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As Ash, Misty and Brock are walking through town looking for the Violet City gym, a little girl and boy are seen fighting over Pikachu. The kids, by continually grabbing and poking Pikachu, make him launch an all-out thunderbolt attack. Ash quickly picks him up, but although saving the kids from Pikachu’s attack, he takes the full brunt of it. A rather attractive woman then comes running out, calling for Zackie and Lizy (the boy and girl fighting over Pikachu). Upon learning that our friends were on their way to the Violet City gym, she introduces herself as Miss Priscilla, a teacher from the Pokémon Academy. Brock, not wishing to see her go, offers their services to help teach the kids about Pokémon (without consulting Ash and Misty!).
Once inside the Academy, a principle, dancing in a ballerina outfit, is introduced as Mr. Earl Durbish. Misty, a little concerned by the principle’s behavior, asks Miss Priscilla if there is anything wrong with him. Miss Priscilla replies by saying that she just loves people dancing with that kind of energy. Brock, quick to realize an opportunity to impress her, appears in the exact same outfit and begins to twirl in the exact same way as the principle. Once the class had been seated, Ash begins teaching … so to speak! Being the modest person he is, Ash begins to talk about how he was in the top 16 in the Pokémon League. Zackie then asks Ash why they should listen to him if he wasn’t the winner (good point!). Having come to a bit of a stumbling block, our friends decide to go outside and release all of their Pokémon.
Chikorita quickly places herself between Pikachu and Ash (I begin to see a little bit of friction). Heracross is also seen sneaking up on Bulbasaur, but he quickly defends himself by whacking Heracross with his vine whip. While all the children are enjoying themselves with the various Pokémon, Brock spots a rather large tower not far from the Academy. Miss Priscilla tells our heroes that it is called the Sprout Tower and it so named because a single beam that sways back and forth supports it. As her class is going there later on this afternoon, she invites Ash, Misty and Brock to come along.
While all the other children are having fun with the other Pokémon, Zackie is seen trying to convince Pikachu to be his Pokémon but all of his rather annoying attempts fail. While Ash is trying to figure out a way to get out of this one, Zackie steals one of Ash’s Pokéballs and chases after Pikachu. As they have now left the confines of the school area, Ash wonders whether he should chase after them. Chikorita, meanwhile, is trying to grab hold of Ash’s attention, but he is a little preoccupied. Ash gathers up all of his Pokémon and goes after Pikachu, deciding that they will meet up later on at the Sprout Tower.
While searching for Pikachu in a nearby forest, Zackie spots him hiding behind a tree. He throws the Pokéball at him and it appears as though Zackie has caught Pikachu!! Ash, astonished, can’t believe what has just happened and after Zackie brags about his victory; he quickly grabs hold of him and demands Pikachu back. But before Ash has a chance to collect, they both fall into a hole that Team Rocket had dug. Upon finishing their rather boring motto, Team Rocket tells Zackie to hand over the Pokéball (as they too think that Pikachu is in it). But being a rather gutsy little kid, Zackie throws the Pokéball and tells Pikachu to use his thunderbolt attack, but instead a wobbly Bellsprout appears. James thinks that Pikachu’s sick (very funny indeed!) Meowth then comes up with the idea that if Pikachu thinks Ash is in trouble; he will come to the rescue. So, Team Rocket hide up in a tree and use phony voice megaphones (that sound like Ash) to lure Pikachu. Their plan seems to work but before they have a chance to capture Pikachu in a net, the real Ash tells Pikachu to run. Pikachu dodges the net and Zackie and Ash use it to climb out of the hole. Ash then tells Pikachu to use his thunderbolt attack and Team Rocket go flying off and end up landing on the Sprout Tower roof.
Meanwhile, inside the Sprout Tower, Miss Priscilla tells Brock and Misty that trainers stop here as the wobbly beam reminds them of when they started training Pokémon. Team Rocket, having overheard the conversation, realize that Ash will be coming shortly. James uses Weezing’s smoke screen to get everyone out of the building (as they think there is a fire). Once everyone is outside, Ash and Zackie are seen walking back towards the Sprout Tower. A little upset about catching a Bellsprout, Zackie asks Ash if they can trade. Zackie, after Ash refuses to trade, begins to cry, but Bellsprout quickly cheers him up with some rather weird maneuvers. Suddenly they see the smoke coming from the tower and quickly run towards it. Upon meeting up with Misty and Brock, Ash uses Squirtle and Misty selects Poliwag to help put out the fire, but nothing happens. Team Rocket then makes their appearance and lure our heroes back inside. To our friends’ astonishment, they see Arbok, Lickitung and Weezing sawing the central beam and it appears as though a rocket is tied to it. Pikachu hands himself over to stop Team Rocket from launching the Sprout Tower and as Jessie picks him up he attacks with a thunderbolt. But Team Rocket just happens to be wearing insulated gloves and boots. Ash goes for one of his Pokéballs but Meowth spots him and threatens to launch the rocket with his remote control. Zackie uses Bellsprout’s razor leaf to knock the remote out of Meowth’s hands. Jessie orders Arbok to get it but Squirtle stops him with his water gun. Bulbasaur then grabs hold of the remote with his vine whip. Bellsprout then uses razor leaf to stop Lickitung and Weezing from cutting the beam. Team Rocket tries and makes their escape (they still have Pikachu) on the rocket by using the manual override. It appears as though the while building is about to blast off, but Bulbasaur and Bellsprout use their razor leaf attacks to free Pikachu and slice the ropes holding the rocket to the beam. Team Rocket end up blasting off.
Ash is worried about how shaky the beam is, but Zackie reassures him by saying that it is strong. Team Rocket are then seen flying through the sky, enjoying the ride I might add, but the rocket explodes! Ash, Misty and Brock say goodbye to Miss Priscilla and the children but Brock does not want to leave. Principle Durbish, still dancing in his ballerina outfit, then offers Brock a position-teaching dance. Brock declines the offer and they all head off towards the Violet City gym.

132: A Bout With Sprout

132: Pokemon School and Bellsprout's Tower


Not Yet

Ash Brock Misty Jessie James Earl Zackie 
Ash: Brock: Misty: Jessie: James: Rocket: Zackie:

A Young Student named Zack tries to Catch Ash's Pikachu but Catches a Bellsprout insteal