![]() Mienshao, The Martial Arts Pokémon. It wields the fur on its arms like a whip. Its arm attacks come with such rapidity that they cannot even be seen. They use the long fur on their arms as a whip to strike their opponents. Overview Mienshao is one of many notable Fighting types introduced with Black and White. With a good enough movepool, great offensive stats and good abilities, Mienshao has firmly cemented its place in OU. It works best as a lead, but can also be an effective sweeper. It can even be used as a special sweeper, although that'd be mostly for surprise value. Mienshao is also one of the best doubles Pokémon right now. It has a somewhat surprising support movepool too, which works in both singles and doubles. It has a nice design too. Overall I'd say Mienshao is... pretty awesome? Yeah. Abilities Inner Focus: Makes you immune to flinch. It's Mienshao's worst ability. Let's get this Shao on the road - Fake Out One of the most reliable leads in the game. Fake Out always flinches, and is the ideal opening move. Taunt stops the opponent setting up entry hazards. Stone Edge helps with Flying Pokémon and is a great attack in general. Hidden Power [Ice] is practically exclusive for Gliscor. Hi Jump Kick deals a lot of damage thanks to improved base power and STAB. U-turn is the key move of the set. You deal damage, switch out, activate Regenerator, then come back in and Fake Out again. Sub Pass - Substitute Substitute takes 25% of your max HP and puts a doll in front of your face. Hi Jump Kick is the most powerful move you have access to. Stone Edge handles Flying Pokémon and combos well with Hi Jump Kick. Baton Pass gives something your Substitute and activates Regenerator. Swords Dance - Swords Dance Swords Dance doubles Mienshao's already great Attack. Hi Jump Kick if you want power and possible Reckless, but Drain Punch covers Life Orb and doesn't miss or have deadly recoil. Stone Edge hits Flying types. Payback ruins Ghosts, who would otherwise wall you. Hidden Power [Ice] beats one of the most popular walls; Gliscor. Taunt stops you from being hit with status or being phazed. Choice - Hi Jump Kick Choice is simple. Hit something, think if you can safely hit it again, and switch out if you can't. Hi Jump Kick hits nice and hard, but watch out for Ghosts switching in. Stone Edge hits fliers. U-turn deals damage and scouts, and activates Regenerator. Payback deals reliable damage to Ghosts. Hidden Power [Ice] ruins Gliscor and other 4x Pokémon. EVs & Natures Mienshao Other Options Gems, Acrobatics, Calm Mind, Knock Off, Reversal, Rock Slide Double & Triple Battle Options Fake Out, Taunt, strong attacks, Quick Guard, Inner Focus, Mienshao is an incredible Pokémon in doubles. It offers great support to your second Pokémon, allowing you to set up your team. Trick Room, Tailwind, weather, Mienshao is pretty splashable in doubles. Partners Singles you want to try and keep entry hazards off the field. A Rapid Spinner is recommended. A strong Pursuit user like Tyranitar and Scizor works well, as Ghosts will be wanting to switch into Mienshao. Skarmory and Gliscor will be walling any set you have (unless you run Hidden Power [Ice]), so Rotom-W is an ideal choice for a partner. Being able to deal with Choice Scarf users is pretty vital, so Jirachi or even Wobbuffet works. You want to be able to remove its counters, so it can spam Fake Out and U-turn. In doubles, Mienshao is the perfect set up Pokémon. Running it alongside a user of Tailwind is a really good tactic, but really, any team that needs a free turn to set up could use Mienshao. Countering Mienshao Generic physical walls like Gliscor and Skarmory work well. Forretress, Hippowdon, Slowbro, there's a fair few choices here. Mienshao doesn't have the best coverage in the world, just standard physical attacks. The main threat Mienshao has to deal with is missing Hi Jump Kick, which is made easy with people predicting and switching in Gengar, Jellicent,Dusclops, any Ghost really. As it lacks priority and has a good but not ideal base 105 Speed, it can be revenge killed easily. Psychics are some of the most reliable counters, as long as they avoid U-turn. Espeon, the Latis, Reuniclus, the list is pretty long. Considering how much Mienshao spams U-turn though, being able to counter it is pretty difficult. ![]() Mienfoo can run any set Mienshao does but in Little Cup. Not the strongest or fastest, but far from the weakest. You'd probably see Choice Scarf as Mienfoo doesn't have the most ideal Speed. It hits 17 if I remember rightly with Jolly, which is just short of sweepers like Abra and Gastly. ![]() Locations in Games Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald: FireRed/LeafGreen: Colosseum/XD: Diamond/Pearl/Platinum: HeartGold/SoulSilver: Black/White: ![]() Animé Appearences
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