Pinsir, The Stag Beetle Pokémon. It is astoundingly strong. It can grip a foe weighing twice its weight in its horns and easily lift it. It's movements turn sluggish in cold places. It has a pair of massive horns Protruding from the surface of these horns are thorns. These thorns are driven deeply into the foe's body when the pincer closes, making it tough for the foe to escape. Their pincers are strong enough to shatter thick logs. Because they dislike cold, they burrow and sleep under the ground on chilly nights. If it fails to crush the foe in its pincers, it will swing around and toss the opponent.
Battle Moveset A Good Moveset for Pinsir would have to be this: Attacks:
Hidden Power [Bug] Items Attached:
Preferred Nature: Adamant or Jolly Strategy Using Pinsir Pinsir is essentially an inferior Heracross, lacking Megahorn, Guts and a fighting typed STAB boost. Stats-wise they are practically the same, possessing matching speed and attack stats and only differing on defensive stats (which over all favour Heracross). However, Pinsir still remains a good Pokémon and a legitimate threat in the correct hands. As with most stat up sweepers you'll need a lot of team work to cover Pinsir's weaknesses and clear out any Pokémon who will wall it. The major weakness for Pinsir in Underused play is fast flying types, although this can be covered by Pinsir itself with Rock Slide and well-timed prediction. Without Rock Slide, team help will be very much required. On paper Sword Dance-Focus punch doesn't look like it'd work out, however Focus Punch is Pinsir's strongest move and is very helpful for taking out a PHaze attempt by your opponent. Substitute on the other hand is there to block status attacks and to activate the Salac Berry, and will needed to be left until you are completely sure that you've cleared out all your opponent's Pinsir counters. EV Corner:
EVs: 122 HP / 252 Atk / 136 Spd Outruns all the amigos from the base 70 speed group and works nicely if you've got paralysis support from the team.
EVs: 42 HP / 252 Atk / 216 Spd Outruns all the amigos from the base 80 speed group and isn't far from the maximum speed stat Pinsir can achieve. Other Optional Sets
Pinsir @ Choice Band What mini-Heracross would be complete without a Choice Band set? In reality it makes a pretty fine Choice Bander for UU, getting several easy switch ins on slower Pokémon and having a solid array of coverage. In OU, it's simply a matter of realising that Heracross does everything Pinsir can 10x better.
Pinsir @ Salac Berry Lack of Reversal and lack of STAB severely hurts this but it can still be pulled off with moderate success. You'll NEED Sword Dance for this to help make up for the lack of STAB and the support move depends on whether you want to cover Psychics, Ghosts or Rock and Steels.
Pinsir @ Leftovers Sub-Punch set. Set up a Sub on an incoming status then throw a Focus Punch at your opponent. Workable but for the most part inferior to Sub-Sword Dance.
Pinsir @ Salac Berry This set focuses more on keeping your opponent guessing. You could either lead on the belief it's a Sub-Puncher or a Sub-Flailer before leading your opponent to the realisation that it's both. Strategy Against Pinsir Rock attacks, Flying attacks (it may not have Heracross's 4x weakness to flying attacks but they'll still hurt it), Fire attacks are obvious. Fast sweepers are generally the main counter, especially the likes of Swellow and Fearow, and in OU Skarmory will stop it cold (since unlike Heracross it doesn't get STAB + Guts + CB Focus Punch for the OHKO). Contest Moveset A good Contest Moveset for Pinsir would have to be this for the Tough Contest best with Impish, Lax, Relaxed or Bold Nature: Attacks:
Swords dance Items Attached:
Strategy Using Pinsir If you do the attacks in this following order you should have very few problems; 1st - Swords Dance, 2nd - Rock smash, 3rd - Swords dance, 4th - Rock smash/Earthquake, 5th - Hyperbeam Locations in Games
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