
Dudunsparce, the Land Snake Pokémon. This Pokémon uses its hard tail to make its nest by boring holes into bedrock deep underground. The nest can reach lengths of over six miles. It drives enemies out of its nest by sucking in enough air to fill its long, narrow lungs, then releasing the air in an intense blast. The gentle Dudunsparce will put Pokémon that wander into its nest onto its back and carry them to the entrance. A recent study uncovered that the number of segments a Dudunsparce's body has is determined by the Pokémon's genes.


After years of fans clamoring for a Dunsparce evolution, its vestigial wings and snake like body evoking thoughts of a magnificent winged serpent, Game Freak answered the call… with more Dunsparce. Despite the disconnect between expectations and results, Dudunsparce is quite the glow up from its pre-evolution, going from pure gimmick to actual threat. Dudunsparce’s bulk is fantastic, with greater base bulk than Amoonguss, and thanks to its access to Roost, Dudunsparce possesses shocking longevity as a result. Dudunsparce’s movepool is also quite vibrant. As an early Generation Normal type, Dunsparce could learn every move under the sun, and Dudunsparce’s movepool reflects that, having coverage options for every type except Fairy, only now Dudunsparce possesses attacking stats that enable it to threaten the opposition. Serene Grace also synergizes nicely with Dudunsparce’s movepool, giving coverage moves slightly more utility on top of enabling nightmarish Flinching locks. It is not just coverage either, with disruption in Glare and Yawn, boosting with Calm Mind and Coil, and even hazard support in Stealth Rock, and Dudunsparce can fulfill a wide variety of roles as called for.

Sadly, Dudunsparce still struggles to go the distance. While its base bulk is greater than that of Amoonguss’, Dudunsparce’s Normal typing leaves it wanting for resistances, limiting the number of attacks it can switch in on. Molasses base 55 Speed further exasperates Dudunsparce’s defensive woes, forcing it to take unresisted hits before acting on top of impeding Serene Grace Flinch shenanigans. Furthermore, while Dudunsparce’s offenses are usable, it doesn’t get much more than that, with Dudunsparce requiring multiple boosts to become a threat, lacking an Ability or explosive boosting moves to make up the difference. Dudunsparce encapsulates Jack of All Trades, Master of None, its versatility allowing it to perform just about anything, though its numerous flaws ensure that it is rarely as well as the competition.
125/80/75 defenses with Roost are good, allowing Dudunsparce to endure multiple attacks before going down.
Utterly absurd movepool, with all the coverage, boosting and utility one could ask for.
Serene Grace is an amazing ability, turning STAB and coverage moves like Body Slam and Rock Slide into damaging utility moves.

Normal typing offers little in the way of resistances, limiting the number of attacks Dudunsparce can tank reliably.
Average offenses leave Dudunsparce struggling against dedicated walls and its damage unimpressive without several turns of boosting.
Base 55 Speed leaves Dudunsparce exposed, forcing it to endure attacks before acting.



-Body Slam
Ability: Serene Grace
Item: Leftovers
EVs and Nature:
252 HP /4 Atk / 252 SDef
Careful Nature

Coil Dudunsparce stands out from other setup sweepers thanks to its ability to provide support when on offense. Serene Grace bolstering Body Slam’s Paralysis chance to a whopping 60% makes Dudunsparce quite reliable at spreading paralysis while on offense, allowing for early game setups to enable Dudunsparce’s allies in the late game. Coil does a lot for Dudunsparce, bolstering its Attack and making it even more physically resilient than it already is, which is fantastic in allowing Dudunsparce to steamroll physical attackers once it acquires enough boosts. Earthquake compliment’s Dudunsparce’s Normal STAB well, hitting the Rock and Steel types that resist it, like Registeel and Iron Thorns, leaving the fewest answers into Dudunsparce with floating Normal resists like Mismagius, Drifblim, and Bronzong. Roost gives Dudunsparce invaluable permanence, allowing it to shrug off damage received during setup and enables multiple setup attempts, allowing Dudunsparce to avoid being a one-shot setup attacker.

Tera Types:
Given the resistance lacking Normal typing, Dudunsparce loves Terastalizing to improve its hit taking abilities, allowing Dudunsparce to grab more boosts. Fighting resistant Teras are the go to option, as Dudunsparce’s good base bulk tends to attract super effective answers to avoid drawn out battles with it, as well as being easier to predict when to Terastalize to blank an opponent’s turn. Tera Fairy is incredibly popular given how good Fairy is as a type defensively with slower Steel and Poison types hesitant around the possibility of Earthquake. Tera Poison is a good alternative offering a great Fairy resistance on top of preventing Toxic and Toxic Spikes from ruining Dudunsparce. Tera Ghost providing immunity to Fighting attacks is great, though one may prefer to run Rattled over Serene Grace given a Ghost typing drawing in Dark and Ghost attacks.

