Kadabra, The Psi Pokémon. It emits Alpha Waves from it's body that cause headaches to anyone nearby. When a Kadabra is nearby, Clocks have been known to run backwards. The more danger it faces, the more powerful it's Psychic Power becomes. It's Alpha Waves have been known to cause machines to malfunction. When it's eyes are closed, the amount of alpha waves being emitted are doubled. Only a trainer with a strong psyche can become a trainer of Kadabra. The spoon it holds is used to Amplify the Alpha Waves it emits. Without the spoon, it only has half it's telekinetic powers Battle Moveset A Good Moveset for Kadabra would have to be this: Attacks:
Calm Mind Items Attached:
Preferred Nature: Timid Strategy Using Kadabra
Kadabra, although not as powerful as its evolved form, still has great special attack and speed to work with. However its defense and HP is low and one decent Physical move could knock out Kadabra, so if you come up against a Physical sweeper which you think you will be unable to defeat even if you strike first, then switch pokemon. EV Corner: Max out the EVs in Special Attack & Speed for Kadabra with any remaining in HP Strategy Against Kadabra Kadabra's Special Defense is High but it's Defense is low so get it with loads of Physical attacks or strike it with Dark or Bug Pokémon Contest Moveset A good Contest Moveset for Kadabra would have to be this for the Smart Contest best with Calm, Gentle, Careful, Sassy Nature: Attacks:
Calm Mind Items Attached:
Strategy Using Kadabra If you do the attacks in this following order you should have very few problems; 1st - Calm mind, 2nd - Psychic, 3rd - Calm mind, 4th - Psychic, 5th - Shadowball/Dreameater Locations in Games
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