Porygon-Z, the Virtual Pokémon. An additional program was installed to create a more advanced Pokémon, but it was apparently flawed. Porygon-Z moves oddly as a result. Its programming was modified to enable it to operate in other dimensions. This did not work as planned.
For generations, Porygon-Z has been the byword for power for the Normal type and it is easy to see why. 135 Special Attack is literally legendary in power, matching some of the scariest Pokémon around in base offensive might. Not that Porygon-Z will stay at base might with all three of its abilities capable of providing a power boost to take its damage to the next level, and that is before even considering Nasty Plot. Further adding onto this is Porygon-Z’s absurd coverage. Not only does it possess the wide neutral coverage of its Normal STAB, but learns numerous special options, including the famed BoltBeam combo, Shadow Ball and Dark Pulse for Ghost types as well as Psychic and Psyshock for Fighting types and non Umbreon special sponges, giving Porygon-Z an answer for almost every wall it can face. The crowning jewel of Porygon-Z’s power is Hyper Beam. Arguably the only Singles viable user of Hyper Beam in the game, Porygon-Z’s sheer power with the move can even down perennial special wall Blissey all but securing a KO on the opposing team when used.
Power is all that really stands out about Porygon-Z, however. The Normal typing is very mediocre defensively and Porygon-Z’s below average defenses means it offers almost no defensive utility to a team. This is further complicated by Porygon-Z’s speed. While base 90 Speed is by no means bad and Porygon-Z being able to naturally remedy it with Agility is amazing, the fact remains that Porygon-Z is outrun by many prominent offensive Pokémon that it lacks the bulk to setup on and needs to be picking up knock outs to be safe. Porygon-Z’s abilities are inconsistent too, with Analytic all but being a nonstarter due to Porygon-Z’s good speed and poor bulk, Adaptability only boosting one of Porygon-Z’s coverage options and Download being completely dependent on the opponent when Porygon-Z switches in. This, with Porygon-Z’s speed issues, finds it wanting for more power ironically enough since it misses the OHKOs it needs to stay alive. Hyper Beam is also a horrible move for good reason as the free turn of setup it affords can easily cost one the entire game. The fact remains that trainers will jump through all sorts of hoops for power and Porygon-Z’s system requirements aren’t so outlandish for the payoff it provides.
Base 135 Special Attack is absurd, on par with Legendaries in power, especially after boosts from Download or Adaptability.
Incredible coverage, giving Porygon-Z a move for just about every threat that it could face.
Dual boosting options in Nasty Plot and Agility allows Porygon-Z to push its Special Attack to unsurvivable levels or remedy its speed to outrun everything.
Normal typing is horrible defensively, offering next to no resistances.
85/70/75 defenses are below average, greatly reducing Porygon-Z’s hit taking ability.
Abilities are inconsistent, which can leave Porygon-Z wanting for power.
Broadcast Storm
-Tri Attack
-Ice Beam
Ability: Download
Item: Leftovers
EVs and Nature:
4 Hp / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
This Porygon-Z set makes the most of Porygon-Z's power and flexibility to break through a large variety of walls and threaten to compromise a team's defensive backbone if not take knock outs. Tri Attack is the bread and butter of this set, being primary STAB with wide neutral coverage, making it rather free to use repeatedly. The rider effect, while infrequent is Ice Beam and Thunderbolt additionally boast wide super effective coverage on top of threatening many prominent physical walls, like Corviknight, Skarmory, Great Tusk, Dodondozo, Ting-Lu, Gliscor, Tauros-Aqua, and Rhyperior making allowing Porygon-Z to use such Pokémon as entry points for an easy Special Attack boost from Download. Psyshock is a tech against prominent Special Walls like Blissey, Clodsire, Florges, Tentacruel, etc. allowing Porygon-Z to break past the Pokémon otherwise called upon to wall it.
Tera Types:
While pure Normal is horrible as a base typing, Porygon-Z's focus on damage and wide coverage means it can fulfill its role without Terastalizing. Not to say that Porygon-Z doesn't like Terastalizing, with offensive Teras being the order of the day to get extra coverage or the most out of its own attacks. Tera Normal is always a good option to get the most out of Porygon-Z's STAB, especially if running Hyper Beam to effectively "blow up" a target. Tera Psychic is niche, but worth considering if running Psyshock, enabling Porygon-Z to 2HKO Blissey and Florges and the Fighting resistance can come up in resisting Mach Punches from the likes of Breloom, Conkeldurr and the like. If running Shadow Ball, Tera Ghost is probably the best offensive defensive option, given the synergistic coverage of Normal Ghost pseudo STAB while blocking common forms of priority like Extreme Speed, Mach Punch, and Vacuum Wave, while blocking errant Body Presses and Close Combat's sent Porygon-Z's way. Tera Ground and Tera Fighting are great options if running Tera Blast, answering Steel and Rock types looking to resisting Porygon-Z's Normal STAB. Tera Ground is preferred over Fighting given the latter being mutually blanked with Normal STAB by Ghost types, though its ability to cover Tyranitar, Kingambit and Umbreon should not be discounted.
