Character Overview:
White is the female protagonist of the BW series, and the representative and President of the BW Agency, a company devoted to performing arts. Aiming to raise Pokemon to become great actors and actresses, the agency collaborates with various filmmakers and corporations, supplying Pokemon to take part in dramas, movies, commercials, stunts and stage plays. It has access to a wide range of species, and almost all of the Pokemon are temporarily bestowed upon the agency for training and modelling purposes by their original owners.
White's dream is to become a great Pokemon Manager for her actors and actresses, and her love for performing arts originated from a musical in childhood, during which a Cubchoo joined the cast on stage and resulted in a harmonious atmosphere beyond imagination. She is on the constant look out for opportunities to let her actors and actresses shine, and gives them star-quality treatment, not only keeps a detailed profile for each of them but also goes as far as renting hotel rooms for their exclusive stay during a project while spending the night outdoors in a tent herself. She is extremely talented in her work, and in essence single-handedly created the Musical project as a campaign for Nimbasa City.
White became acquainted with Black when the assistant director in one of her filming collaborations mistakenly informed her that one instead of two Tepigs were needed, and Black's Tep filled in the role for the male Tepig she didn't bring. During the shooting, Black saved the crew from the ambush of a Galvantula, but damaged much of the filming equipment. White took responsibility upon the BW Agency and paid for the damage, but made Black an employee of the agency and the two started travelling together. While Black supplied Tep to White for the Tepig couple shootings requests from various companies, White accompanied Black from city to city to challenge the Gyms.
At the beginning of the series, White is shown to have zero capability in Pokemon battling as she found it against the essence of performing arts. It even enraged Black at first when he saw her refusing to call out her Pokemon to fight. However, when she was trapped in a cabin of the Ferris wheel with N at Nimbasa, the man challenged her failure to know what's best for her Pokemon, and forced her Tepig, Gigi, to fight. Intrigued by her new found strength, Gigi abandoned White and followed N. This traumatic event caused White to rethink her dreams, and although she still placed show business as her top priority, she decided to learn about battling so as to understand and continue to support Gigi should they meet again. Black assisted her in her first capture of a wild Pokemon, and even gave her his childhood Pokemon, Brav, to accompany her when they parted ways. Understandably inept at first, White gradually became a remarkable trainer after undergoing intensive practicing on the Battle Subway.
White gained her Pokedex after Bianca decided to become Prof. Juniper's assistant and passed on the task of completing the Dex to her. She didn't receive any starters from the professor of the region, although she formerly owned a Tepig that Cedric Juniper planned to give out as a starter but was liberated by N. She also currently has on her team a Serperior that evolved from a Snivy that belonged to the same starter batch of Cedric's, also liberated by N. White is referred to as the Dreamer, a title she shares with Black..
Character Design:
White's design is based on the female protagonist of the fifth generation Pokemon Dual Screen games, Pokemon Black and White. Her appearance is essentially identical to her game counterpart, including colour, hair-length and accessories. Like her game counterpart, her eyes are a navy shade of blue. In the flashback of her childhood, she was seen wearing a blouse and her hair was tied up into a ponytail with a ribbon.
White's Journey:
BW Series

White began her journey across Unova as the President of the BW Agency, seeking out filming companies to collaborate with, to let her Pokemon actors and actresses star in films, drama and commercials. During a shooting of the Xtransceiver's commercial at Accumula, she met Black, whose male Tepig was crucial in saving her job due to a miscommunication. The boy was wrongly accused for hurting the filming crew, and although the incident was solved at the end, Black was held accountable for the damaged equipment and thus White recruited him as an employee of the BW Agency. Shortly after their meeting, White and Black encountered Team Plasma as well as N, a mysterious trainer who sought to free Pokemon from humans. White was unable to fight back when N attacked Gigi, but Black eventually made N retreat when he puzzled him with Tep's desire to stay with a trainer. White and Black have been travelling since then, and Tep and Gigi continued to partner up in various projects for the BW Agency. At the same time, White accompanied Black from city to city, where the boy challenged the Gyms to fulfill his dream in conquering the Pokemon League. At Striaton City, she met Black's childhood friends, Cheren and Bianca, who partnered up with Black in his first Gym challenge.

