Picture: |
Name: |
Effect: |
Category |
Method of Obtaining: |
  Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur |
Bulba-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Bulba-Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Grass-Guard |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Bulba-Claw + Bulba-Fang |
Leafy Tie |
Raises Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Bulbasaur Claw + Bulbasaur Fang + Grass-Guard |
Ivy-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Ivy-Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Ivy-Crest |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Ivy-Claw + Ivy-Fang |
Plant Torc |
Raises HP restored by absorption moves |
*** |
Ivy-Claw + Ivy-Fang + Ivy-Crest |
Venus-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Venus-Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Venus-Seal |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Venus-Claw + Venus-Fang |
Solar Sash |
Heals HP when hit by fire moves |
*** |
Venus-Claw + Venus-Fang + Venus-Seal |
  Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard |
Char-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Char-Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Fiery Heart |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Char-Claw + Char-Fang |
Heat Armlet |
Raises Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Char-Claw + Char-Fang + Fiery Heart |
Charme-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Charme-Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Charme-Crest |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Charme-Claw + Charme-Fang |
Kindle Scarf |
Raises movement speed in Sunny weather |
*** |
Charme-Claw + Charme-Fang + Charme-Crest |
Chariz-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Chariz-Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Chariz-Seal |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Chariz-Claw + Chariz-Fang |
Flame Bangle |
Heals HP when hit by water moves |
*** |
Chariz-Claw + Chariz-Fang + Chariz-Seal |
  Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise |
Squirt-Foam |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Squirt-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Water-Guard |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Squirt-Foam + Squirt-Card |
Aqua Tie |
Raises Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Squirt-Foam + Squirt-Card + Water-Guard |
Wartor-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Wartor-Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Wartor-Crest |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Wartor-Claw + Wartor-Fang |
BubbleBangle |
Halves damage from explosions |
*** |
Wartor-Claw + Wartor-Fang + Wartor-Crest |
Blast-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Blast-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Blast-Seal |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Blast-Claw + Blast-Card |
Hydro Band |
Heals HP when hit by electric moves |
*** |
Blast-Claw + Blast-Card + Blast-Seal |
  Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree |
Caterpie Belt |
Eating Apples or Berries can recover HP |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Defense Bow |
Raises Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Glitter Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Rock attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill |
Weedle Bow |
Eating Apples or Berries can recover HP |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Kakuna Scarf |
Bounces back thrown items |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Strike Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Rock attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot |
Pidgey Bow |
Thrown items will not hit |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Pidge-Scarf |
Evasiveness +2 if weather is Clear |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Pidgeot Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Rock attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Rattata, Raticate |
Rattata Scarf |
Ignores Reflect and Light Screen |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Immense Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fighting attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Spearow, Fearow |
Quick Bow |
Evasiveness +2 if weather is Clear |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Flutter Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Rock attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Ekans, Arbok |
Peck Bow |
Attacker may go into Leg Hold state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Victory Ruff |
HP recovers if critical hit by Psychic attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu |
Pichu Hair |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Pichu Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Express Tag |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Pichu Hair + Pichu Card |
Shocker Cape |
Raises Max PP of each move by 2 |
*** |
Pichu Hair + Pichu Card + Express Tag |
Thunder Shard |
Using moves will not lower PP (Pichu Only) |
*** |
Held by hatched Pichu |
Pikachu Hair |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Pikachu Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Volt Charm |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Pikachu Hair + Pikachu Card |
Voltage Torc |
Neglects Reflect and Light Screen of foes |
*** |
Pikachu Hair + Pikachu Card + Volt Charm |
Raichu Hair |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Raichu Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Raichu Crest |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Raichu Hair + Racihu Card |
Zapper Scarf |
Heals HP when hit by ground moves |
*** |
Raichu Hair + Raichu Card + Raichu Crest |
 Sandshrew, Sandslash |
Sands-Scarf |
Will not receive critical hits |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Sandveil Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Grass attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Nidoran ♀, Nidorina, Nidoqueen |
Sharp Scarf |
Boosts Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Revenge Scarf |
Receives Exp when hit |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Impact Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Psychic attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Nidoran ♂, Nidorino, Nidoking |
Reduce Scarf |
Boosts Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Sting Scarf |
Recovers PP of one move when hit |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
King Sash |
HP recovers if critical hit by Psychic attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Cleffa, Clefairy, Clefable |
Cleffa Dew |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Cleffa Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Starry Ore |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Cleffa Dew + Cleffa Card |
Comet Ring |
May put foe into Confuse status by attack |
*** |
Cleffa Dew + Cleffa Card + Starry Ore |
Fallen Star |
Raises chance of defeated foe dropping Treasure Chest (Cleffa Only) |
*** |
Held by hatched Cleffa |
Clef-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Clef-Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Moon Jewel |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 3 |
** |
Clef-Claw + Clef-Fang |
Moon Scarf |
Raises Max PP of each move by 2 |
*** |
Clef-Claw + Clef-Fang + Moon Jewel |
Clefa-Claw |
Boosts Attackby 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Clefa-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Moon Rock |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Clefa-Claw + Clefa-Card |
Fairy Bow |
Heals HP when hit by fighting moves |
*** |
Clefa-Claw + Clefa-Card + Moon Rock |
 Vulpix, Ninetales |
Vulpix Tail |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Vulpix Card |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Vulpix Tag |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Vulpix Tail + Vulpix Card |
Glow Bow |
Halves damage of special attacks if no Light Screen |
*** |
Vulpix Tail + Vulpix Card + Vulpix Tag |
Nineta-Hair |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Nineta-Card |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Nineta-Seal |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Nineta-Hair + Nineta-Card |
Flicker Collar |
HP recovers if critical hit by Water attacks |
*** |
Nineta-Hair + Nineta-Card + Seal |
  Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff |
Iggly-Dew |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Iggly-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Bouncy Charm |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Iggly-Dew + Iggly-Card |
Pretty Bow |
Raises Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Iggly-Dew + Iggly-Card + Bouncy Charm |
Fluff Dust |
Raises chance of defeated foe dropping Treasure Chest |
*** |
Held by hatched Igglybuff |
Jiggly-Song |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Jiggly-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Slumber Rock |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Jiggly-Song + Jiggly-Card |
Snooze Ring |
May put foe into Sleep status by attack |
*** |
Jiggly-Song + Jiggly-Card + Slumber Rock |
Wiggly-Hair |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Wiggly-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Buddy Rock |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Wiggly-Hair + Wiggly-Card |
Friend Torc |
Heals HP when hit by fighting moves |
*** |
Wiggly-Hair + Wiggly-Card + Buddy Rock |
  Zubat, Golbat, Crobat |
Glance Bow |
Evasiveness +2 if weather is Cloudy |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Absorb Scarf |
Increases HP recovered by moves like Absorb |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Slash Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Rock attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
   Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Bellossom |
Walking Bow |
Attacker may go into Confused state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Guard Hat |
