Feebas, The Fish Pokémon. It has such a tattered body that it is largely ignored even though it is one of the rarest Pokémon. Capable of living practically anywhere it is really hard to find Battle Moveset The best Moveset for Feebas would have to be this: Attacks:
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Preferred Nature: Timid Strategy Using Feebas Feebas is pretty weak, so the best you can hope for is to status effect your opponents, and with this set it is highly possible to do this. Your set relies heavily on status moves so be weary of their percentage of missing, because that can come up big in a pressure situation. However, the alternative is attacking directly, and with its horrible attacks that would be a very bad idea. Best used on fun teams really, it is outclassed by several dozen pokemon Strategy Against Feebas What to use against Feebas? Something fast and hits hard, either one of those work. With its horrible defenses the possibilities of defeating this one are limitless. Contest Moveset The best Moveset for Feebas would have to be this for the Beauty Contest best with Modest, Mild, Rash or Quiet Nature: Attacks:
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Strategy Using Feebas This set is riddled with combos which are very good at getting Appeal Points so just use the attacks and you should be able to win Locations in Games
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