EVs and Items:
Max Special Attack and Speed are recommended. Porygon-Z's job is to deal damage and it lacks the bulk to afford HP and Defense investment, while being able to outspeed defensive staples is vital. The decision between Modest and Timid natures is difficult. Modest is preferred for wallbreaking power, giving Porygon-Z the ability to break through Blissey, one shot Azumarill, Clodsire, Latios, Regidrago, Roaring Moon, Scizor, and Zamazenta after two layers of Spikes. Timid Nature is equally invaluable, as without a Speed boosting nature positive natured base 80s, will outrun Porygon-Z, leaving Porygon-Z exposed to positive Speed natured Pokémon like Heracross, Chandelure, Dragonite, Toxicroak, Great Tusk, Mamoswine, Gardevoir that it would normally outspeed. Life Orb is recommended as the item, offering the mix of flexibility and power Porygon-Z is feared for. Choice Specs is a viable alternative, trading flexibility for extra power.
This offensive Porygon-Z set struggles against most offensive Pokémon who outrun and eliminate it, so teammates that can handle such threats are paramount. Sticky Web users like Araquanid, Ribombee and Galvantula are fantastic enablers for Porygon-Z, allowing it to far more freely threaten the opposing team and the Flying types immune to Sticky Web cannot freely switch into Porygon-Z due to the BoltBeam coverage it is packing. Otherwise, Speed Booster Energy Scream Tail is great at crippling faster opponents with Thunder Wave.
Given Porygon-Z's issues with Steel and Rock types, answers to them that don't rely on Terastalization are a given to help Porygon-Z better threaten the opposing team, even if Porygon-Z is adept at chipping most targets down. Physical Fighting types like Galarian Zapdos, Slither Wing, Mienshao are all excellent examples, their physical STABs breaking the sponges that can slow Porygon-Z down while Porygon-Z can use the Ghost types that switch in to block their STABs as an easy entry point and reliably threatens the bulky Psychic and Water types that hinder such Fighting types with Shadow Ball and Thunderbolt.
Other Options:
Tera Blast is a potent alternative STAB option especially if running a Choice Item as it allows Porygon-Z to change the type of its move without switching out.
Shadow Ball is fantastic for covering Ghost types looking to exploit Porygon-Z's Normal STAB and synergizes well with one of Porygon-Z's most potent Terastalization options.
Trick is exclusive to sets using Choice items but is a blanket answer to dedicated walls that Porygon-Z can't fit the coverage or Terastalization to match.
Adaptability only boosts Normal STAB or whatever Porygon-Z's current Tera type is, but is far more consistent than Download.
Electric Soldier Porygon-Z
-Tera Blast
-Ice Beam
Ability: Download
Item: Expert Belt
EVs and Nature:
4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
Agility allows Porygon-Z to remedy its below par Speed, turning it into a blazing fast threat that is hard to handle. Add in a free Special Attack boost from Download to act as a pseudo-Dragon Dance with Agility and Porygon-Z becomes a game ending threat. Tera Blast is primary STAB, not for the wide neutral coverage (though helpful) but for synergy with Terastalization to cover as many targets as possible. Ice Beam and Thunderbolt again round out Porygon-Z’s coverage, with the wide super effective coverage of Ice hitting many important Dragon, Ground and Grass types complimented by Electric’s ability to zap the Ice resistant Water types that often make up part of a team’s defensive backbone, and the near perfect coverage the two boast.
Tera Types:
This Porygon-Z set tends to be Tera reliant for either the additional coverage Terastalization provides or the extra power from a same typed Tera to make up for the lack of coverage. Tera Ground and Fighting are greatly preferred for the wide coverage they provide and answering the Rock and Steel types that resist normal Tera Blast. Tera Ground is more synergistic if running Thunderbolt, hitting Electric types that often have Electric immunizing abilities, while Tera Fighting synergizes better with Shadow Ball due to the near unresisted coverage Ghost Fighting boasts. Otherwise, same typed Tera’s such as Normal, Ghost, Ice and Electric can be necessary for reaching knock outs.