Increases HP recovered by moves like Absorb |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Aroma Sash |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fire attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Shining Tiara |
All status ailments recover if weather is Sunny |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Paras, Parasect |
Cure Scarf |
Will not be paralyzed |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Refresh Tophat |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fire attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Venonat, Venomoth |
Through Goggle |
Receives Exp when hit |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Venomoth Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Rock attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Diglett, Dugtrio |
Diglett Tophat |
Thrown items will not hit |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Dugtrio Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Grass attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Meowth, Persian |
Meowth Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Meowth Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Coin Charm |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Meowth Claw + Meowth Fang |
Profit Ruff |
Raises Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Meowth Claw + Meowth Fang + Coin Charm |
Persian Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Persian Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Insight Rock |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Persian Claw + Persian Fang |
Noble Scarf |
Heals HP when hit by fighting moves |
*** |
Persian Claw + Persian Fang + Insight Rock |
 Psyduck, Golduck |
Psyduck Tophat |
Evasiveness +2 if weather is Clear |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Web Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Electric attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Mankey, Primeape |
Mankey Torc |
Attacker may go into Cringing state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Rebel Belt |
HP recovers if critical hit by Grass attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Growlithe, Arcanine |
Growli-Scarf |
Exp received increases |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Legend Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Water attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
   Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Politoed |
Wet Bow |
Evasiveness +2 if weather is Rainy |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Poliwh-Bow |
Attacker may go into Confused state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Tough Belt |
HP recovers if critical hit by Flying attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Rain Crown |
HP recovers if critical hit by Electric attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam |
Foretell Torc |
Moves cannot be sealed |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Psychic Torc |
May seal one of the attacker's moves |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Sparkle Ruff |
HP recovers if critical hit by Dark attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Machop, Machoke, Machamp |
Naughty Band |
Will not receive critical hits |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Strong Belt |
Ignores Reflect and Light Screen |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Machamp Belt |
HP recovers if critical hit by Psychic attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel |
Bellspro-Bow |
Halves damage of Explosion and Self-destruct |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Digest Scarf |
Eating Apples or Berries can recover HP |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Victree-Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fire attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Tentacool, Tentacruel |
Wrap Bow |
Attacker may go into Leg Hold state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Tentac-Cloak |
HP recovers if critical hit by Psychic attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Geodude, Graveler, Golem |
Geodude Torc |
HP recovers quicker on walking |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Rockveil Torc |
Halves damage of Explosion and Self-destruct |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Rugged Sash |
HP recovers if critical hit by Grass attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Ponyta, Rapidash |
Hot Bow |
Speed +1 if weather is Sunny |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Sunlight Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Water attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Slowpoke, Slowbro, Slowking |
Slowpoke Hat |
Attacker's Speed may -1 |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Slowbro Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Dark attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
King Hat |
Halves damage of special attacks if no Light Screen |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Magnemite, Magneton, Magnezone |
Magnem-Torc |
Will not be paralyzed |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Magnet-Bow |
Evasiveness +2 if weather is Cloudy |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Base Sash |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ground attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Farfetch'd |
Critical Bow |
Hits Ghosts with Normal and Fighting moves stronger |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Doduo, Dodrio |
Pal Bow |
Makes stairs to Secret Bazaar appear easier |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Will Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Rock attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Seel, Dewgong |
Gentle Bow |
Recovers PP of one move when hit |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Northern Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Rock attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Grimer, Muk |
Sticky Scarf |
Attacker may go into Blinker state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Sticky Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Psychic attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Shellder, Cloyster |
Shellder Torc |
Evasiveness +2 if weather is Rainy |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Shell Armor |
HP recovers if critical hit by Rock attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Gastly, Haunter, Gengar |
Gastly Veil |
Evasiveness +2 if weather is Foggy |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Slip Scarf |
Attacks if companions' thrown items miss |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Black Sunglasses |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ghost attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Onix, Steelix |
Coil Brooch |
Halves damage of Explosion and Self-destruct |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Quartz Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ground attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Drowzee, Hypno |
Drowzee Tie |
Attacker may go into Sleep state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Dream Coin |
HP recovers if critical hit by Dark attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Krabby, Kingler |
Krabby Bow |
HP recovers quicker on walking |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Superb Sash |
HP recovers if critical hit by Electric attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Voltorb, Electrode |
Ball Scarf |
Halves damage of Explosion and Self-destruct |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Electro-Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ground attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Exeggcute, Exeggutor |
Reject Scarf |
Moves cannot be Sealed |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Exegg-Sash |
HP recovers if critical hit by Bug attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Cubone, Marowak |
Cubone Scarf |
Thrown items can pierce through in Long Toss state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Marowak Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Grass attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
   Tyrogue, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Hitmontop |
Tyro-Sweat |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Tyro-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Muscle Charm |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Tyro-Sweat + Tyro-Card |
Pep Sash |
Receives experience when hit (Tyrogue Only) |
*** |
Tyro-Sweat + Tyro-Card + Muscle Charm |
Heroic Medal |
Hits ghost types with normal and fighting moves easier (Tyrogue Only) |
*** |
Held by hatched Tyrogue |
Counter Ruff |
Counters damage of designated types of moves (Hitmonlee Only) |
*** |
Tyro-Sweat + Tyro-Card + Muscle Charm |
Victory Belt |
Disables one attack of attacking foe (Hitmonchan Only) |
*** |
Tyro-Sweat + Tyro-Card + Muscle Charm |
Powerful Bangle |
Neglects Reflect and Light Screen of foes (Hitmontop Only) |
*** |
Tyro-Sweat + Tyro-Card + Muscle Charm |
 Lickitung, Lickilicky |
Lick Scarf |
Encounters Kecleon Stores easier |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Flabby Belt |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fighting attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Koffing, Weezing |
Koffing Bow |
Attacker may go into Blinker state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Weezing Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Psychic attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Rhyperior |
Tough Shield |
Halves damage of Explosion and Self-destruct |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Charge Drill |
Ignores Reflect and Light Screen |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Rhype-Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Grass attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Happiny, Chansey, Blissey |
Happiny Dew |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Happiny Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Play Tag |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Happiny Dew + Happiny Card |
Nature Cape |
Receives experience when hit |
*** |
Happiny Dew + Happiny Card + Play Tag |
White Jewel |
