This item allows you to keep track of and learn about a variety of characters within the game including who they are, what they like. These entries are obtained by talking to people or reading Journals throughout Kanto.
Professor Oak |  |  |  |  | Pallet Town Sign
What does this person do? OAK POKEMON RESEARCH LAB | Research Lab Prof. Oak
What is this person like? To make a complete guide on all the POKEMON in the world...That was my dream! | Research Lab Aide
What is this person like? PROF. OAK may not look like much, but he's the authority on POKEMON. Many POKEMON TRAINERS hold him in high regard. |  |  |  | Viridian City Pokémon Journal
Family and friends? PROF. OAK reportedly lives with his grandchildren, DAISY and Green | Pokémon League Agatha
Family and friends? I hear OAK's taken alot of interest in you, child. That old duff was once tough and handsome. But that was decades ago. He's a shadow of his former self. | Research Lab Aide
What does this person do? PROF. OAK is going to have his own radio show soon. The progran will be called PROF. OAK'S POKEMON SEMINAR. | Why do POKEMON compete and battle so hard for you? They do so because the can see the love and trust you have towards POKEMON. Never forget that. |
Daisy Oak |  |  |  |  | Research Lab Aide
What does this person do? If you show DAISY your Pokémon, she can tell how much it likes you. Occasionally, she will even groom a Pokémon for you | Vermillion City Woman
What is this person like? But the person who is most liked by Pokémon is DAISY, I think. | Water Labyrinth Man
What is this person like? She was gently grooming a Pokémon... She was a little angel. That little girl's name... I think it was DAISY. |  |  |  | Viridian City Pokémon Journal
Family and friends? PROF. OAK reportedly lives with his grandchildren, DAISY and Green | Celadon Mansion Old Lady
What is this person like? A girl form PALLET TOWN, DAISY, she enjoys TEA every day. She visits the CELADON DEPT. STORE to buy some TEA. | Four Island Pokémon Journal
There's a rumour... The SPRING Pokémon CONTEST'S GRAND CHAMPION is DAISY OAK of PALLET TOWN. | While I was comfortably enjoying my tea breaks, you've grown very skilled and powerful. I hope you'll remain a good rival to my little brother. |
Brock |  |  |  |  | Pewter City Sign
What does this person do? PEWTER CITY Pokémon GYM LEADER: BROCK The rock-Solid Pokémon TRAINER! | Pewter Gym Brock
Favorite kind of Pokémon? My rock-hard willpower is evident in even my Pokémon. My Pokémon are all rock hard and have true-grit determination. That's right - my Pokémon are all ROCK type! | Pewter City Young Man
What is this person like? There aren't many serious Pokémon TRAINERS here. They're all BUG CATCHERS, you know, just hobbists. But PEWTER GYM's BROCK isn't like that, not at all. |  |  |  | Route 4 Boy
What is this person like? BROCK is cool. He's not just tough. People like and respect him. I want to become a GYM LEADER like him. | Mt. Moon Man
What does this person do? Hi, I'm excavating for fossils here under MT. MOON. Sometimes, BROCK of PEWTER GYM lends me a hand. | Pewter Museum Pokémon Journal
What is this person like? BROCK rarely laughs, but is said to be unable to stop if he starts. | In this big world of ours, there must be many tough TRAINERS. Let's both keep training and making ourselves stronger! |
Misty |  |  |  |  | Celadon City Sign
What does this person do? CERULEAN CITY Pokémon GYM LEADER: MISTY The Tomboyish Mermaid! | Cerulean Gym Misty
Favorite kind of Pokémon? My policy is an all-out offensive with WATER-type Pokémon! | Cerulean Gym Luis
What is this person like? MISTY is a trainer who's going to keep improving. She won't lose to someone like you! | h="25%" align="center">  | One Island Celio
Favorite kind of Pokémon? BILL is a POKéMANIAC, so he likes every kind. Apparently, the first one he caught was an ABRA. | One Island Celio
Family and friends? BILL's hometown is GOLDENROD CITY, where his folks still live. I've heard it's quite the festive, bustling city. | One Island Celio
There's a rumour... Apparently, BILL can't stomach milk at all. | Hey, there! CELIO had nothing but praise for you. Hearing that makes me happy. When you catch some rare Pokémon, come show me, okay? Promise! |
Mr. Fuji |  |  |  |  | Lavender Town Little Girl
What does this person do? He's really kind. He looks after abandoned and orphaned Pokémon. | Pokémon Tower Team Rocket
What is this person like? This old guy marched right up to our HIDEOUT. Then, he starts ranting about how TEAM ROCKET's abusing Pokémon. So, we're just talking it over as adults. | Lavender Town Magazine
What is this person like? Pokémon FAN MAGAZINE Monthly Grand Prize Drawing! The application form is... Gone! it's been clipped out. Someone must have applied already. |  |  |  | Lavender Town Man
There's a rumour... I hear MR. FUJI's not from these part's originally, either. | Cinnabar Gym Photo
Family and friends? It's a photo of BLAINE and MR. FUJI. They're standing shoulder to shoulder with big grins. | Cinnabar Island Pokémon Journal
What is this person like? Editor: The shy MR. FUJI turned down our interview requests. He is a kindly man who is adored and respected in LAVENDER TOWN. | Instead of hoping for the happiness of just your Pokémon... ...Can I get you to wish for the happiness of all Pokémon? |