EVs and Items:
Max HP and Special Defense investment are recommended, allowing Dudunsparce to easily nab more boosts and giving the greatest overall bulk once setup given Coil addresses Dudunsparce’s Attack and Defense. This is far from the only option though. If attempting Coil ParaFlinch, Speed investment is greatly recommended, as is any Rattled sets looking to exploit the ability. If looking to exploit Paralysis, 76 Speed EVs are enough for Dudunsparce to outrun Paralyzed base 100 Pokémon like Paldean Tauros, and Staraptor, 96 Speed for Paralyzed Mienshao at base 105 speed, and 140 Speed EVs are required to outrun Paralyzed Cinccino. If running a Rattled variant, it is highly recommended one pivot over to a Jolly Nature and heavily invest on Speed to get the most out of Rattled. 216 with Jolly is the lowest recommended, as that enables Dudunsparce to outrun base 100s after a single Rattled Boost, great for punishing Paldean Tauros’ Intimidate to get the jump on it with free Coils and Roosts. Leftovers is heavily recommended as the item, the passive recovery reducing the number of times Dudunsparce needs to Roost and shrugging off Entry Hazard damage. Chople Berry seems redundant with the Fighting resistant Teras Dudunsparce likes running, but is a great tool for preserving Terastalization for one of Dudunsparce’s partners and allows for scouting if unsure an opponent is running Fighting coverage.

: Allies that can handle the ungrounded Rock Steel and Ghost types that give Dudunsparce trouble are greatly recommended. Chandelure, Hisuian Typhlosion, and Basculegion are key examples, their STABs ripping such Pokémon apart and can use the Fighting attacks Dudunsparce draws as free switch in opportunity. These Pokémon work well even if Dudunsparce is running Rock Slide, covering opposing Steel types as well, while being able to bluff the standard set. In turn, all these Pokémon love the Paralysis Dudunsparce spreads around, allowing them to pick up Kos against ordinarily faster targets.

Other Options:
Rock Slide is incredibly tantalizing with Coil fixing up its accuracy and Serene Grace enabling a meaty 60% Flinch chance for ParaFlinch strategies, though giving up Ground coverage in Earthquake or healing with Roost is agonizing. Bite is far weaker but hits the levitating Ghost types and Bronzong that otherwise would be called to wall Coil Dudunsparce. Hyper Drill is a fantastic Normal STAB that most Normal types would love to get over Dudunsparce and is worth considering on sets with Rattled for the extra power.

Doubles and VGC Options

Dudunsparce’s versatility extends to doubles as well. Its disruptive options like Yawn, Glare, Serene Grace Body Slam and Serene Grace Rock Slide are just as potent in Doubles as in Singles, while possessing excellent speed control options in Tailwind and Bulldoze. Dudunsparce’s signature Hyper Drill is incredible, bypassing the most common move in Doubles and clocking damage on Pokémon otherwise thought safe. This is not even accounting for how much more abusable Rattled is in a Doubles format with the prevalence of Intimidate and Beat Up strategies turning Dudunsparce into one of the most efficient setup sweepers around. Dudunsparce’s problems, remain much the same. Its power unremarkable without boosting, its typing lacks the resistances to stomach blows, and its lacking speed exasperates these problems. Trick Room doesn’t even save Dudunsparce, like it does so many other slow Pokémon thanks to the presence of both Ursalunas who are wholly superior Normal types that both reliably outslow Dudunsparce in Trick Room, depriving Dudunsparce of that niche.

Cryptid Coward

-Stored Power
-Baton Pass
Ability: Rattled
Item: Weakness Policy
Tera Type: Psychic/Ghost
EVs and Nature:
236 HP / 252 SAtk / 20 Spe
Modest Nature

Rattled Weakness Policy Dudunsparce efficacy at setting up is a site to behold. Open the battle with Dudunsparce and an ally with Beat Up. Have Dudunsparce Terastalize to a Dark weak type and have said ally use Beat Up on Dudunsparce. This triggers both Weakness Policy and Rattled 4 times, leaving Dudunsparce at +2 in both offenses and +4 in Speed, pushing Stored Power up to a whopping base 180 Power. After all this setup, Dudunsparce, is likely to go first and start picking up OHKOs with Stored Power. Boomburst is an absurdly strong STAB move whose spread damage is fantastic at grinding opponents down quickly and worth managing its friendly fire aspect. Roost is necessary given the one shot nature of this set, allowing Dudunsparce to stick around for longer to milk every it can out of its boosts. Baton Pass is fantastic when Dudunsparce can’t deal meaningful damage to its foes, allowing it to pass its hard won boosts off to an ally that can finish what Dudunsparce started.

For Dudunsparce's EVs, it needs relatively little in Speed to start outspeeding everything after setup. The 20 Speed EVs is necessary for outspeeding Scarf Garchomp, though more speed can be considered to outspeed more targets (28 Speed for 100 Speed Archaludon in Tailwind, 96 Speed for Adamant Swift Swim Basculegion, 108 Speed for Max Speed Dragonite in Tailwind). Everything else goes into Special Attack for damage and HP to soak attacks. As noted, Dudunsparce needs a Dark weak Tera for Weakness Policy to trigger on Beat Up. Psychic is preferred, giving Dudunsparce STAB to its main attack and helping reach the ridiculous damage numbers it is known for, though a strong argument can be made for Tera Ghost with its immunity to Fake Out and Extreme Speed.