Raises chance of defeated foe dropping Treasure Chest (Happiny Only) |
*** |
Held by hatched Happiny |
Chansey Song |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Chansey Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Lucky Charm |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Chansey Song + Chansey Card |
Lucky Scarf |
PP of 1 move restores when hit |
*** |
Chansey Song + Chansey Card + Lucky Charm |
Blissey Song |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Blissey Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Amity Rock |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Blissey Song + Blissey Card |
Faith Ring |
Heals HP when hit by fighting moves |
*** |
Blissey Song + Blissey Card + Amity Rock |
 Tangela, Tangrowth |
Tangle Bow |
Attacker may go into Leg Hold state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Cling Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fire attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Kangaskhan |
Kangas-Apron |
Makes stairs to Secret Bazaar appear easier |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Horsea, Seadra, Kingdra |
Horsea Bow |
Attacker may go into Blinker state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Whirl Scarf |
Speed +1 if weather is Rainy |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Tornado Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Dragon attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Goldeen, Seaking |
Horsea Bow |
Speed +1 if weather is Rainy |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Seaking Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Electric attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Staryu, Starmie |
Revive Torc |
HP recovers quicker on walking |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Starmie Belt |
HP recovers if critical hit by Dark attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Mime Jr., Mr. Mime |
Junior Beam |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Junior Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Mimic Pebble |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Junior Beam + Junior Card |
Copy Mask |
Receives experience when hit |
*** |
Junior Beam + Junior Card + Mimic Pebble |
Purple Jewel |
Hits dark types with psychic moves easier (Mime Jr. Only) |
*** |
Held by hatched Mime Jr. |
Mime Key |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Mime Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Bulwark Rock |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Mime Key + Mime Card |
Barrier Bow |
Heals HP when hit by dark moves |
*** |
Mime Key + Mime Card + Bulwark Rock |
 Scyther, Scizor |
Scyther Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Scyther Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Ambush Rock |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Scyther Fang + Scyther Card |
Strike Ruff |
Evades all thrown items |
*** |
Scyther Fang + Scyther Card + Ambush Rock |
Scizor Wing |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Scizor Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Steel Charm |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Scizor Wing + Scizor Card |
Red Armlet |
Heals HP when hit by flying moves |
*** |
Scizor Wing + Scizor Card + Steel Charm |
 Smoochum, Jynx |
Smooch-Song |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Smooch-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Kiss Charm |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Smooch-Song + Smooch-Card |
Heart Tiara |
May put foe into Attract status by Attack by 5 |
*** |
Smooch-Song + Smooch-Card + Kiss Charm |
Chic Shard |
Hits dark types with psychic moves easier (Smoochum Only) |
*** |
Held by hatched Smoochum |
Jynx Song |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Jynx Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Frozen Ore |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Jynx Song + Jynx Card |
Ruin Scarf |
Heals HP when hit by dark moves |
*** |
Jynx Song + Jynx Card + Frozen Ore |
  Elekid, Electabuzz, Electivire |
Elekid Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Elekid Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Jolt Charm |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Elekid Claw + Elekid Card |
Current Ring |
Raises Max PP of each move by 2 |
*** |
Elekid Claw + Elekid Card + Jolt Charm |
Yellow Jewel |
Raises Max HP by 10 (Elekid only) |
*** |
Held by hatched Elekid |
Electa-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Electa-Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Charge Seal |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack b 5 |
** |
Electa-Claw + Electa-Fang |
Volt Bangle |
Prevents Paralysis status |
*** |
Electa-Claw + Electa-Fang + Charge Seal |
Electi-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Electivire Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Voltaic Rock |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Electivire Claw + Electivire Card |
Voltaic Band |
Heals HP when hit by ground moves |
*** |
Electivire Claw + Electivire Card + Voltaic Rock |
  Magby, Magmar, Magmortar |
Magby Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Magby Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Ember Jewel |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Magby Claw + Magby Card |
Fire Torc |
Raises Max PP of each move by 2 |
*** |
Magby Claw + Magby Card + Ember Jewel |
Red Jewel |
Raises Max HP by 10 (Magby Only) |
*** |
Held by hatched Magby |
Magmar Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Magmar Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Erupt Ore |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Magmar Claw + Magmar Card |
Magma Scarf |
Raises movement speed in Sunny weather |
*** |
Magmar Claw + Magmar Card + Erupt Ore |
Magmor-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Magmor-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Vulcan Rock |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Magmor-Claw + Magmor-Card |
Burning Torc |
Heals HP when hit by Water moves |
*** |
Magmor-Claw + Magmor-Card + Vulcan Rock |
Pinsir |
Pinsir Sash |
Ignores Reflect and Light Screen |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Tauros |
Dash Bow |
Counters same damage to attacker's physical move |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Magikarp, Gyarados |
Magik-Bow |
PP will not drop occasionally |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Storm Sash |
HP recovers if critical hit by Electric attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Lapras |
Lapras Song |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Lapras Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Wavy Charm |
Receives no damage from explosions |
** |
Lapras Song + Lapras Card |
Mystic Scarf |
Heals HP when hit by fire moves |
*** |
Lapras Song + Lapras Card + Wavy Charm |
Ditto |
Ditto Torc |
Encounters Kecleon Stores easier |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
        Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon |
Eevee Hair |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Eevee Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Evolve Charm |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Eevee Tail + Eevee Card |
Prism Ruff |
Receives no weather damages (Eevee Only) |
*** |
Eevee Tail + Eevee Card + Evolve Charm |
Aqua Collar |
May put foe into Flinch status by Attack (Vaporeon Only) |
*** |
Eevee Tail + Eevee Card + Evolve Charm |
Volt Colar |
May put foe into Paralysis status by Attack (Jolteon Only) |
*** |
Eevee Tail + Eevee Card + Evolve Charm |
Fire Collar |
May put foe into Burn status by Attack (Flareon only) |
*** |
Eevee Tail + Eevee Card + Evolve Charm |
Light Collar |
May put foe into Confuse status by Attack (Espeon Only) |
*** |
Eevee Tail + Eevee Card + Evolve Charm |
Dusk Collar |
May put foe into Blinker status by Attack (Umbreon Only) |
*** |
Eevee Tail + Eevee Card + Evolve Charm |
Virid Collar |
May put foe into either Poison, Paralysis or Sleep status by Attack (Leafeon Only) |
*** |
Eevee Tail + Eevee Card + Evolve Charm |
Icy Collar |
May put for in Frozen status by Attack (Glaceon Only) |
*** |
Eevee Tail + Eevee Card + Evolve Charm |
  Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon-Z |
IT Brooch |
Changes to type that is resistant to received attack |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Virtual Bow |
Attacks if companions' thrown items miss |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Fit Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fighting attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Omanyte, Omastar |
Spike Brooch |
Ignores Reflect and Light Screen |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Ancient Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Grass attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Kabuto, Kabutops |
Kabuto Hat |
Attacker may go into Confused state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Kabut-Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Grass attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Aerodactyl |
Rare Brooch |
Furthers effect of Pressure in lowering PP |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Munchlax, Snorlax |
Munch-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Munch-Drool |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Tummy Charm |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Munch-Claw + Munch-Drool |
Glutton Cape |
Raises Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Munch-Claw + Munch-Drool + Tummy Charm |
Snorlax Gasp |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Snorlax Fang |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Valor Charm |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Snorlax Gasp + Snorlax Fang |
Glee Scarf |
Heals HP when hit by Fighting moves |
*** |
Snorlax Gasp + Snorlax Fang + Valor Charm |
Articuno |
Freeze Veil |
May endure at 1HP |
*** |
Zero Island North B19F Key Room |
Zapdos |
Thunder Veil |
May endure at 1HP |
*** |
Zero Island North B19F Key Room |
Moltres |
Fire Veil |
May endure at 1HP |
*** |
Zero Island North B19F Key Room |
  Dratini, Dragonair, Dagonite |
Dragon Sash |
