Mew, The New Specie Pokémon. So rare, it is said to be a mirage by experts, only a few people worldwide have seen it. It has short, fine, delicate hair. It had thought to be extinct. More & More people have seen it recently. It's DNA is said to contain the genetic code of ALL Pokémon so it can use all techniques. Because of thise, experts believe it may be the ancestor of All Pokémon. It's capable of making itself invisible at will. Battle Moveset A Good Moveset for Mew would have to be this: Attacks:
Calm Mind Items Attached:
Preferred Nature: Timid Strategy Using Mew
Mew, one variable pokemon. It can learn all TMs and HMs and has the stats to work with them. This pokemon can work well with many movesets. The one I have given you is the Special sweeper.
Psychic for stab, Calm mind to boost Special attack and special defense. HP Dark to counter the ghost pokemon that will pose a threat to Mew. I picked Flamethrower for as a choice between the special moves it can learn, but remember, it can learn ice beam, Thunderbolt, Surf, chose whatever you wish. EV Corner: Max out the EVs in Speed & Special Attack for Mew with any remaining in HP Strategy Against Mew Mew has excellent defenses so your best bet here is to pummel him with Special attacks. Bug & Dark attacks will do fine for this so attacks like Megahorn & Crunch will total Mew after a couple Contest Moveset A good Contest Moveset for Mew would have to be this for the Smart Contest best with Calm, Gentle, Careful, Sassy Nature: Attacks:
Calm Mind Items Attached:
Strategy Using Mew If you do the attacks in this following order you should have very few problems; 1st - Calm mind, 2nd - Psychic, 3rd - Dream eater, 4th - Shadow ball, 5th - Psychic Locations in Games
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