Politoed, The Frog Pokémon. If Poliwags and Poliwhirls hear it's Cry...they were gather from far and wide. When 3 or more are together...they sing in a bellowing voice. The curled hair on it's head is proof of it's king status. The Longer and more curled the hair is...the more respected it will be by it's peers
Battle Moveset A Good Moveset for Politoed would have to be this: Attacks:
Psychic Items Attached:
Preferred Nature: Timid Strategy Using Politoed Politoed is best as a special sweeper and with fairly decent stats it should last in battle. Surf is for STAB and ice beam is to cover the weaknesses to grass types. The HP fire can be replaced by almost any special Hidden power, make sure it covers any weaknesses in your team. EV Corner: Max out the EVs in Special Attack & Special Defense for Politoed with any remaining in HP Strategy Against Politoed Politoed has pretty strong defenses...but his Physical Defense is weaker than Special, so if you cant get any attacks that are super effective (Thunder, Grass etc.) Contest Moveset The best Moveset for Politoed would have to be this for the Beauty Contest best with Modest, Mild, Rash or Quiet Nature: Attacks:
Hail Items Attached:
Strategy Using Politoed If you do the attacks in this following order you should have very few problems; 1st - Hail, 2nd - Blizzard, 3rd - Hail, 4th - Ice beam, 5th - Water pulse Locations in Games
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