Evasiveness +2 if weather is Clear |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Sky Mantle |
Raises Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Mirage Cloak |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ice attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Mewtwo |
Havoc Robe |
Lowers more PP of foe by Pressure |
*** |
Zero Island West B17F Key Room |
Mew |
Life Ring |
Prevents status conditions |
*** |
Zero Island West B17F Key Room |
  Chikorita, Bayleef, Meganium |
Chiko-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Chiko-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Dawn Jewel |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Chiko-Claw + Chiko-Card |
Fresh Bow |
Raises Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Chiko-Claw + Chiko-Card + Dawn Jewel |
Bayleef Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Bayleef Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Bayleef Seal |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Bayleef Claw + Bayleef Card |
Spice Bow |
Raises HP restored by absorption moves |
*** |
Bayleef Claw + Bayleef Card + Bayleef Seal |
Megani-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Megani-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Shiny Charm |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Megani-Claw + Megani-Card |
Bright Veil |
Heals HP when hit by fire moves |
*** |
Megani-Claw + Megani-Card + Shiny Charm |
  Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion |
Cynda-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Cynda-Hair |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Blazing Rock |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Cyndaquil Claw + Cynda-Hair |
Storm Sash |
Raises Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Cyndaquil Claw + Cyndaquile Hair + Blazing Rock |
Quila-Hair |
Boosts Defense by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Quila-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Quila-Crest |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Quila-Hair + Quila-Card |
Volcano Torc |
Raises movement speed in Sunny weather |
*** |
Quila-Hair + Quila-Card + Quila-Crest |
Typhlo-Fang |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Typhlo-Gasp |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Typhlo-Seal |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Typhlo-Gasp + Typhlo-Fang |
Blast Bangle |
Heals HP when hit by water moves |
*** |
Typhlo-Gasp + Typhlo-Fang + Typhlo-Seal |
  Totodile, Croconaw, Feraligatr |
Totodi-Dew |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Totodi-Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Water Heart |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Totodi-Dew + Totodi-Fang |
Wash Bow |
Raises Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Totodi-Dew + Totodi-Fang + Water Heart |
Croco-Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Croco-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Swirl Rock |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Croco-Fang + Croco-Card |
Anger Scarf |
Reflects 1/4 of damage from designated types of moves |
*** |
Croco-Fang + Croco-Card + Swirl Rock |
Feral-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Feral-Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Feral-Crest |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Feral-Claw + Feral-Fang |
Hydro Jaw |
Heals HP when hit by electric moves |
*** |
Feral-Claw + Feral-Fang + Feral-Crest |
 Sentret, Furret |
Sentret Ruff |
Speed +1 if weather is Cloudy |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Body Collar |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fighting attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Hoothoot, Noctowl |
Read Scope |
Hits Ghosts with Normal and Fighting moves stronger |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Noctowl Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Rock attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Ledyba, Ledian |
Morning Bow |
Speed +1 if weather is Clear |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Ledian Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Rock attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Spinarak, Ariados |
Spina-Scarf |
Attacker's Speed may -1 |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Ariad-Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Rock attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Chinchou, Lanturn |
Flash Torc |
Attacker may go into Paralysis state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Lanturn Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ground attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Togepi, Togetic, Togekiss |
Togepi Dew |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Togepi Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Pure Heart |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Togepi Dew + Togepi Card |
Angel Scarf |
Raises Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Togepi Dew + Togepi Card + Pure Heart |
Egg Shard |
Bounces back all thrown items (Togepi Only) |
*** |
Held by hatched Togepi |
Togetic Wing |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Togetic Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Happy Rock |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Togetic Wing + Togetic Card |
Luck Brooch |
Using moves will not lower PP |
*** |
Togetic Wing + Togetic Card + Happy Rock |
Togek-Wing |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Togek-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Ovation Rock |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Togek-Wing + Togek-Card |
Glitter Robe |
Heals HP when hit by electric moves |
*** |
Togek-Wing + Togek-Card + Ovation Rock |
 Natu, Xatu |
Lively Scarf |
Makes stairs to Secret Bazaar appear easier |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Xatu Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Rock attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Mareep, Flaaffy, Ampharos |
Wool Bow |
Will not sleep |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Wool Scarf |
Halves damage of special attacks if no Light Screen |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Sacred Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ground attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Azurill, Marill, Azumarill |
Azuri-Dew |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Azuri-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Fount Charm |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Azuri-Dew + Azuri-Card |
Water Float |
Raises Max PP of each move by 2 |
*** |
Azuri-Dew + Azuri-Card + Fount Charm |
Blue Jewel |
Raises Max HP by 10 (Azurill Only) |
*** |
Held by hatched Azurill |
Marill Dew |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Marill Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Surfer Rock |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Marill Dew + Marill Card |
Brine Scarf |
May put foe into status by Attack by 5 |
*** |
Marill Dew + Marill Card + Surfer Rock |
Azuma-Dew |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Azuma-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Stream Charm |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Azuma-Dew + Azuma-Card |
Dotted Scarf |
Heals HP when hit by electric moves |
*** |
Azuma-Dew + Azuma-Card + Stream Charm |
 Bonsly, Sudowoodo |
Bonsly Dew |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Bonsly Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Arid Tag |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Bonsly Dew + Bonsly Card |
Teary Cape |
Prevents critical hits |
*** |
Bonsly Dew + Bonsly Card + Arid Tag |
Guard Sand |
Raises Max HP by 10 (Bonsly only) |
*** |
Held by hatched Bonsly |
Sudo-Sweat |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Sudo-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Drain Rock |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Sudo-Sweat + Sudo-Card |
Fake Torc |
Heals HP when hit by steel moves |
*** |
Sudo-Sweat + Sudo-Card + Drain Rock |
  Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff |
Breeze Bow |
Evasiveness +2 if weather is Sunny |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Skiploom Scarf |
Evasiveness +2 if weather is Sunny |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Cotton Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ice attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Aipom, Ambipom |
Return Ruff |
Picks up Items easier |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Ambipom Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fighting attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Sunkern, Sunflora |
Hasty Bow |
Evasiveness +2 if weather is Sunny |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Solar Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fire attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Yanma, Yanmega |
Hasty Bow |
Evasiveness +2 if weather is Sunny |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Solar Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fire attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Wooper, Quagsire |
Wooper Bow |
Evasiveness +2 if weather is Sunny |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Quagsire Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Grass attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Murkrow, Honchkrow |
Murkrow Tophat |
May seal one of the attacker's moves |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Honch-Cloak |
HP recovers if critical hit by Electric attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Misdreavus, Mismagius |
Misdre-Cape |
Attacker may go into Perish Song state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Spell Tophat |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ghost attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Unown |
Code Sash |
Attacker may go into Confused state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Wynaut, Wobbuffet |
Wynaut Tail |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Wynaut Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Grin Charm |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Wynaut Tail + Wynaut Card |
