welcome to the Paldea Post Office, Hana's First Step, Rio's Letter, The Winged Ace Takes Flight, To Kanto We Fly!, Paper Airplane (Instrumental), Happy Birthdays and Happy Memories and Special Delivery. This soundtrack is done by the artist Evan Call

Pokémon Sleep

In The Games Department

Pokémon Sleep

Pokémon Sleep has finished its maintenance and the update is now live. As such, we are now currently compiling all new details into our Pokémon Sleep section including details on the brand new Dishes. These dishes are Mold Breaker Corn Tiramisu and Clodsire Eclair.
We have also begun adding details for Paldean Wooper and Clodsire

Pokémon UNITE

In The Games Department

Pokémon UNITE

Pokémon UNITE has announced that Suicune is to be added as a playable Pokémon in the game soon. It is an All-Rounder which battles art mid range. More information will come at a later point.
In addition to that, a new pair of Holowear will be released for both Suicune and Ho-Oh to celebrate Suicune's addition into the game.
We'll provide all details as they come

Pokémon TCG

In The TCG Department

Pokémon Trading Card Game

The Pokémon Company have confirmed that the promo cards featuring the three winners of the 2024 Illustration Contest are to be distributed this month. In the US, Canada, and UK you will be able to get these at Pokémon Center website with a code, draw2024us for the US or draw2024uk for the UK, from February 21st 2025. In addition to that, various league stores around the world celebrating Pokémon Day will be able to give them away.

Pokémon UNITE

In The Games Department

Pokémon UNITE

One new piece of Holowear has been released for Pokémon UNITE. This is the Sweets Holowear for Goodra. It costs 1,290 Gems to purchase

Pokémon Masters - Wally's Sensing Swords

In The Games Department

Pokémon Masters EX - Ultimate Event

The next Pokémon Masters EX Wally's Sensing Swords Ultimate stage is now live. This event has you battle Wally in a very strong battle with certain rules and restrictions..
We have full details in our Wally's Sensing Swords event section

Pokémon UNITE

In The Games Department

Pokémon UNITE

Pokémon UNITE has received a new patch in order to alter a variety of Pokémon with various adjustments to a variety of Pokémon including Scizor, Inteleon, Darkrai, Psyduck and more. We've begun compiling all the changes of this patch in our Patch section

Until Next Time, See Ya

Wednesday: Pokémon GO - Small Yet Strong + Pokémon Café ReMix

05-02-2025 06:00 GMT / 01:00 EST by Serebii.

This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 06:00 GMT

Pokémon TCG Pocket

In The Games Department

Pokémon TCG Pocket - Trade Items

Pokémon TCG Pocket has given a small gift of 1000 Trade Tokens. This is due to the feedback against the Trade System and comes with the note that they are considering new elements of the Trade feature in order to improve it

Pokémon GO - New Year's Event

In The Games Department

Pokémon GO

The next Pokémon GO event is rolling out globally. This is the Small Yet Strong Event featuring the addition of Shiny Nymble as well as increased chance of XXS Pokémon. It runs from 10:00 local time through 20:00 local time on February 8th.
We have full details in our Small Yet Strong Event event section

Pokémon Café ReMix

In The Games Department

Pokémon Café ReMix

The latest bingo panel is now live for Pokémon Café ReMix's currently running event, Pancham the Dim Sum Chef. This panel gives a number of tasks which, if completed, give you Pancham's Stylish New Year outfit. These need to be completed before the event ends on February 14th 2025
We have full details in our Pancham the Dim Sum Chef event page

Until Next Time, See Ya

Tuesday: Pokémon TCG Pocket - Emblem Event + Pokémon Masters EX - Victor's Cooking Class

04-02-2025 05:24 GMT / 00:24 EST by Serebii.

This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 20:00 GMT
Edit @ 06:00: Pokémon TCG Pocket, Pokémon Masters & Café ReMix Events | Edit @ 10;30: PokéToon | Edit @ 18;00: Pokémon GO | Edit @ 20:00: Small Yet Strong

Pokémon TCG Pocket - Space-Timed Smackdown Emblem Event

In The Games Department

Pokémon TCG Pocket - Emblem Event

The next Pokémon TCG Pocket event is now live. This event, the Space-Timed Smackdown Emblem Event, is the latest Emblem Event which features missions based upon battling other players over the Internet. It provides special Emblems based on your performance. It runs until January 10th 2025
We're currently compiling all details in our Space-Timed Smackdown Emblem Event event section

