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001 - 151
001 Bulbasaur
002 Ivysaur
003 Venusaur
004 Charmander
005 Charmeleon
006 Charizard
007 Squirtle
008 Wartortle
009 Blastoise
010 Caterpie
011 Metapod
012 Butterfree
013 Weedle
014 Kakuna
015 Beedrill
016 Pidgey
017 Pidgeotto
018 Pidgeot
019 Rattata
020 Raticate
021 Spearow
022 Fearow
023 Ekans
024 Arbok
025 Pikachu
026 Raichu
027 Sandshrew
028 Sandslash
029 Nidoran-F
030 Nidorina
031 Nidoqueen
032 Nidoran-M
033 Nidorino
034 Nidoking
035 Clefairy
036 Clefable
037 Vulpix
038 Ninetales
039 Jigglypuff
040 Wigglytuff
041 Zubat
042 Golbat
043 Oddish
044 Gloom
045 Vileplume
046 Paras
047 Parasect
048 Venonat
049 Venomoth
050 Diglett
051 Dugtrio
052 Meowth
053 Persian
054 Psyduck
055 Golduck
056 Mankey
057 Primeape
058 Growlithe
059 Arcanine
060 Poliwag
061 Poliwhirl
062 Poliwrath
063 Abra
064 Kadabra
065 Alakazam
066 Machop
067 Machoke
068 Machamp
069 Bellsprout
070 Weepinbell
071 Victreebel
072 Tentacool
073 Tentacruel
074 Geodude
075 Graveler
076 Golem
077 Ponyta
078 Rapidash
079 Slowpoke
080 Slowbro
081 Magnemite
082 Magneton
083 Farfetch'd
084 Doduo
085 Dodrio
086 Seel
087 Dewgong
088 Grimer
089 Muk
090 Shellder
091 Cloyster
092 Gastly
093 Haunter
094 Gengar
095 Onix
096 Drowzee
097 Hypno
098 Krabby
099 Kingler
100 Voltorb
101 Electrode
102 Exeggcute
103 Exeggutor
104 Cubone
105 Marowak
106 Hitmonlee
107 Hitmonchan
108 Lickitung
109 Koffing
110 Weezing
111 Rhyhorn
112 Rhydon
113 Chansey
114 Tangela
115 Kangaskhan
116 Horsea
117 Seadra
118 Goldeen
119 Seaking
120 Staryu
121 Starmie
122 Mr.Mime
123 Scyther
124 Jynx
125 Electabuzz
126 Magmar
127 Pinsir
128 Tauros
129 Magikarp
130 Gyarados
131 Lapras
132 Ditto
133 Eevee
134 Vaporeon
135 Jolteon
136 Flareon
137 Porygon
138 Omanyte
139 Omastar
140 Kabuto
141 Kabutops
142 Aerodactyl
143 Snorlax
144 Articuno
145 Zapdos
146 Moltres
147 Dratini
148 Dragonair
149 Dragonite
150 Mewtwo
151 Mew
152 - 251
152 Chikorita
153 Bayleef
154 Meganium
155 Cyndaquil
156 Quilava
157 Typhlosion
158 Totodile
159 Croconaw
160 Feraligatr
161 Sentret
162 Furret
163 Hoothoot
164 Noctowl
165 Ledyba
166 Ledian
167 Spinarak
168 Ariados
169 Crobat
170 Chinchou
171 Lanturn
172 Pichu
173 Cleffa
174 Igglybuff
175 Togepi
176 Togetic
177 Natu
178 Xatu
179 Mareep
180 Flaaffy
181 Ampharos
182 Bellossom
183 Marill
184 Azumarill
185 Sudowoodo
186 Politoed
187 Hoppip
188 Skiploom
189 Jumpluff
190 Aipom
191 Sunkern
192 Sunflora
193 Yanma
194 Wooper
195 Quagsire
196 Espeon
197 Umbreon
198 Murkrow
199 Slowking
200 Misdreavus