Cheery Scarf |
Raises Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Wynaut Tail + Wynaut Card + Grin Charm |
Laugh Dust |
Raises chance of defeated foe dropping Treasure Chest (Wynaut only) |
*** |
Held by hatched Wynaut |
Wobbu-Sweat |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Wobbu-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Endure Rock |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Wobbu-Sweat + Wobbu-Card |
Endure Scarf |
Heals HP when hit by dark moves |
*** |
Wobbu-Sweat + Wobbu-Card + Endure Rock |
Girafarig |
Reverse Bow |
Attacker may go into Confused state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Pineco, Forretress |
Strong Bow |
Boosts Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Hard Poncho |
HP recovers if critical hit by Flying attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Dunsparce |
Runaway Scarf |
Speed +1 if weather is Cloudy |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Gligar, Gliscor |
Flee Ruff |
Speed +1 if weather is Sandstorm |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Gliscor Cloak |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ice attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Snubbull, Granbull |
Snubbull Cape |
PP will not drop occasionally |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Stern Sash |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fighting attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Qwilfish |
Qwilfi-Bow |
Bounces back thrown items |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Shuckle |
Shuckle Bow |
Eating Apples or Berries can recover HP |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Heracross |
Horn Torc |
Ignores Reflect and Light Screen |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Sneasel, Weavile |
Sneasel Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Sneasel Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Dusk Jewel |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Sneasel Claw + Sneasel Card |
Cruel Ring |
Prevents Attract status |
*** |
Sneasel Claw + Sneasel Card + Dusk Jewel |
Weavile Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Weavile Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Vile Tag |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Weavile Claw + Weavile Fang |
Ruin Armlet |
Heals HP when hit by fighting moves |
*** |
Weavile Claw + Weavile Fang + Vile Tag |
 Teddiursa, Ursaring |
Teddi-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Teddi-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Honey Rock |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Teddi-Claw + Teddi-Card |
Heal Scarf |
HP heals quicker |
*** |
Teddi-Claw + Teddi-Card + Honey Rock |
Ursa-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Ursa-Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Calming Rock |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Ursa-Claw + Ursa-Fang |
Hiber Scarf |
Heals HP when hit by fighting moves |
*** |
Ursa-Claw + Ursa-Fang + Calming Rock |
 Slugma, Magcargo |
Lava Bow |
Exp received increases |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Blaze Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Water attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Swinub, Piloswine, Mamoswine |
Freeze Bow |
Exp received increases |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Freeze Torc |
Attacker may go into Frozen state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Glacier Cloak |
HP recovers if critical hit by Steel attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Corsola |
Spike Brooch |
Will not receive damage from weather |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Remoraid, Octillery |
Pipe Bow |
Thrown items can pierce through in Long Toss state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Daze Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Electric attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Delibird |
Mystic Brooch |
Attack speed +1 if weather is Hail |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Mantyke, Mantine |
Mantyke Beam |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Mantyke Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Waft Rock |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Mantyke Beam + Mantyke Card |
Ocean Bow |
Raises Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Mantyke Beam + Mantyke Card + Waft Rock |
Heal Dew |
HP heals quicker (Mantyke Only) |
*** |
Held by hatched Mantyke |
Mantine Foam |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Mantine Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Sunset Rock |
Boosts Defense by 3 & sp/Defense by 3 |
** |
Mantine Foam + Mantine Card |
Horizon Bow |
Heals HP when hit by electric moves |
*** |
Mantine Foam + Mantine Card + Sunset Rock |
Skarmory |
Skarm-Cloak |
Counters same damage to attacker's physical move |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Houndour, Houndoom |
Pipe Bow |
Thrown items can pierce through in Long Toss state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Daze Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Electric attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Phanpy, Donphan |
Phanpy Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Phanpy Card |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Phanpy Tag |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Phanpy Claw + Phanpy Card |
Playful Ruff |
Makes stairs to Secret Bazaar appear easier |
*** |
Phanpy Claw + Phanpy Card + Phanpy Tag |
Donphan Claw |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Donphan Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Donphan Crest |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Donphan Claw + Donphan Card |
Armor Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Grass attacks |
*** |
Donphan Claw + DonphanCard + Donphan Crest |
Stantler |
Illusion Bow |
Attacker may go into Confused state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Smeargle |
Palette Scarf |
Makes stairs to Secret Bazaar appear easier |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Miltank |
Milky Scarf |
HP recovers quicker on walking |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Raikou |
Bolt Fang |
Neglects the Reflect and Light Screen of foes |
*** |
Zero Island South B25F Key Room |
Entei |
Flare Fang |
Neglects the Reflect and Light Screen of foes |
*** |
Zero Island South B25F Key Room |
Suicune |
Aqua Mantle |
Halves damage from special Attacks |
*** |
Zero Island South B25F Key Room |
  Larvitar, Pupitar, Tyranitar |
Larvit-Bow |
Attacker may go into Cringing state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Pupitar Scarf |
Halves damage of Explosion and Self-destruct |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Ruin Claw |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fighting attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Lugia |
Silver Veil |
Lowers more PP of foe by Pressure |
*** |
Miracle Sea Deepest Part B3F Key Room |
Ho-Oh |
Rainbow Veil |
May reflect status condition on foe |
*** |
Zero Island South B25F Key Room |
Celebi |
Chrono Veil |
PP of each move restores by 1 when changing floors |
*** |
Zero Island South B15F Key Room |
  Treecko, Grovyle, Sceptile |
Treeck-Thorn |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Treeck-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Forest Ore |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Treeck-Thorn + Treeck-Card |
Guard Ring |
Raises Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Treeck-Thorn + Treeck-Card + Forest Ore |
Grovy-Shoot |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Grovy-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Jungle Tag |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Grovy-Shoot + Grovy-Card |
Grass Blade |
Reflects 1/4 of damage from designated types of moves |
*** |
Grovy-Shoot + Grovy-Card + Jungle Tag |
Scept-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Scept-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Scept-Seal |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Scept-Claw + Scept-Card |
Drain Bangle |
Heals HP when hit by fire moves |
*** |
Scept-Claw + Scept-Card + Scept-Seal |
  Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken |
Torchic Hair |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Torchic Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Hot Pebble |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Torchic Hair + Torchic Card |
Fire Cape |
Raises Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Torchic Hair + Torchic Card + Hot Pebble |
Combus-Sweat |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Combus-Claw |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Charge Tag |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Combus-Sweat + Combus-Claw |
Gutsy Band |
Raises movement speed in Sunny weather |
*** |
Combus-Sweat + Combus-Claw + Charge Tag |
Blazi-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Blazi-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Blazi-Seal |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Blazi-Claw + Blazi-Card |
Blaze Torc |
Heals HP when hit by water moves |
*** |
Blazi-Claw + Blazi-Card + Blazi-Seal |
  Mudkip, Marshtomp, Swampert |
Mudkip Mud |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Mudkip Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Mud Jewel |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Mudkips' Mud + Mudkip Card |
Speed Scarf |
Evades all thrown items |
*** |
Mudkips' Mud + Mudkip Card + Mud Jewel |
Marsh-Mud |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Marsh-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Marsh-Crest |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Marsh-Mud + Marsh-Card |
Marsh Torc |
May put foe into status by Attack by 5 |
*** |
Marsh-Mud + Marsh-Card + Marsh-Crest |
Swamp-Mud |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Swamp-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Swamp-Seal |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Swamp-Mud + Swamp-Card |
Swamp Bangle |
Heals HP when hit by grass moves |
*** |
Swamp-Mud + Swamp-Card + Swamp-Seal |