White and Black continued to come across Team Plasma at various locations, including the Dreamyard, the Nacrene Museum, Castelia City and at the Liberty Island. Black always managed to thwart their evil schemes at the end, and White mostly played a supportive role in these occasions. At Nacrene City, White was approached by the film Director about a new project in Nimbasa to promote the city, and White continued to keep in touch with the team until she finally met them in person at Nimbasa City, where she proposed creating the Musical, an event in which Pokemon could dress up and perform on stage. With much effort and support from others, including the Gymleaders Elesa and Skyla, White eventually succeeded in creating the Musical, but her joy was cut short when N ambushed her at the Ferris wheel, where the man tactfully forced Gigi into fighting, and made her decide to choose the path of battling over the show business. Abandoned by Gigi, White fell off the Ferris wheel and sustained significant physical and emotional trauma. She eventually decided to give battling a try, hoping to learn about it just in case she crossed paths with Gigi again someday. Mysteriously, the Servine used by N during his ambush has been following White since the incident, and took orders from her when she attempted her first wild Pokemon capture of a Deerling, and later when she took the Battle Subway trial. White parted ways with Black at this point, but Black gave her his Braviary, Brav, to assist her in her battles in the Subway challenge.

On her ride towards Anville Town, White started learning the basics of Pokemon battling against the virtual trainers on the Subway train. She encountered Shauntal of the Elite 4, who snuck on the train, and they came across the fateful and rare encounter of Thundurus and Tornadus, whose intense fight threatened to destroy the surroundings. Shauntal escalated their fight, which eventually led to the appearance of Landorus, who stopped the two and dragged them away. However, Shauntal caught a glimpse of the three legendary Pokemon being captured by a mysterious silhouette. Later, upon arrival to Anville, White has already become a trainer remarkable enough to beat the Subway Boss, Ingo and Emmet, and even added three new Pokemon to her team, a Stunfisk, Solosis and Alomomola. She met Bianca again, who was still running away from her father, and has thus made minimal progress on her personal journey. White helped Bianca recognize her talent in music, and brought her back to Cafe Sonata at Castelia. However, they came across several Vullaby who were pursuing the mirage Pokemon, Meloetta, who actually travelled with them on the Subway train from Anville. Bianca helped Meloetta learn the Relic Song, and White caught the leader Vullaby. At that point, Bianca decided to become an assistant of Prof. Juniper, and passed on her Pokedex to White to continue the quest of filling the device.

Sometime later, White returned to meet Black, shortly before they witnessed Alder's defeat by N. White fatefully encountered Gigi again, which was now under the command of N. Cedric Juniper, Aurea Juniper and Fennel joined the scene, and it was revealed at this point that Gigi, as well as the Servine following White, now evolved into a Serperior, were both starters Cedric Juniper intended to give out from his lab but were liberated by N. N's Musha departed due to a change in Black's dream taste during the battle, which led to a nervous breakdown of Black. Afterwards, Black regained his will to fight and earned himself the right to take part in the Pokemon League. White was one of the spectators, but was soon recruited by Brycen to help her investigate upon Team Plasma's infiltration at the tournament. When she discovered the secret scheme behind Zinzolin and the Hoodman, she was teleported away by the Hoodman, who left her in N's room. There, she met Anthea and Concordia, who explained to her about N's past. She also met Gigi, who eventually decided to return to acting, and White agreed to hire it as N's Pokemon.
Pokémon on her Active Team
Servine → Serperior |
Nickname: Amanda |
OT: White |
Gender: ♀ |
Nature: N/A |
Ability: Overgrow |
Level 40 |
Leaf Tornado, Leaf Storm, Vine Whip, Wrap
As a Snivy, this Pokemon was one of the three starters Cedric Juniper planned to give out to aspiring young trainers who would go on a journey to complete the Pokedex for him. However, N broke into his lab and liberated the three Pokemon, taking Snivy with him. When White was cornered by N inside a moving cabin of the Ferris Wheel at Nimbasa City, it was seen with N as a Servine. It assaulted Gigi and eventually forced it to attack, triggering the Tepig desire to pursue the battling path. After Gigi chose to go with N, the man left Servine behind and it has chosen to stay with White for some reason. When White was nearly trampled by a wild Deerling she attempted to catch, Servine protected her and assisted her in the capture. Since then, it became a member on her team, and assisted her in the trial of the Battle Subway. Despite its seemingly cool demeanour, it is rather protective of White, and often saves her from dangerous situations. Later, it evolved into a Serperior, and was given the nickname Amanda. |
Deerling |
Nickname: Jessica |
OT: White |
Gender: ♀ |
Nature: N/A |
Ability: Chlorophyll |
Level 30 |
Leech Seed |
Jessica is the first Pokemon that White actually caught, but it took her many tries to succeed due to her lack of experience in battling and Pokemon capture. It was finally under Black's guidance and Servine's assistance that led to its successful capture, and it became quickly acquainted with White. It failed to do anything against the rampaging Tornadus and Thundurus when White encountered them during the subway ride, but it eventually became stronger after undergoing intense practicing at the Battle Subway against virtual trainers. Jessica was captured in its summer form.
