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Rebel Clash
#1 Caterpie
#2 Metapod
#3 Butterfree
#4 Scyther
#5 Shuckle
#6 Heracross
#7 Lotad
#8 Lombre
#9 Ludicolo
#10 Surskit
#11 Masquerain
#12 Snover
#13 Abomasnow
#14 Phantump
#15 Trevenant
#16 Grubbin
#17 Rillaboom V
#18 Rillaboom VMAX
#19 Eldegoss V
#20 Applin
#21 Applin
#22 Flapple
#23 Appletun
#24 Vulpix
#25 Ninetales
#26 Ninetales V
#27 Growlithe
#28 Arcanine
#29 Magmar
#30 Magmortar
#31 Litwick
#32 Lampent
#33 Chandelure
#34 Heatmor
#35 Cinderace V
#36 Cinderace VMAX
#37 Galarian Mr. Mime
#38 Galarian Mr. Rime
#39 Magikarp
#40 Gyarados
#41 Wingull
#42 Pelipper
#43 Milotic V
#44 Tympole
#45 Palpitoad
#46 Seismitoad
#47 Galarian Darumaka
#48 Galarian Darmanitan
#49 Inteleon V
#50 Inteleon VMAX
#51 Cramorant
#52 Arrokuda
#53 Barraskewda
#54 Eiscue
#55 Eiscue V
#56 Voltorb
#57 Electrode
#58 Electabuzz
#59 Electivire
#60 Shinx
#61 Luxio
#62 Luxray
#63 Helioptile
#64 Heliolisk
#65 Charjabug
#66 Vikavolt
#67 Boltund V
#68 Toxel
#69 Toxtricity
#70 Toxtricity V
#71 Toxtricity VMAX
#72 Pincurchin V
#73 Morpeko
#74 Clefairy
#75 Clefable
#76 Natu
#77 Xatu
#78 Galarian Corsola
#79 Galarian Cursola
#80 Sigilyph
#81 Sandygast
#82 Palossand
#83 Hatenna
#84 Hattrem
#85 Hatterene
#86 Milcery
#87 Alcremie
#88 Indeedee
#89 Dreepy
#90 Drakloak
#91 Dragapult
#92 Dragapult V
#93 Dragapult VMAX
#94 Galarian Farfetch'd
#95 Galarian Sirfetch'd
#96 Nosepass
#97 Meditite
#98 Medicham
#99 Barboach
#100 Whiscash
#101 Galarian Yamask
#102 Galarian Runerigus
#103 Binacle
#104 Barbaracle
#105 Rolycoly
#106 Carkol
#107 Coalossal
#108 Sandaconda V
#109 Falinks
#110 Falinks V
#111 Stonjourner
#112 Koffing
#113 Galarian Weezing
#114 Stunky
#115 Skuntank
#116 Spiritomb
#117 Trubbish
#118 Garbodor
#119 Vullaby
#120 Mandibuzz
#121 Malamar V
#122 Malamar VMAX
#123 Impidimp
#124 Morgrem
#125 Grimmsnarl
#126 Galarian Meowth
#127 Galarian Perrserker
#128 Scizor
#129 Bronzor
#130 Bronzong
#131 Probopass
#132 Durant
#133 Honedge
#134 Doublade
#135 Aegislash
#136 Copperajah V
#137 Copperajah VMAX
#138 Duraludon
#139 Zacian
#140 Zamazenta
#141 Snorlax
#142 Chatot
#143 Pidove
#144 Tranquill
#145 Unfezant
#146 Bunnelby
#147 Diggersby
#148 Hawlucha
#149 Stufful
#150 Bewear
#151 Skwovet
#152 Greedent
#153 Dubwool V
#154 Boss's Orders
#155 Burning Scarf
#156 Capacious Bucket
#157 Cursed Shovel
#158 Dan
#159 Full Heal
#160 Galar Mine
#161 Milo
#162 Nugget
#163 Oleana
#164 Poké Ball
#165 Scoop Up Net
#166 Skyla
#167 Sonia
#168 Tool Scrapper
#169 Training Court
#170 Turffield Gym
#171 Capture Energy
#172 Horror Psychic Energy
#173 Speed Lightning Energy
#174 Twin Energy
#175 Rillaboom V
#176 Eldegoss V
#177 Ninetales V
#178 Cinderace V
#179 Milotic V
#180 Inteleon V
#181 Boltund V
#182 Toxtricity V
#183 Dragapult V
#184 Sandaconda V
#185 Falinks V
#186 Malamar V
#187 Copperajah V
#188 Dubwool V
#189 Boss's Orders
#190 Milo
#191 Oleana
#192 Sonia
#193 Rillaboom VMAX
#194 Cinderace VMAX
#195 Inteleon VMAX
#196 Toxtricity VMAX
#197 Dragapult VMAX
#198 Malamar VMAX
#199 Copperajah VMAX
#200 Boss's Orders
#201 Milo
#202 Oleana
#203 Sonia
#204 Frosmoth
#205 Galarian Perrserker
#206 Big Charm
#207 Scoop Up Net
#208 Tool Scrapper
#209 Twin Energy
Other Meowth Cards
Other Galarian Cards
60 HP
Evolution Roar
You must discard 2 cards from your hand in order to use this Ability. Once during your turn, you may search your deck for a Galarian Perrserker, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.
Retreat Cost
126 of 192
Misa Tsutsui
#125 / 192
#127 / 192