EVs and Items:
Max Speed and Special Attack are recommended again for Porygon-Z to get the most out of Agility and Download and/or Nasty Plot. Max Special Attack is nonnegotiable. Porygon-Z is reliant on getting knockouts and needs as much power as possible to do so. Some Speed investment may be able to be sacrificed; while this allows Porygon full investment on Speed after an Agility is near overkill given how few boosted Pokémon are able to outspeed Porygon-Z. 188 Speed EVs still ensures Porygon-Z isn’t outsped by Base 110 Choice Scarf users like Hisuian Zoroark, while 156 Speed EVs still outruns Scarf Mienshao, while 124 Speed still outruns Base 100 Scarfers like Staraptor, with the now free EVs going into HP investment for more survivability. Expert Belt is recommended if running the Tera Blast and BoltBeam for the sheer super effective coverage it provides while avoiding Porygon-Z chipping itself down into KO range a la Life Orb. Sitrus Berry is another consideration, giving Porygon-Z more wiggle room while setting up. Focus Sash is also a consideration if one is confident about their hazard control, guaranteeing an Agility setup.
Porygon-Z loves physical attackers that can pivot for partners as they often bait in a team’s physical walls, allowing Porygon-Z to come in for a free Download boost. Slither Wing is fantastic in this regard, its STAB First Impression and U-Turn great at ripping chunks out of the opponent while its Fighting STAB is great at threatening prominent special walls like Tyranitar, Hisuian Goodra, Blissey and Umbreon, making it unlikely that they will be on the field to deny a Download boost.
Allies that can enable setup are invaluable for Porygon-Z, especially the Nasty Plot and Agility variant that requires extra setup. Incineroar is an excellent example, with the item disruption from Knock Off fantastic at softening opponents into KO range, Will-O-Wisp rendering physical attacks a non-issue and Parting Shot being a great entry point for Porygon-Z. Scream Tail is another example Thunder Wave and Encore creating setup opportunities, while Misty Explosion can be used as an aggressive pivot option.
Other Options:
Nasty Plot is potent for a double dance set, allowing Porygon-Z to boost whatever stat is appropriate for the situation, though the loss in coverage is quite apparent.
Shadow Ball provides excellent coverage against opposing Ghost types and prominent Ghost weak walls like Bronzong, Slowbro, the Slowkings, and the like. This is a very strong option is going the double dance route given the wide coverage Ghost Normal provides.
Doubles and VGC Options
Porygon-Z has not reached the same level of acclaim as Porygon2 in Doubles formats. Porygon2's insane bulk with Eviolite and access to Trick Room alongside good Special Attack and wide coverage ensures it has seen consistent play as one of the most consistent Trick Room setters even after generations of power creep. Porygon-Z, while possessing the selfsame absurd coverage and even higher Special Attack has had a rough ninth generation. While previous generational mechanics in Z-Moves and Dynamax allowed Porygon-Z to effectively reuse Hyper Beam without drawbacks and/or address its speed and bulk issues, Terastalization offers little that Porygon-Z didn’t already have. This causes Porygon-Z to struggle to stand out among the sea of other frail attackers, especially when potent Normal special offense is likewise boasted by the much bulkier Ursaluna Bloodmoon. Porygon-Z’s power and coverage is nothing to scoff at, it requires much more support to reach the same heights as its contemporaries.
Grounded Glitch
-Tera Blast
-Ice Beam
-Thunderbolt/Shadow Ball
Ability: Download/Adaptability
Item: Life Orb
Tera Type: Ground
EVs and Nature:
228 HP / 84 Def / 196 SAtk
Modest Nature
This Porygon-Z set is a devestating attacker to use its wide coverage to eliminate the defensive centerpieces of opposing teams, applying continuous pressure from the word go. Porygon-Z's normal typing acts as a lure here, with opponents wary of Porygon-Z's power loading up on Steel and Rock types like Archaludon, Gholdengo, Kingambit, Tyranitar, etc. only for Tera Ground to suddenly pull the ground out from under them. Indeed, even without a Download Boost, Porygon-Z handily one-shots everything save Assault Vest Kingambit or Assault Vest Tyranitar, with only the latter surviving a Download Boost. Tera Ground Tera Blast also handles many other prominent Regulation H threats including Incineroar, Torkoal, Tauros Blaze, Electabuzz, Magmar, etc. Ice Beam is great into both Ursalunas, Dragonite, Dragapult, Garchomp, Hydreigon, Amoonguss, Sinishtcha, and Rillaboom, with the Rillaboom needing Assault Vest to survive. Thunderbolt is a great answer into many popular Rain teams and Tera Water users on top of the famed coverage BoltBeam provides, making it difficult to safely Tera out of getting blasted by Porygon-Z. Shadow Ball is a direct answer to Ghost types, especially Annihilape, but most Ghost types (Gholdengo, Sinistcha, Dragapult, Chandelure, Basculegion) are covered by Porygon-Z's coverage. Protect is Protect.
