Furret, The Long Body Pokémon. There is no telling where its tail begins. Despite its short legs, it is quick at hunting Rattata. It makes a nest to suit its long and skinny body. The nest is impossible for other pokémon to enter. The deeper the nests go, the more maze-like they become. When under attack, it can slickly squirm through narrow spaces and get away. In spite of its short limbs, it is very nimble and fleet. Battle Moveset A Good Moveset for Furret would have to be this: Attacks:
Return Items Attached:
Preferred Nature: Adamant Strategy Using Furret
This pokemon wasn't given the best stats in game. At
least this pokemon has been given a decent movepool
and is good as a choice bander (it makes up for the
relatively poor attack stat at least). EV Corner: Max out the EVs in Attack & Speed for Furret with any remaining in HP Strategy Against Furret
Furret is one of the poor Pokémon that Nintendo didn't
bless with good stats. It has above average speed, but
not to the degree that it'll outrun many Pokémon, and
above average HP, which is usually lost due to its
weak defences. The most effective Furret tends to be
the 'Choice Furret' (Furret@Choice Band), which can
make its attack somewhat effective. It also has access
to Quick Attack, which can cause some heavy damage on
Pokémon faster than Furret (of which many tend to have
weak defence). Contest Moveset A good Contest Moveset for Furret would have to be this for the Smart Contest best with Calm, Gentle, Careful, Sassy Nature: Attacks:
Thunderbolt Items Attached:
Strategy Using Furret If you do the attacks in this following order you should have very few problems; 1st - Thunderbolt, 2nd - Body slam, 3rd - Shadow ball, 4th - Toxic, 5th - Body Slam Locations in Games
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