 Poochyena, Mightyena |
Pooch-Pendant |
Speed +1 if weather is Cloudy |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Dark Jaw |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fighting attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Zigzagoon, Linoone |
Glad Scarf |
Speed +1 if weather is Cloudy |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Linoo-Ruff |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fighting attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
    Wurmple, Silcoon, Beautifly, Cascoon, Dustox |
Wurmple Bow |
Exp received increases |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Tick Scarf |
Will not receive critical hits |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Bright Silk |
HP recovers if critical hit by Rock attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Guard Bow |
Will not receive damage from weather |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Dustox Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Psychic attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo |
Pad Hat |
Boosts Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Cheerful Scarf |
Evasiveness +2 if weather is Rainy |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Ludic-Tophat |
HP recovers if critical hit by Bug attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Seedot, Nuzleaf, Shiftry |
Seedot Tophat |
Boosts Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Nuzleaf Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Bug attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Shiftry Belt |
Evasiveness +2 if weather is Sunny |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Taillow, Swellow |
Taillow Bow |
Receives Exp when hit |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Sky Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Rock attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Wingull, Pelipper |
Wingull Bow |
Recovers PP of one move when hit |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Stock Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Electric attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
   Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Gallade |
Sense Tophat |
PP of each move +2 |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Magical Bow |
Hits Darks with Psychic moves stronger |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Care Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Dark attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Hero Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ghost attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Surskit, Masquerain |
Bless Scarf |
Speed +1 if weather is Rainy |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Blow Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Rock attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Shroomish, Breloom |
Unparalyze Bow |
Will not be paralyzed |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Disable Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Flying attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Slakoth, Vigoroth, Slaking |
Slakoth Scarf |
Attacker may go into Sleep state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Will Sash |
Attacker may go into Sleep state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Lazy Ruff |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fighting attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Nincada, Ninjask, Shedinja |
Bottom Scarf |
HP recovers quicker on walking |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Ninja Ruff |
HP recovers if critical hit by Rock attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Wonder Mantle |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ghost attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Whismur, Loudred, Shedinja |
GoodEar Torc |
PP of each move +2 |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Nice Bangle |
Will not sleep |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Great Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fighting attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Makuhita, Hariyama |
Makuhita Belt |
Counters same damage to attacker's physical move |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Thrust Strap |
HP recovers if critical hit by Psychic attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Nosepass, Probopass |
Makuhita Belt |
Counters same damage to attacker's physical move |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Thrust Strap |
HP recovers if critical hit by Psychic attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Skitty, Delcatty |
Skitty Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Skitty Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Smile Pebble |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Skitty Fang + Skitty Card |
Heal Pendant |
HP heals quicker |
*** |
Skitty Fang + Skitty Card + Smile Pebble |
Delcat-Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Delcat-Hair |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Prism Pebble |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Delcat-Fang + Delcat-Hair |
Guard Collar |
Heals HP when hit by fighting moves |
*** |
Delcat-Fang + Delcat-Hair + Prism Pebble |
Sableye |
Sableye Lens |
Attacker may go into Blinker state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Mawile |
Cheat Cap |
May seal one of the attacker's moves |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Aron, Lairon, Aggron |
Iron Torc |
Will not receive critical hits |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Metal Bangle |
Halves damage of Explosion and Self-destruct |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Iron Helmet |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fighting attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Meditite, Medicham |
Vision Bow |
Evasiveness +2 if weather is Clear |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Meditate Sash |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ghost attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Electrike, Manectric |
Discharge Torc |
Counters 1/4 damage to attacker's physical move |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Protect Cap |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ground attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Plusle |
Plusle Tail |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Plusle Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Cheer Rock |
Raises experience received |
** |
Plusle Tail + Plusle Card |
Plusle Bow |
PP of one move restores when hit |
*** |
Plusle Tail + Plusle Card + Cheer Rock |
Minun |
Minun Tail |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Minun Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Volt Heart |
Raises experience received |
** |
Minun Tail + Minun Card |
Spark Tie |
PP of one move restores when hit |
*** |
Minun Tail + Minun Card + Volt Heart |
Volbeat |
Neon Scarf |
Foes will drop money more often |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Illumise |
Evening Bow |
Foes will drop boxes more often |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Budew, Roselia, Roserade |
Budew Scarf |
Recovers PP of one move when hit |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Thorn Torc |
Counters 1/4 damage to attacker's physical move |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Bouquet Cloak |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fire attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Gulpin, Swalot |
Gulpin Bow |
Eating Apples or Berries can recover HP |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Swalot Belt |
HP recovers if critical hit by Psychic attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Carvanha, Sharpedo |
Carvan-Sash |
Speed +1 if weather is Rainy |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Fierce Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Bug attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Wailmer, Wailord |
Spout Scarf |
Recovers PP of one move when hit |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Giant Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Electric attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Numel, Camerupt |
Numel Bow |
Boosts Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Erupt Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Water attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Torkoal |
Sooty Sash |
Attacker may go into Burnt state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Spoink, Grumpig |
Jump Bow |
Foes will drop money easier |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Control Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Dark attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Spinda |
Teeter Bow |
Foes will drop Boxes easier |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Trapinch, Vibrava, Flygon |
Desert Bow |
Evasiveness +2 if weather is Sandstorm |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Vibrate Scarf |
Will not sleep |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Red Sunglasses |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ice attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Cacnea, Cacturne |
Desert Sash |
Speed +1 if weather is Sandstorm |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Cactur-Tophat |
HP recovers if critical hit by Bug attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Swablu, Altaria |
Cotton Bow |
Stats cannot be Lowered |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Cotton Ruff |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ice attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Zangoose |
Strong Sash |
Counters same damage to attacker's physical move |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Seviper |
Seviper Bow |
Attacker may go into Cringing state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Lunatone |
Lunatone Torc |
Recovers PP of one move when hit |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Solrock |
Solrock Bow |
PP will not drop occasionally |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Barboach, Whiscash |
Moist Scarf |
