Deoxys, The D.N.A Pokémon. It's Defense Form. It formed when a Space Virus mutated when hit by a Laser Beam. Deoxys' Crystalline Organ is thought to be a brain. It's highly intelligent and wields PsychoKinetic powers. It is said to shoot lasers from it's chest. This Form of Deoxys is Defense based and it's stats reflect this Battle Moveset A Good Moveset for Defense Form Deoxys would have to be this: Attacks:
Recover Items Attached:
Preferred Nature: Bold Strategy Using Defense Form Deoxys
This is for Deoxys Defense form, with its high defenses, it can take attacks, even those it has weaknesses to. This pokemon is all about defense and with the moves it can learn, its no surprise it makes a good tank. EV Corner: Max out the EVs in HP for Deoxys with any remaining in Defense & Special Defense Strategy Against Defense Form Deoxys Defense Form Deoxys has VERY HIGH defenses, so your best bet here is to attack with Super Effective attacks. Bug, Ghost...they should work. Contest Moveset A good Contest Moveset for Defense Form Deoxys would have to be this for the Tough Contest best with Impish, Lax, Relaxed or Bold Nature: Attacks:
Amnesia Items Attached:
Strategy Using Defense Form Deoxys If you do the attacks in this following order you should have very few problems; 1st - Amnesia, 2nd - Rock Smash, 3rd - Counter, 4th - Double edge, 5th - Rock smash Locations in Games
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