Slowbro, The Hermit Crab Pokémon. It's tail has a Shellder firmly attached with a bite. As a result, the tail can't be used for fishing anymore. This causes it to grudgingly swim and catch prey instead. When a Slowpoke went hunting in the sea, its tail was bitten by a Shellder. That made it evolve into Slowbro. The Shellder that latches onto Slowpoke's tail is said to feed on the host's leftover scraps. Battle Moveset A Good Moveset for Slowbro would have to be this: Attacks:
Surf Items Attached:
Preferred Nature: Bold Strategy Using Slowbro Slowbro makes for a great UU tank and it's only justification for being UU is a poor typing (from a defensive point of view) and the fact that Suicune outclasses it at pulling off the above set. Slowbro's high base defence combined with Calm Mind makes it ideal for taking hits from both ends of the offensive spectrum and two special STABs make launching attacks much easier. Slowbro's wide move pool allows for many alternates to one of your STABs: - Thunder Wave can be used to slow down your opponent and gain free turns while your opponent is fully paralysed. This is also acts as a useful support to your team allowing Slowbro to shut down the majority of sweepers. - On top of special Hidden Powers (although those are best left unused) Slowbro also gets Flamethrower and Ice Beam, the latter of which being especially useful in OU for taking out Salamences. Either one of those two moves could fit in adequately with one STAB. - Yawn is another option which allows imitation of Suicune when used in conjuncture with Spikes, forcing repeated switches allowing Spikes to go to work. Toxic could be considered for a similar effect, the main downfall of those two moves being that Substitute can stop them. - Counter tends to be a one off type of move but it does great on Slowbro when you combine its good HP stat with its good defence stat. It's also a good deterrent to stop your opponent from attacking your physical defence, leaving them stuck against your boosted Special Defence. - Sleep Talk is the final option for Slowbro and helps to prevent your opponent from taking advantage of it while it sleeps. EV Corner:
EVs: 212 HP / 252 Def / 12 Spd / 34 SDef Pokémon from the 130 Speed category can be outran when paralysed with just a few Speed EVs, and even without Thunder Wave the speed EVs help for outrunning Pokémon that linger around Slowbro's speed group. Max defence and Max Leftovers recover will help when tanking while Calm Mind covers Special Attack and Special Defence. Other Optional Sets:
Slowbro @ Leftovers Hit something with Yawn and then bash the switch-in with a Focus Punch. Psychic covers Poison types nicely (and does a decent job against Ghost-types) while Ice Beam covers flying types. The main downfall of this set is that Slowbro's attack stat leaves a lot to be desired, but it can still put a dent in a lot of UU things, especially when combined with Spikes.
Slowbro @ Leftovers The set works similarly to a Special sweeper, use Calm Mind once or twice and take things out with one of your two special attacks. Thunder Wave will make almost anything slower than Slowbro and can also allow some extra setting up.
Slowbro @ Leftovers It worked for Swampert and it 'can' work for Slowbro, it just tends to not be as effective as the Calm Mind set. Ice Beam and Earthquake will hit everything (except Shedinja) for at least neutral damage but the lack of STAB on this set may entice the use of Psychic or Surf. You could also give HP Rock a go but change the EVs around a bit.
Slowbro @ Leftovers The strategy of this set is to fill any holes that your team has and in effect, this set will act as a counter to almost any Stat-boosting tank. All you need to do is force the stat-boosting Tank into using Rest, then Psych Up its stat changes (preferably Calm Mind in this case) and when it wakes up use Yawn. This'll either force it to use Rest again or force it to switch, leaving you with stat boosts and your opponent either without stat boosts or with a Sleeping Pokémon.
Slowbro @ Leftovers The strategy is similar to the above except the aim here is to Psych Up defensive stat boosts (Curse and Bulk Up). Seismic Toss is a stable attack that will always do adequate damage except against Ghosts, and due to not getting any physical STAB this tends to be the best option, although any of Slowbro's physical attacks are viable options.
Slowbro @ Leftovers A physical sweeping set (sort of). Curse once (or twice if you're cocky) and then go on all out offence. Psychic, Surf, Ice Beam or Flamethrower will help overcome any physical walls that get in Slowbro's way, Flamethrower is especially helpful in OU for taking out Skarmory and Forretress.
Slowbro @ Leftovers Counter-bro. Counter is practically guarantied to KO something and Shadow Ball can KO any Ghost types who are immune to Counter. Psychic or Surf can dish out solid damage against other Pokémon when necessary. This'll need the backup of a good special wall to give Slowbro a Pokémon to retreat to when stuck against something it can't handle.
Slowbro @ Chesto Berry Pretty much a novelty set and unlikely to be pulled off successfully but it's bound to surprise your opponent and with the support from a decent team to cover its main weaknesses (Grass types, Electric types and physical walls). Brick Break and Shadow Ball cover every type in the game for neutral damage, and despite having weak Base power, with the backing of Belly Drum it'll OHKO most Pokémon. Strategy Against Slowbro With Slowbro's very versatile move pool there is no one guarantied set that is likely to be effective. The majority of people go with the psuedo-Suicune set, stat upping with Calm Mind and then sweeping with STAB. Non-Sleep Talking versions can be handled with strong Choice Banders or PHazing while Slowbro Rests and failing that, critical hits from Grass and Electric attacks (which tend to be inevitable) do the job nicely, especially when launched before Slowbro can get any Calm Minds under its belt. For alternate sets, treat Slowbro how you would treat any other Pokémon using those kind of move sets. Cursing sets can be shut down by Electric types and good physical walls (provided they don't get caught with one of Slowbro's special attacks) and most Belly Drumming sets (and you won't see many since its mostly a novelty) get KOed before they can begin to sweep, although if they do get a free set up you'll be stuck in a very bad situation and will probably be forced to sacrifice a sweeper to get Slowbro's HP down enough for a KO. Psych Up sets (also rarely seen) need to be handled depending on what Slowbro has copied. In most cases you can defeat Slowbro by taking advantage of its one glaring weakness, its terrible speed. Almost everything not paralysed outruns Slowbro and that includes almost every heavy hitter in the game and this is the main thing that relegates Slowbro to UU, however even in UU there are Pokémon who can severely damage Slowbro. Contest Moveset A good Contest Moveset for Slowbro would have to be this for the Beauty Contest best with Modest, Mild, Rash or Quiet Nature: Attacks:
Hail Items Attached:
Strategy Using Slowbro If you do the attacks in this following order you should have very few problems; 1st - Hail, 2nd - Ice beam, 3rd - Calm mind/Hail, 4th - Psychic/Ice beam, 5th - Hail Locations in Games
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