Evasiveness +2 if weather is Rainy |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Whiscash Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Grass attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Corphish, Crawdaunt |
Force Scarf |
Attacker may go into Cringing state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Flinch Sash |
HP recovers if critical hit by Bug attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Baltoy, Claydol |
Baltoy Brooch |
May seal one of the attacker's moves |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Claydol Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Dark attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Lileep, Cradily |
Restrain Scarf |
Attacker may go into Leg Hold state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Cradily Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Steel attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Anorith, Armaldo |
Guard Claw |
Boosts Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Firm Cloak |
HP recovers if critical hit by Water attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Feebas, Milotic |
Great Scarf |
Foes will drop money easier |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Elegant Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Electric attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
   Castform |
Cast-Dew |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Cast-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Cloud Rock |
Receives no damage from explosions |
** |
Cast-Dew + Cast-Card |
Weather Cape |
Prevents status effects in Clear weather |
*** |
Cast-Dew + Cast-Card + Cloud Rock |
Kecleon |
Kecleon Torc |
Encounters Kecleon Stores easier |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Shuppet, Banette |
Shuppet Cape |
Evasiveness +2 if weather is Cloudy |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Unlucky Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ghost attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Duskull, Dusclops, Dusknoir |
Duskull Ruff |
Will not sleep |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Dazzle Bow |
Attacker may go into Sleep state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Unlucky Sash |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ghost attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Tropius |
Tropius Bow |
Attacker may go into Poison, Paralyze or Sleep state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Chingling, Chimecho |
Chingli-Torc |
Encounters Kecleon Stores easier |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Chimecho Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Dark attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Absol |
Disaster Torc |
Attacker may go into Perish Song state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Snorunt, Glalie, Froslass |
Cold Hat |
Attacker may go into Frozen state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Hail Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fire attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Froslass Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Dark attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein |
Sleet Bow |
Attacker may go into Frozen state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Watch Scarf |
Speed +1 if weather is Hail |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Walrein Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Electric attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Clamperl, Huntail, Gorebyss |
Clamp-Brooch |
Halves damage of Explosion and Self-destruct |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Deep Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Electric attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Gorby-Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Grass attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Relicanth |
Relican-Torc |
Moves cannot be sealed |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Luvdisc |
Luvdisc Torc |
Moves cannot be sealed |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Bagon, Shelgon, Salamence |
Rock Helmet |
Will not receive critical hits |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Endure Bow |
Halves damage of Explosion and Self-destruct |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Salam-Cloak |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ice attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Beldum, Metang, Metagross |
Beldum Torc |
Halves damage of Explosion and Self-destruct |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Metang Scarf |
Hits Darks with Psychic moves stronger |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Metag-Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ground attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Regirock |
Rock Sash |
Halves damage from physical Attacks |
*** |
Concealed Ruins B29F Key Room |
Regice |
Ice Sash |
Halves damage from physical Attacks |
*** |
Concealed Ruins B29F Key Room |
Registeel |
Steel Sash |
Halves damage from physical Attacks |
*** |
Concealed Ruins B29F Key Room |
Latias |
Heart Brooch |
May enter Invisible status when Attacking |
*** |
Zero Island West B17F Key Room |
Latios |
Eon Veil |
May raise speed by 1 level when Attacking |
*** |
Zero Island West B17F Key Room |
Kyogre |
Seabed Veil |
Raises Attack speed by 1 level in Rain weather |
*** |
Miracle Sea Deepest Part B3F Key Room |
Groudon |
Terra Ring |
Raises Attack speed by 1 level in Sunny weather |
*** |
Zero Island West 25F Key Room |
Rayquaza |
SkyHigh Veil |
Raises Attack speed by 1 level in Clear weather |
*** |
Sky Rift Deepest Part B9F Key Room |
Jirachi |
Wish Mantle |
Restores HP when changing floors |
*** |
Zero Island South 15F Key Room |
   Deoxys |
Revive Robe |
Lowers more PP of foe by Pressure |
*** |
Zero Island North B22F Key Room |
  Turtwig, Grotle, Torterra |
Lucky Leaf |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Turtwig Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Sprout Rock |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Lucky Leaf + Turtwig Card |
Leafy Hat |
Raises Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Lucky Leaf + Turtwig Card + Sprout Rock |
Grotle Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Grotle Twig |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Grotle Crest |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Defense by 3 |
** |
Grotle Claw + Grotle Twig |
Woody Scarf |
Raises HP restored by absorption moves |
*** |
Grotle Claw + Grotle Twig + Grotle Crest |
Tort-Horn |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Tort-Claw |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Tort-Seal |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Tort-Horn + Tort-Claw |
Forest Torc |
Heals HP when hit by grass moves |
*** |
Tort-Horn + Tort-Claw + Tort-Seal |
  Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape |
Chim-Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Chim-Hair |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Nimble Charm |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Chim-Hair + Chim-Fang |
Ember Cap |
May put foe into Burn status by Attack by 5 |
*** |
Chim-Hair + Chim-Fang + Nimble Charm |
Monfer-Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Monfer-Hair |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Monfer-Crest |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Monfer-Hair + Monfer-Fang |
Burst Sash |
Raises movement speed in Sunny weather |
*** |
Monfer-Hair + Monfer-Fang + Monfer-Crest |
Infern-Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Infern-Hair |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Infern-Seal |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Infern-Hair + Infern-Fang |
Blazing Ruff |
Heals HP when hit by water moves |
*** |
Infern-Hair + Infern-Fang + Infern-Seal |
  Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon |
Piplup Foam |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Piplup Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Sea Ore |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Piplup Foam + Piplup Card |
Water Cape |
Raises Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Piplup Foam + Piplup Card + Sea Ore |
Prin-Foam |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Prin-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Prin-Crest |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Prin-Foam + Prin-Card |
Aqua Blade |
Reflects 1/4 of damage from designated types of moves |
*** |
Prin-Foam + Prin-Card + Prin-Crest |
Empol-Horn |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Empol-Claw |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Empol-Seal |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Empol-Horn + Empol-Claw |
Marine Crown |
Heals HP when hit by ground moves |
*** |
Empol-Horn + Empol-Claw + Empol-Seal |
  Starly, Staravia, Staraptor |
Starly Bow |
Attacker may go into Confused state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Regret Torc |
Will not receive critical hits |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Guts Sash |
HP recovers if critical hit by Rock attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Bidoof, Bibarel |
Bidoof Tooth |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Bidoof Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Fall Charm |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Bidoof Tooth + Bidoof Card |
Stolid Scarf |
Prevents Attract status |
*** |
Bidoof Tooth + Bidoof Card + Fall Charm |
Biba-Tooth |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Biba-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
River Charm |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Biba-Tooth + Biba-Card |
Dam Scarf |
Heals HP when hit by electric move |
*** |
Biba-Tooth + Biba-Card + River Charm |
 Kricketot, Kricketune |
Calm Bow |
Boosts Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Kricket-Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Flying attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
  Shinx, Luxio, Luxray |
