
Thundurus, The Bolt Strike Pokémon. Countless charred remains mar the landscape of places through which Thundurus has passed.The spikes on its tail discharge immense bolts of lightning. It flies around the Unova region firing off lightning bolts.As it flies around, it shoots lightning all over the place and causes forest fires. It is therefore disliked.


With the advent of BW2, all of the genies received a new form called their Therian Form. Thundurus-Therian on the outset looks monstrous. With base 145 Special Attack, Thundurus-T hits with the force of a nuke that has a bear wielding a katana attached. But unfortunately, with higher Special Attack came lower Speed, and at base 101 it gets outsped by quite a few Pokemon in OU. This by any means does not mean Thundurus-T is bad, and it is still quite capable of effectively sweeping, just not as potently as its counterpart. Though overshadowed, Thundurus-T is a very effective sweeper and should be considered on any rain team and seen as a potential threat to most teams.


Volt Absorb: Heals up to 1/4 of its HP when hit with an Electric move, gives Thundurus-T a very handy immunity in addition to Ground, and allows it to switch in on Pokemon like Rotom and Jolteon with no fear of damage (from Electric attacks at least).


Sure Have Come a Long Way From Ekans

-Nasty Plot / Agility
-Thunderbolt / Thunder
-Focus Blast
-Hidden Power [Ice]
Item Attached: Life Orb
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) or Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)

Thundurus-T receives the same movepool as Thundurus-I, and it could be argued that it benefits Thundurus-T more. Nasty Plot and Agility are ways of boosting either Thundurus' Special Attack or Speed greatly, though Speed is in all honesty what Thundurus-T needs (I mean, 145 Special Attack doesn't need much help but whatever). Thunderbolt and Thunder are used for STAB, Thunder if you're using a rain team and Thunderbolt if you're not. Focus Blast smashes Steel types and a +2 Focus Blast can even kill Blissey after SR and Spikes damage! HP Ice is used for more coverage and is devastating to Dragon, Ground, Grass, and other Flying types. The choice between Modest and Timid nature depends on what boosting move you use, generally you'll want Modest with Agility and Timid with Nasty Plot just for the extra points in the stat you're not boosting; though either ability can be used on either set respectively.

Doesn't Serperior Wish It Could Have Those Hands

-Focus Blast
-Hidden Power [Ice]
-Volt Switch
Item Attached: Choice Specs / Choice Scarf
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)

Choiced Thundurus-T is very effective, and the Scarf set makes up for his slight speed deficiency. The choice between using Choice Specs and Choice Scarf is whether or not you want that fun albeit kinda slow nuke, or a less powerful but still strong revenge killer. Thunderbolt or Thunder are used for STAB and lots of death under a Choice Specs set, and demolishes things that resist it even. Focus Blast once again is for pesky Steel types and Blissey/Chansey (and I guess the occasional Rock types). HP Ice is still used for the same reasons, you can even kill Dragonite through Multiscale under Specs. Volt Switch can be used if its an unfavorable match up or to fake out your opponent (outpredict, whatever).

I'm Running Out of Thundurus Puns

-Focus Blast
-Hidden Power [Ice]
-Grass Knot / Volt Switch
Item Attached: Life Orb
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) or Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)

This set is basically a combination of the Choice and boosting set, but focuses purely on offense without having to get locked into a move. As you may have noticed, Thundurus-T runs generally the same moves on every set with up to 2 variations, so I'll just explain the difference. Grass Knot is used to take care of bulky Water/Ground types such as Gastrodon which otherwise stop this set as it is difficult for Thundurus to power through them. Volt Switch is a viable option as it allows you a means of escape while still doing damage. The rest are used for STAB, coverage, rain destruction, harbringing of doom, etc.

Other Options

Dark Pulse, Psychic, Sludge Wave
Dark Pulse can be used for super-effective coverage on Psychics and Ghosts, not sure why you'd need it but hey, whatever floats your goat in a boat.
Psychic is more interesting coverage options, possibly to be used over HP Ice just to hit some things for harder neutral damage.
Sludge Wave is if you just plain want to troll and have stronger coverage on Breloom or something, I don't even know.

Double & Triple Battle Options

Thundurus-T's options are essentially the same as the other Thundurus, though it is more of a full out attacker rather than a support Pokemon. The Choice Scarf set is probably the most viable option for Thundurus-T in the type of gameplay.


Anything that can take care of faster Pokemon or priority users will help Thundurus-T immensely, so Terrakion, Keldeo, Tornadus-T all come to mind. Politoed is also useful in allowing Thundurus-T to use Thunder effectively.

Countering Thundurus

Faster Pokemon and priority not named Mach Punch or Bullet Punch are its worst enemies. The speed drop from the Incarnate form really put Thundurus-T between a rock and a hard place as it can hit so much harder, but outspeeds a lot less. Garchomp, Keldeo, Terrakion, Latias and Latios, Starmie, Tornadus-T, and Scarf users are all prevalent threats and all outspeed Thundurus-T, and all have the capability of either OHKOing or massively damaging it. Blissey and Chansey still counter it in most cases, but have to watch out for if it's a Specs or NP set. Things like Dragonite and Lucario put it in a bad situation with priority attacks, and any other Extremespeed or Sucker Punch users can at least damage Thundurus-T.

Locations in Games

Not in game.

Not in game

Not in game

Not in game

Not in game

Not in game

Black 2/White 2:
Transfer from Dream Radar

Animé Appearences

Thundurus has made a few appearances. In these, it has appeared after being angered by Team Rocket and started fighting with the other Pokémon

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
M14 White: Victini & Zekrom Victini & The Black Hero: Zekrom Pics
720 Stopping the Rage of Legends! (Part 1) Tornadus VS Thundurus VS Landorus!! (Part One) Pics
721 Stopping the Rage of Legends! (Part 2) Tornadus VS Thundurus VS Landorus!! (Part Two) Pics
758 Unova's Survival Crisis Advance of the Therian Formes! Unova's Greatest Crisis!! Pics

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