Download is preferred given the boost it gives to all of Porygon-Z's moves rather than solely Tera Blast (or Hyper Beam) if running Adaptability, though its consistency issues have many flock towards Adaptability for reliability. This EV spread forgoes Speed investment, relying on Tailwind to outrun everything. Porygon-Z's base Speed is good enough to get the jump on many staples like Rillaboom and Incineroar. If looking to guarantee outrunning neutral base 80s like Adamant Dragonite, 172 Speed EVs would be needed. 196 Special Attack in conjunction with Life Orb and a Download Boost enables Porygon-Z to oneshot just about everything, with the remainder going into HP and Defenese to fortify Porygon-Z against priority moves.
Other Options:
Hyper Beam is tantalizing as a deletion tool, reaching absurd damage numbers with nothing but the bulkiest Pokémon and Normal resists being able to withstand it, but the lost turn can just as easily cost you the battle.
Dark Pulse is an option over Shadow Ball, hitting Indeedee and Farigiraf in addition to most Ghost types, but misses Annihilape and Mimikyu and exasperates Porygon-Z's issues with Fighting types.
This set is meant to be run with Tailwind support, so that is a must. Whimsicott is ideal, its Prankster making it incredibly reliable at setting Tailwind, and Fake Tears support is just as effective at getting OHKOs out of nowhere, especially if Download doesn't go Porygon-Z's way.
Physical Attackers love Porygon-Z for its ability to remove Incineroar, Archaludon and other prominent physical walls, allowing them to run rampant. Dragon types in particular flourish once Steel types and Incineroar are removed, making Dragonite, Dragapult and Baxcalibur work well, though Porygon-Z's Tera Hungry nature discourages Tera-reliant sets.
Countering Porygon-Z
Porygon-Z’s power and wide coverage obliterates any universal check with answers being reliant on what Porygon-Z doesn’t have.
Special sponges like Blissey, Florges, Umbreon, Gastrodon and Goodra can weather Porygon-Z’s Specs boosted assaults and thus most unboosted attacks well, but Blissey and Umbreon hate getting Tricked, and Goodra does not do well into Ice Beam. Tera Psychic boosted Psyshock can easily 2HKO anything not named Umbreon and a Nasty Plot Life Orb Adaptability or Tera Normal Hyper Beam can OHKO any of these sponges not explicitly packing Tera Ghost to nullify the blast.
If Ground or Fighting Terastalization is not available, Specially Defensive Steel and Rock types are problematic for Porygon-Z, given their resistance to Normal STAB. Hisuian Goodra, Registeel, specially defensive Heatran, Diancie, and Tyranitar all boast the requisite special bulk while not being weak to common coverage from Porygon-Z. Body Press Bronzong can be dangerous to Porygon-Z as well, but specifically requires Proygon-Z to not be carrying Shadow Ball. If lacking Thunderbolt, Empoleon has sufficient special bulk to take on Porygon-Z and threaten back with its own STABs.
Offensively, Porygon-Z would be easier to check given its unimpressive speed, but access to Agility and a common user of Choice Scarf narrows safe answers until the set or item is known. Priority is often the safest way to answer Porygon-Z with Mach Punch users like Breloom, Conkeldurr, Banded Infernape and Banded Pawmot all easily netting OHKOs. Furthermore, Tera Normal Extreme Speed users like Lucario, Arcanine, and Dragonite can easily pick off Porygon-Z after Life Orb or hazards damage. Other priority users like Mamoswine, Floatzel, Tauros-Aqua, Staraptor can take off a third to half of Porygon-Z’s to clean it up if a wall has managed to chip it. Agility Porygon-Z is very difficult to outspeed but not impossible, with Modest variants being outran by Scarf Meowscarada and other similarly fast Choice Scarf users. Choice Scarf Porygon-Z is far more manageable with numerous faster Scarf users like Staraptor, Mienshao, and Galarian-Zapdos all able to outspeed and OHKO. If not wielding Scarf, or speed control support, the list of Pokémon that can pick off Porygon-Z expands dramatically.
Locations in Games
Not in game
Not in game
Not in game
Not in game
Not in game
Evolve Porygon2
Evolve Porygon2
Evolve Porygon2
Black 2/White 2:
Trade from White
Trade from Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire
Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire:
Evolve Porygon2
Evolve Porygon2
Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon:
Evolve Porygon2
Let's Go, Pikachu!/Let's Go, Eevee!:
Not in game
Evolve Porygon2
Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl:
Evolve Porygon2
Legends: Arceus:
Crimson Mirelands: Space-time Distortion in Crimson Mirelands
Evolve Porygon2
Tera Raid Battles: 5 Star Raid Battles, 6 Star Raid Battles

Anime Appearences
Porygon-Z has yet to make an appearance in the anime.
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