Shinx Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Shinx Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Flash Tag |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Shinx Claw + Shinx Fang |
Energy Scarf |
Raises Max PP of each move by 2 |
*** |
Shinx Claw + Shinx Fang + Flash Tag |
Luxio Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Luxio Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Spark Tag |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Luxio Claw + Luxio Fang |
Spark Scarf |
May put foe into Paralysis status by Attack by 5 |
*** |
Luxio Claw + Luxio Fang + Spark Tag |
Luxray Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Luxray Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Glare Tag |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Luxray Claw + Luxray Fang |
Glare Sash |
Heals HP when hit by ground moves |
*** |
Luxray Claw + Luxray Fang + Glare Tag |
 Cranidos, Rampardos |
Hard Helmet |
Ignores Reflect and Light Screen |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Skull Helmet |
HP recovers if critical hit by Steel attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Shieldon, Bastiodon |
Bounce Bow |
Bounces back thrown items |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Dash Brooch |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fighting attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
       Burmy, Wormadam, Mothim |
Straw Cloak |
Boosts Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Wormad-Bow |
Attacker may go into Poison, Paralyze or Sleep state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Mothim Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Rock attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Combee, Vespiquen |
Honey Bow |
Foes will drop Boxes easier |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Vespiq-Bow |
HP recovers if critical hit by Rock attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Pachirisu |
Pachi-Tooth |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Pachi-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Rouse Charm |
Prevents confusion |
** |
Pachi-Tooth + Pachi-Card |
Miracle Bow |
Heals HP when hit by ground moves |
*** |
Pachi-Tooth + Pachi-Card + Rouse Charm |
 Buizel, Floatzel |
Buizel Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Buizel Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Swim Rock |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Buizel Fang + Buizel Card |
Screw Torc |
Raises speed by 1 level in Rain weather |
*** |
Buizel Fang + Buizel Card + Swiftswim Rock |
Float-Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Float-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Rescue Rock |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Float-Fang + Float-Card |
Float Aid |
Heals HP when hit by electric moves |
*** |
Float-Fang + Float-Card + Rescue Rock |
  Cherubi, Cherrim |
Cherubi Seed |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Cherubi Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Cute Ore |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Cherubi Seed + Cherubi Card |
Charm Bow |
Raises Max PP of each move by 2 |
*** |
Cherubi Seed + Cherubi Card + Cute Ore |
Cherrim Dew |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Cherrim Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Sweet Aroma |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Cherrim Dew + Cherrim Card |
Petal Dress |
Heals HP when hit by fire moves |
*** |
Cherrim Dew + Cherrim Card + Sweet Aroma |
   Shellos, Gastrodon |
Awake Bow |
Speed +1 if weather is Rainy |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Gastrod-Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Grass attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Drifloon, Drifblim |
Drifloo-Gasp |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Drifloo-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Wind Heart |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Drifloo-Gasp + Drifloo-Card |
Draft Ring |
Evades all thrown items |
*** |
Drifloo-Gasp + Drifloo-Card + Wind Heart |
Drifbli-Gasp |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Drifbli-Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Easy Charm |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Drifbli-Gasp + Drifbli-Card |
Breeze Scarf |
Heals HP when hit by ghost moves |
*** |
Drifbli-Gasp + Drifbli-Card + Easy Charm |
 Buneary, Lopunny |
Freeze Ruff |
Attacker may go into Frozen state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Charm Coat |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fighting attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Glameow, Purugly |
Glameow Bow |
Attacker may go into Infatuated state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Fear Belt |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fighting attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Stunky, Skuntank |
Stench Scarf |
Attacker may go into Cringing state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Stink Sash |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ground attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Bronzor, Bronzong |
Mirror Brooch |
Attacker may go into Blinker state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Mirror Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ghost attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Chatot |
Chatot Scarf |
May return attack to foe when hit |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Spiritomb |
Shadow Veil |
Moves cannot be sealed |
*** |
Zero Island North B22F Key Room |
  Gible, Gabite, Garchomp |
Gible Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Gible Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Dragon Jewel |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Gible Fang + Gible Card |
Dragon Tie |
Raises Max HP by 10 |
*** |
Gible Fang + Gible Card + Dragon Jewel |
Gabite Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Gabite Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Star Rock |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Gabite Claw, Gabite Fang |
Meteor Torc |
Neglects Reflect of Light Screen of foes |
*** |
Gabite Claw, Gabite Fang + Star Rock |
Gar-Claw |
Boosts Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Gar-Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Speed Tag |
Boosts Attack by 5 & Special Attack by 5 |
** |
Gar-Claw + Gar-Fang |
Mach Scarf |
Heals HP when hit by dragon moves |
*** |
Gar-Claw + Gar-Fang + Speed Tag |
 Riolu, Lucario |
Riolu Tail |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Riolu Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Valiant Rock |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Riolu Tail + Riolu Card |
Emit Ring |
Hits ghost type with normal and fighting moves easier |
*** |
Riolu Tail + Riolu Card + Valiant Rock |
Brave Dust |
Raises chance of defeated foe dropping Treasure Chest |
*** |
Held by hatched Riolu |
Lucario Fang |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Lucario Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Pledge Rock |
Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Lucario Fang + Lucario Card |
Ravage Ring |
Heals HP when hit by psychic moves |
*** |
Lucario Fang + Lucario Card + Pledge Rock |
   Hippopotas, Hippowdon |
Thick Scarf |
Evasiveness +2 if weather is Sandstorm |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Sand Veil |
HP recovers if critical hit by Grass attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Skorupi, Drapion |
Skorupi Bow |
Attacker may go into Leg Hold state |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Dust Scarf |
HP recovers if critical hit by Ground attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Croagunk, Toxicroak |
Croagunk Torc |
Foes will drop Boxes easier |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Toxicro-Belt |
HP recovers if critical hit by Psychic attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Carnivine |
Carnivi-Bow |
Eating Apples or Berries can recover HP |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Finneon, Lumineon |
Swim Bow |
Speed +1 if weather is Rainy |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Lumin-Torc |
HP recovers if critical hit by Electric attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
 Snover, Abomasnow |
Snow Torc |
Attack speed +1 if weather is Hail |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Frozen Cloak |
HP recovers if critical hit by Fire attacks |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |
Rotom |
Plasma Veil |
May put foe into Paralysis status by Attack by 5 |
*** |
Sky Rift Deepest Part B9F Key Room |
Uxie |
Edify Robe |
May warp if hit when HP is low |
*** |
Zero Island East B15F Key Room |
Mesprit |
Charity Robe |
May warp if hit when HP is low |
*** |
Zero Island East B15F Key Room |
Azelf |
Hope Robe |
May warp if hit when HP is low |
*** |
Zero Island East B15F Key Room |
Dialga |
Time Shield |
Halves damages received |
*** |
Zero Island South B15F Key Room |
Palkia |
Air Blade |
Boosts Attacks do 1.5x damage |
*** |
Miracle Sea Deepest Part B3F Key Room |
Heatran |
Searing Ring |
Restores HP when changing floors |
*** |
Zero Island West B25F Key Room |
Regigigas |
Ancient Ring |
Prevents status conditions |
*** |
Concealed Ruins B29F Key Room |
 Giratina |
Nether Veil |
May put foe into Wrapped status by Attack by 5 |
*** |
Zero Island West B25F Key Room |
Cresselia |
Lunar Veil |
Makes other team members susceptible to moves only effective on Cresselia |
*** |
Sky Rift Deepest Part B9F Key Room |
Phione |
Phione Song |
Boosts Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Phione Card |
Boosts Special Defense by 3 |
* |
Via Treasure Chests |
Wavy Jewel |
Boosts Defense by 3 & Special Defense by 3 |
** |
Phione Song + Phione Card |
Ripple Cape |
Heals HP in Water |
*** |
Phione Song + Phione Card + Wavy Jewel |
Marine Cache |
Heals all status in Water |
*** |
Held by hatched Phione |
Manaphy |
Tidal Cape |
Heals HP in Water |
*** |
Location currently unknown |
Darkrai |
Eclipse Robe |
May put foe intoto Nightmare status by Attack by 5 |
*** |
Zero Island North B22F Key Room |
 Shaymin |
Purify Veil |
Absorbs companions' Poison/Badly Poison state for HP |
*** |
Trade any 5 Species Items |