Volume 4 - Beach Blankout Blastoise -|- Go West, Young Meowth

This Volume has 2 Late Indigo Episodes, here is a list of the episodes in it:

Beach Blank-Out Blastoise!

When trying to catch the last Ferry back to Kanto, Ash trips over a Wartortle and sees that there is a problem at the Blastoise island, the Blastoise on it has fallen into a Deep Sleep. Can Ash help?

Go West, Young Meowth

Ash & Co. have Gone to Hollywood to see the premier of the movie. Team Rocket follow them to find Meowth has history in this town, it is where he learnt to speak to win the heart of a female Meowth. However that Meowth has become part of a gang of Persians. Can Meowth save it?

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