Deoxys, The D.N.A Pokémon. It's Attack Form. It formed when a Space Virus mutated when hit by a Laser Beam. Deoxys' Crystalline Organ is thought to be a brain. It's highly intelligent and wields PsychoKinetic powers. It is said to shoot lasers from it's chest. This Form of Deoxys focuses on Attack and it's Stats and Attacks reflect this Battle Moveset A Good Special Sweeper Moveset for Attack Form Deoxys would have to be this: Attacks:
Hidden Power Fighting Items Attached:
Preferred Nature: Timid Strategy Using Attack Form Deoxys
Well, as you could've guessed, Attack Deoxys has high attack strengths(both have a base of 180). Not only this, it has a base speed of 150, meaning you're going to have trouble hitting Deoxys first. EV Corner: Max out the EVs in Speed & Special Attack for Deoxys with any remaining in HP Strategy Against Attack Form Deoxys Attack Form Deoxys has really really weak defenses. Any powerful attack should do serious damage to it...maybe even knock it out. Especially Dark or Ghost Attacks Contest Moveset A good Contest Moveset for Attack Form Deoxys would have to be this for the Smart Contest best with Calm, Gentle, Careful, Sassy Nature: Attacks:
Calm Mind Items Attached:
Strategy Using Attack Form Deoxys If you do the attacks in this following order you should have very few problems; 1st - Calm mind, 2nd - Psychic, 3rd - Reflect, 4th - Psycho boost, 5th - Psychic Locations in Games
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