Lickilicky, The Licking Pokémon. It has space in its throat to store saliva. It can also roll up its tongue and store it in the same spot. Its saliva can decompose anything. It wraps its long tongue around things to coat them with its sticky saliva. The long tongue is always soggy with slobber. The saliva contains a solvent that causes numbness. It wraps things with its extensible tongue. Getting too close to it will leave you soaked with drool.
Lickilicky really is forgettable. To be honest, it'd more or less pointless except for Swords Dance and Explosion. There really isn't much to talk about. It's pretty ugly, pretty fat, pretty slow, pretty awful, except for Swords Dance Explosion. That is it's redeeming feature. Okay, this line comes after writing the rest of the analysis. Lickilicky is a lot better than I gave it credit for here. It has redeeming factors outside of Explosion. This doesn't make it a great Pokémon, but it is a lot better than I initially thought.
Oblivious: unless you are fighting people who use Attract or you are worried about Cute Charm, this ability is useless.
Own Tempo: Lickilicky cannot be confused. Obviously its best ability, considering how pointless Oblivious is.
Move Sets
- Explosion
- Return
- Earthquake
- Fire Punch / Aqua Tail
Item Attached: Choice Band
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
Explosion coming from a Choice Banded Pokémon is scary enough, but when it is a STAB Explosion? Oh yeah, we are playing in the big leagues now. 375 base power with a secondary effect of piercing the opponent's Defence, Lickilicky's Explosion is terrifyingly amazing. Return is another powerful attack. Not as strong as Explosion, but it doesn't kill you on use. Earthquake helps stop things that will try and wall Lickilicky such as any grounded Steel types. Fire Punch stops every other Steel type, whereas Aqua Tail beats down bulky Ground types that want to take physical hits. It also makes the awesome type combo of Water and Normal.
- Swords Dance
- Explosion
- Return
- Earthquake / Aqua Tail
Item Attached: Leftovers
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 92 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
Swords Dance gives Lickilicky ridiculous power. Its Attack grows to huge levels, which really makes Explosion a threat. As in, OHKOing 99% of the game threatening. Yeah, that's pretty impressive for a Pokémon in the NU tier. Return is Lickilicky's most reliable move in terms of strength and accuracy as it excels in both. Earthquake breaks down Steel types but means you can't touch levitating Ghosts whereas Aqua Tail makes the Normal and Water combo as well as allowing you to hit Ghosts.
Lickilicountered BOOM
- Counter
- Return
- Explosion
- Aqua Tail / Fire Punch
Item Attached: Leftovers
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
A much more surprising set. You can easily get some unpredictable kills with Counter, which works really well with Lickilicky's great HP and Defence. Return is the best reliable Normal move Lickilicky has access to, and should be used in most of Lickilicky's sets. Explosion is Explosion, it is one of the main reasons to use Lickilicky. Aqua Tail or Fire Punch depends on whether you want to hit more thing neutrally or Steel Pokémon. Regardless of which you pick, you will be able to hit Ghosts though.
- Explosion
- Fire Blast
- Power Whip / Earthquake
- Ice Beam
Item Attached: Life Orb
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 SAtk
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
If you are going to use Lickilicky in OU, this is the set it wants. Explosion is as powerful as ever, smashing holes in anything, even physically bulky Pokémon. Fire Blast handles every Steel type bar Heatran due to Flash Fire. Power Whip beats Swampert down, whereas Earthquake allows you to beat Heatran. Ice Beam takes out Gliscor and Flygon, as well as giving you something to use on bulky Grounds. This set does work in OU, but also does well in UU still. Due to no Heatran there, Power Whip is a better choice or you will be stuck against Pokémon like Quagsire and Poliwrath.
Curses, licked again!
- Curse
- Explosion / Rest
- Return
- Gyro Ball
Item Attached: Leftovers
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 252 HP / 68 Atk / 24 Def / 164 SDef
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
Another set that works in OU and UU, Curse boosts Lickilicky's stats in the right places. Nobody cares about its Speed, but boosting its Attack and Defence is awesome. Wait, Explosion is listed as an option? It isn't a compulsory move? That's right! Due to the live long die hard nature of this set, Rest is a great option to use instead of Explosion. Return is the best Normal move Lickilicky has, I'm really getting sick of saying that. Gyro Ball stops Ghosts from walling you, as well as working with Curse and Lickilicky's awful Speed.
EVs and Nature:
No point in properly investing in Speed. Max Attack and max HP make for the best EV spread here.
164 Speed means you beat no Speed base 70s. Max Attack means max power, with the remainder in Lickilicky's HP to take a few extra hits.
Lickilicountered BOOM
You want to be able to survive as many physical attacks as possible, so boost your physical bulk all the way up to max.
Max Attack gives Lickilicky all the power it needs. The Special Attack means you can smack down on Steels with Fire Blast, giving them no room to breathe. The HP leaves Lickilicky with 1 HP after getting hit by Life Orb recoil ten times, giving you eleven attacks (which could be Explosion, meaning one more Pokémon goes boom)
Curses, licked again!
Always go for max HP. The small Defence investment means after two Curses, Scarfcross can't OHKO you. The Attack OHKOs Gengar after a Curse, and the Special Defence means you can take special hits all day.
Other Options
Belly Drum, Block, Body Slam, Flamethrower, Focus Punch, Heal Bell, Knock Off, Wish
Belly Drum gives you +6 Attack in a single turn, but at the cost of half of your max HP. Really not worth it in my opinion, Swords Dance gives Lickilicky all the power it needs.
Block stops the opponent from switching, which could be useful.
Body Slam is an alternative to Return on every set, but it's slightly weaker with a chance to paralyze. Pick your option, they are both good.
Flamethrower is an alternative to Fire Blast, but really not worth it..
Focus Punch could be used on a SubPunch set, but has no use outside of that.
Heal Bell supports the team and helps Lickilicky recover from a Toxic or burn.
Knock Off is another support option, but this time focuses on wrecking your opponent's strategy by removing the enemy Pokémon's items.
Wish is the final support move worth using. It is its only heal move outside of Rest, but it has that one turn delay.
Countering Lickilicky
How to counter something that OHKOs 99% of the game... firstly, use something it can't hit. Ghosts are the best way to take Lickilicky down. Dusknoir, Gengar, Mismagius, Rotom-A, and Spiritomb are the best choices. Burning Lickilicky is always a great strategy as well, as then it loses its awesome power. I would say Steel types and bulky Grounds are the best way to go, but they get taken out so easily by Explosion it's silly. Regirock, Aggron, Rhyperior and Bastiondon are a few of the Pokémon that aren't destroyed in one hit by Explosion, but they all lose to Earthquake and Aqua Tail. Lickilicky's biggest weakness comes in the form of its base 50 Speed, which basically allows it to be outrun by everything not pathetically slow. Despite being bulky, Lickilicky can still be revenge killed fairly easily. Just make sure to try and revenge kill it with a Fighting move and Fighting type ideally, so you know it'll kill. You don't want to be eating an Explosion for just a silly mistake.
Locations in Games
Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Not in Game Colosseum/XD Not in Game Fire Red/Leaf Green Not in Game Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Evolve Lickitung HeartGold/SoulSilver Evolve Lickitung
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Animé Appearences
Lickilicky has had a few Animé Appearences. Most of its appearances were cameos, but most notably it was used by Conway against Ash in the Sinnoh League
Rise of Darkrai |
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