Donphan, The Armor Pokémon. It's favorite attack is curling its body into a ball, then charging at its foe while rolling at high speed. Once it starts rolling, it can't stop very easily. If it were to tackle with its hard body, even a house could be destroyed. Using its massive strength, it helps clear rock and mud slides that block mountain trails. It is so strong it can easily haul a dump truck. Its hide has toughened to a rock-hard state. An ordinary sort of attack won't even leave a scratch. The longer and bigger its tusks, the higher its rank in its herd. The tusks take a long time to grow.
Battle Moveset A Good Moveset for Donphan would have to be this: Attacks:
Earthquake Items Attached:
Preferred Nature: Impish Strategy Using Donphan Donphan is a solid physical wall and is especially helpful for blocking out a Rock weakness on a team. It also makes for one of the best spinners in the game, and unlike Claydol, it can leave a pretty large dent in a Dusclops switching in to block a spin attempt when given a Choice Band. Provided you have a Cleric on your team pulling off rest shouldn't be too hard, since it's uncommon to have a situation where Donphan spends more than a turn in play, Donphan tends to be a Pokémon who'll switch in and then be forced out by whatever counter comes into play. HP Bug, does a decent job of hitting Celebi's, Claydols and other Pokémon who are likely to switch in to block the predictable Earthquake/Rock Slide combination that's seen on almost every Donphan. EV Corner:
EVs: 252 HP / 86 Atk / 172 Def These are designed to max the HP out and add to it's defense so it can last longer and with the Attack...put up more of a fight Other Optional Sets
Donphan @ Leftovers Counter-Phan, can be a nasty surprise for a lot of Pokémon, especially when Countering a Hidden Power Grass or Ice (due to being classified as normal type they can be countered). I've never personally tried Sleep Talk with rest and Counter but it could work in theory.
Donphan @ Leftovers Phazer-Phan, same deal as the spinner except it PHazes, although there tends to be less room for this in a team with so many PHazing options available. Strategy Against Donphan Claydol and Celebi wall it completely if it doesn't carry Hidden Power [Bug], the same applies to the majority of Grass types as well. Weezing will wall it regardless of its move set and can proceed to Wisp it, although if it's already statused there really isn't anything standard Weezing can do to it. Most special attackers have the power to 1 or 2KO Donphan and most Bulky water types (Suicune especially) can shrug off any damage inflicted by Donphan and OHKO it (or freely set up on it). Contest Moveset A good Contest Moveset for Donphan would have to be this for the Tough Contest best with Impish, Lax, Relaxed or Bold Nature: Attacks:
Rock Slide Items Attached:
Strategy Using Donphan If you do the attacks in this following order you should have very few problems; 1st - Earthquake, 2nd - Rock slide, 3rd - Horn attack, 4th - Earthquake, 5th - Hyper beam Locations in Games
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