Pokémon GO

In The Games Department

Pokémon GO

Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This is the Scattered to the Winds event and is due to run from February 18th at 10:00 to February 20th at 20:00 local time and adds Shiny Scatterbug into the game
You will get 2* Experience for Spinning PokéStops, or 5* for the first spin ever
You can open 40 gifts a day, or 60 if you have the Eggs-pedition Access ticket
Caterpie, Pidgey, Spearow, Wurmple and Starly will be in the wild
There will be Field Research to get Rare Candy and Event Encounters
There will be paid Timed Research to get 16,500 Stardust, 3 Rare Candy, an Event Post and event Encounters
A Collection Challenge will be available to get Stardust, Experience and an encounter with Scyther
The guaranteed Lucky Pokémon in trades will be 35 from the start of this event, and if you trade a Pokémon that has been in sicne 2019 it will be guaranteed lucky until the limit is hit

Pokémon GO - Small Yet Strong Event

In The Games Department

Pokémon GO

The next Pokémon GO event is rolling out in Asia Pacific regions. This event is the Small Yet Strong event which focuses on small Pokémon. It runs from 10:00 local time on February 5th through 20:00 local time on February 8th.
We are compiling full details in our Small Yet Strong Event event section

Pokémon Masters - Victor's Cooking Class

In The Games Department

Pokémon Masters EX - Story Event

The "Victor's Cooking Class" Story Event has begun a repeat run in Pokémon Masters EX. This event focuses on Victor teaching Candice how to cook treats for Palentine's
To tie in with that, a new Seasonal Scout is available to get all previous Palentine's Day Sync Pairs
We're currently compiling all details in our Victor's Cooking Class event section

Pokémon Sleep

In The Games Department

Pokémon Sleep

Pokémon Sleep has announced the next update will come following a maintenance period on February 6th 2025. This maintenance will run from 04:30 UTC to 09:00 UTC and include data for coming events and Pokémon
In addition to that, several Pokémon will be adjusted
Absol will have its Carry Limit increased and its frequence shortened
You will be able tostore eight helper teams at once.
A new alarm, Up-Tempo, will be added We'll provide full details of this update when it comes so be sure to check back

Pokémon Café ReMix

In The Games Department

Pokémon Café ReMix

Another repeat Audino's Cooking Drills Team Event has begun in Pokémon Café ReMix. This is a solo Points Event where you finish stages and earn points to get a variety of rewards including Tarts and Macarons. This event runs until February th 2025
Alongside this, a special Pack is available in the game store to get Sobble's Sailor outfit


In The Anime Department


It has been confirmed that another new episode of PokéToon is to be released on February 14th. This episode follows on from Season 2 and is to focus on the Pokémon Murkrow. Currently no further details have been given for this episode but we'll provide them as soon as we have them

In The Games Department

Pokémon Sales Figures

Nintendo have released their quarterly financial insights and with this we have new sales data from several Pokémon games as of December 31st 2024
Pokémon Sword & Shield - 26.60 million
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - 26.38 million

Until Next Time, See Ya

Monday: Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - Mass Outbreak Event

03-02-2025 00:00 GMT / 19:00 EST by Serebii.

This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 18:00 GMT
Edit @ 06:00: Pokémon TCG Pocket | Edit @ 18;00: Pokémon GO

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

In The Games Department

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

The next Mass Outbreak event has been announced for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This event will feature a focus on the Pokémon Fletchling in Paldea, Starly in Kitakami and Pikipek in the Bluberry Academy. These have an increased chance of being Shiny
This event will run from 00:00 UTC on February 7th through 23:59 UTC on February 9th

Pokémon TCG Pocket - Cresselia ex Drop Event

In The Games Department

Pokémon TCG Pocket - Drop Event

The next Pokémon TCG Pocket event is now live. This event is the latest Drop Event which features special Solo Battles with various rewards and missions to complete. It adds numerous new Promos into the game including Cresselia ex. It runs until February 17th 2025
We're currently compiling all details in our Cresselia ex Drop Event event section.

Pokémon GO

In The Games Department

Pokémon GO

Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. This is the Beloved Buddies event and is due to run from February 11th at 10:00 to February 15th at 20:00 local time and adds Dhelmise into the game
You will have 2* Catch Experience. Lure Modules will last an hour and you'll get 500 more Stardust for catching Diglett, Slowpoke, Shellder, Dunsparce, Cutiefly, and Fomantis.
Nidoran, Diglett, Slowpoke, Shellder, Dunsparce, Remoraid, Mantine, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Cutiefly, Fomantis will be in the wild. There will be higher chance of shiny Diglett and Dunsparce
Shellder, Dwebble, Skrelp will be in 1 Star Raids
Slowbro, Hippowdon & Dhelmise will be in 3 Star Raids
There will be Field Research to earn encounters with Tandemaus
Collection Challenges will also run to get Stardust and Great Balls.

Until Next Time, See Ya

Archived News