Stunfisk |
Nickname: Dorothy |
OT: White |
Gender: ♀ |
Nature: N/A |
Ability: Limber |
Level 34 |
N/A |
Dorothy originally dwelled in the waters around Icirrus City, and was capture by White during her ride on the Battle Subway from Nimbasa to Anville. It was used to fight a Vullaby which was pursuing Meloetta at Cafe Sonata of Castelia. Unfortunately, its powers were no match for the vicious dark bird. |
Alomomola |
Nickname: Nancy |
OT: White |
Gender: ♀ |
Nature: N/A |
Ability: Healer |
Level 34 |
N/A |
Nancy originated from the waters of Route 4, and was caught by White during her travel and training on the Battle Subway. Its membranes are capable of healing injured Pokemon, and White used this to get acquainted with Marlon at the Pokemon League. |
Solosis |
Nickname: Unibo |
OT: White |
Gender: ♂ |
Nature: N/A |
Ability: Magic Guard |
Level 29 |
N/A |
Unibo was captured somewhere along the tracks of the Battle Subway when White took a trial ride from Nimbasa to Anville. It helped to fight Vullaby at Cafe Sonata, but easily fell to its vicious attacks.
Vullaby |
Nickname: Barbara |
OT: White |
Gender: ♀ |
Nature: N/A |
Ability: Big Pecks |
Level 39 |
N/A |
This vicious Vullaby pursued and ambushed Meloetta at Cafe Sonata, and injured the house guitarist's hand, rendering him unable to play the song he intended with Meloetta. When Bianca stepped in to play the song, she allowed Meloetta to turn into its Pirouette Forme and defeat Vullaby with the help of Bianca's Oshawott and White's Servine. White captured it after seeing its potential to play villainous roles in movies, and named it Barbara. |
Pokémon she has had or partnered up with
Tepig |
Nickname: Gigi |
OT: N/A |
Gender: ♀ |
Nature: N/A |
Ability: Blaze |
Level N/A |
Ember |
Gigi is a top-class actress of the BW agency who has only made her debut one year ago. Being extremely talented in acting, she has taken part in many films and commercials. According to White, she spends about 8 hours outside the Pokeball each day for filming, grooming and practicing. She became quickly acquainted with Black's Tep, and was always seen together with it. Gigi was not shown to have any battling skills at first since White thought it against the nature of an actress, but it was forced to attack a Servine inside a Ferris wheel cabin when White became stranded with N. At that moment, Gigi realized that she could be a good fighter as well, and abandoned White to be with N, hoping to explore its ability in Pokemon battling. It defeated Alder's Accelgor under N's command, but was no match against the combined forces of Boar, Amanda and Cedric's Samurott. After N released it and told it to follow its dreams, it stayed behind in N's room, but decided to return to the show business, with White agreeing to hire it again as N's Pokemon. |
Braviary |
Nickname: Brav |
OT: Black |
Gender: ♂ |
Nature: N/A |
Ability: Sheer Force |
Level N/A |
N/A |
Black gave Brav to White when they went separate ways at the Battle Subway, partly to let the girl complete her team of three to take part in the Subway challenges, but more so to provide a dependable companion to aide her rookie trainer status. White was hesitant to use Brav at the beginning due to it being too experienced and strong for her, but eventually learnt to seek its help on her training on the Battle Subway. She returned it to Black when she met up with him again later. |
Pokémon she has at the Agency
Patrat, Lilipup, Pidove, Woobat, Sandile, Yamask, Minccino, Solosis, Vanillite |
Nicknames: N/A |
OT: N/A |
Gender: N/A |
Nature: N/A |
Ability: N/A |
Level N/A |
There were returned to their owners when White decided to temporarily close down he Agency. |