Other Options:
Calm Mind makes it so Dudunsparce isn't complete dead weight if forced out after Weakness Policy. Earth Power hits the Steel types and Tyranitar that resist both Boomburst and Stored Power Hyper Voice is far weaker, but with 100% less friendly fire. Protect is the best move in Doubles, its utility innumerable, and any Pokémon that can run it should consider it.

Preferred Partners:
Maushold is key to this set. Beat Up is paramount for Dudunsparce to hit the ground running, and Maushold is the best at the job, between Friend Guard making Dudunsparce even bulkier, and Follow Me to keep heat off Dudunsparce while it rampages. Whimsicott is the other available Beat Up user, and while it does not offer the same bulk that Maushold does, Fake Tears is fantastic in conjunction with Dudunsparce to grab a sudden knock out. Annihilape makes for a fantastic partner for Dudunsparce, hitting the Steel types and Tyranitar that resist both Stored Power and Boomburst, while its Ghost typing allows Dudunsparce to freely spam Boomburst without fear of friendly fire. Sinistcha is another great Ghost ally that greatly increases Dudunsparce’s longevity between Hospitality and Life Dew.

Countering Dudunsparce

Dudunsparce has such a wide and varied movepool, it is difficult to predict what it will be running until its too late, and its disruptive options are numerous to the point that every check comes with an asterisk.

Accordingly, the best defense against Dudunsparse is a good offense, blasting Dudunsparce before it can use its innumerable tools to ruin your day, a task aided by Dudunsparse’s low speed. Powerful breakers like Banded Basculegion in the Rain, and Banded Hisuian Arcanine along with Fighting type attackers like Close Combat Braviary, Banded Staraptor, Heracorss, Emboar, Hariyama, Hitmontop, Banded Infernape, Mienshao, Paldean Tauros, etc. can easily put down Dudunsparse before it can do anything. Do note Dudunsparce is often prepared for its Fighting type weakness, either with a defensive Tera or ally waiting in the wing.

Ghost types make for somewhat reliable switch ins to Dudunsparce. Its scariest moves are its Normal STABs, whether that be Body Slam or Boomburst, so being able to switch into Dudunsparce’s best is invaluable. Mismagius and Drifblim are complete walls to Coil Dudunsparce, whose usual Normal + Ground coverage can’t hit them, along with any other Air Balloon Ghost types. Calm Mind sets can run Shadow Ball, so some trepidation must be exercised if facing those sets. Conversely, Hisuain Zoroark is immune to the Boomburst + Shadow Ball coverage Calm Mind Dudunsparce can run, making it a clean out there. Floating Steel types like Bronzong and Tera Steel Uxie are also difficult opponents for Dudunsparce.

ParaFlinch Dudunsparce is a vexing exercise in probability, though there are methods to shutdown such shenanigans. Electric types are immune to Paralysis and most naturally outspeed Dudunsparce, so they can’t be flinched to death, though their general frailty means few can switch in directly. Iron Thorns is a notable exception, its fantastic Defense ensuring that Dudunsparce struggles to deal damage outside of Earthquake coverage. Inner Focus users like Dragonite, Entei, Umbreon and Raikou can ignore the Flinch part of the equation, making them that much more likely to attack. Covert Cloak also shuts down ParaFlinch Dudunsparce hard, preventing any of its treasured secondary effects from going off and make it easier to beat down.

Rattled Weakness Policy Dudunsparce is difficult to manage once it gets going, so the best option is to deny the initial setup. Redirection like Follow Me and Rage Powder prevents Beat Up from hitting its mark, while Fake Out is good to stop a first turn Beat Up and clock some damage on Dudunsparce or on later turns suppress it and prevent it from utilizing its boosts. The set is also incredibly tight on move slots, and often lacks coverage into specially bulky Steel types like Hisuian Goodra. Tyrannitar also works incredibly well, given its immunity to Stored Power and resistance to Boomburst, though neither like Earth Power.

Locations in Games

Not in game

Not in game

Not in game

Not in game

Not in game

Not in game

Not in game

Not in game

Black 2/White 2:
Not in game

Not in game

Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire:
Not in game

Not in game

Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon:
Not in game

Let's Go, Pikachu!/Let's Go, Eevee!:
Not in game

Not in game

Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl:
Not in game

Legends: Arceus:
Not in game

Area Zero, Chilling Waterhead, Oni Mountain, Timeless Woods
Tera Raid Battles: 4 Star Raid Battles

Anime Appearences

Dudunsparce made a few appearances. In them, it was under control of Larry at the Medali Gym.

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
59 TBC Dance, Quaxly! Dance the Blue Medali Dance!! Pics