
Pokémon Game Picture English name Japanese Name



Croconaw Arigeitsu
Classification Type 1 Type 2 Height Weight
Big Jaw Pokémon Water N/A 3'07" (1.3m) 55lbs (24kg)
Pokédex Description
Gold: If it loses a fang, a new one grows back in its place. There are always 48 fangs lining its mouth.
Silver: It opens its huge jaws wide when attacking. If it loses any fangs while biting, they grow back in.
Crystal: The tips of its fangs are slanted backward. Once those fangs clamp down, the prey has no hope of escape.
Evolutionary Chain
---Lv. 18--->---Lv. 30--->

Captured By/Where?
Gold Evolve Must Evolve From Totodile
Silver Evolve Must Evolve From Totodile
Crystal Evolve Must Evolve From Totodile

GSC Attacks Learnt
Attack Name
-- Scratch Normal
-- Leer Normal
-- Rage Normal
-- Water Gun Water
Lv. 21 Bite Dark
Lv. 28 Scary Face Normal
Lv. 37 Slash Normal
Lv. 45 Screech Normal
Lv. 55 Hydro Pump Water
GSC TM/HM Compatibily
TM01 TM02 TM03 TM04 TM05 TM06 TM07 TM08 TM09 TM10
TM11 TM12 TM13 TM14 TM15 TM16 TM17 TM18 TM19 TM20
TM21 TM22 TM23 TM24 TM25 TM26 TM27 TM28 TM29 TM30
TM31 TM32 TM33 TM34 TM35 TM36 TM37 TM38 TM39 TM40
TM41 TM42 TM43 TM44 TM45 TM46 TM47 TM48 TM49 TM50
HM01 HM02 HM03 HM04 HM05 HM06 HM07 MT01 MT02 MT03

Egg Moves (Learnable Through Breeding)
Attack Name
Thrash Normal
Razor Wind Normal
Rock Slide Rock
Ancientpower Rock
Crunch Dark

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