201 Unown
202 Wobbuffet
203 Girafarig
204 Pineco
205 Forretress
206 Dunsparce
207 Gligar
208 Steelix
209 Snubbull
210 Granbull
211 Qwilfish
212 Scizor
213 Shuckle
214 Heracross
215 Sneasel
216 Teddiursa
217 Ursaring
218 Slugma
219 Magcargo
220 Swinub
221 Piloswine
222 Corsola
223 Remoraid
224 Octillery
225 Delibird
226 Mantine
227 Skarmory
228 Houndour
229 Houndoom
230 Kingdra
231 Phanpy
232 Donphan
233 Porygon 2
234 Stantler
235 Smeargle
236 Tyrogue
237 Hitmontop
238 Smoochum
239 Elekid
240 Magby
241 Miltank
242 Blissey
243 Raikou
244 Entei
245 Suicune
246 Larvitar
247 Pupitar
248 Tyranitar
249 Lugia
250 Ho-oh
251 Celebi
252 Treecko
253 Grovyle
254 Sceptile
255 Torchic
256 Combusken
257 Blaziken
258 Mudkip
259 Marshtomp
260 Swampert
261 Poochyena
262 Mightyena
263 Zigzagoon
264 Linoone
265 Wurmple
266 Silcoon
267 Beautifly
268 Cascoon
269 Dustox
270 Lotad
271 Lombre
272 Ludicolo
273 Seedot
274 Nuzleaf
275 Shiftry
276 Taillow
277 Swellow
278 Wingull
279 Pelipper
280 Ralts
281 Kirlia
282 Gardevoir
283 Surskit
284 Masquerain
285 Shroomish
286 Breloom
287 Slakoth
288 Vigoroth
289 Slaking
290 Nincada
291 Ninjask
292 Shedinja
293 Whismur
294 Loudred
295 Exploud
296 Makuhita
297 Hariyama
298 Azurill
299 Nosepass
300 Skitty
301 Delcatty
302 Sableye
303 Mawile
304 Aron
305 Lairon
306 Aggron
307 Meditite
308 Medicham
309 Electrike
310 Manectric
311 Plusle
312 Minun
313 Volbeat
314 Illumise
315 Roselia
316 Gulpin
317 Swalot
318 Carvanha
319 Sharpedo
320 Wailmer
321 Wailord
322 Numel
323 Camerupt
324 Torkoal
325 Spoink
326 Grumpig
327 Spinda
328 Trapinch
329 Vibrava
330 Flygon
331 Cacnea
332 Cacturne
333 Swablu
334 Altaria
335 Zangoose
336 Seviper
337 Lunatone
338 Solrock
339 Barboach
340 Whiscash
341 Corphish
342 Crawdaunt
343 Baltoy
344 Claydol
345 Lileep
346 Cradily
347 Anorith
348 Armaldo
349 Feebas
350 Milotic
351 Castform
352 Kecleon
353 Shuppet
354 Banette
355 Duskull
356 Dusclops
357 Tropius
358 Chimecho
359 Absol
360 Wynaut
361 Snorunt
362 Glalie
363 Spheal
364 Sealeo
365 Walrein
366 Clamperl
367 Huntail
368 Gorebyss
369 Relicanth
370 Luvdisc
371 Bagon
372 Shellgon
373 Salamence
374 Beldum
375 Metang
376 Metagross
377 Regirock
378 Regice
379 Registeel
380 Latias
381 Latios
382 Kyogre
383 Groudon
384 Rayquaza
385 Jirachi
386 Deoxys
387 Turtwig
388 Grotle
389 Torterra
390 Chimchar
391 Monferno
392 Infernape
393 Piplup
394 Prinplup
395 Empoleon
396 Starly
397 Staravia
398 Staraptor
399 Bidoof
400 Bibarel
401 Kricketot
402 Kricketune
403 Shinx
404 Luxio
405 Luxray
406 Budew
407 Roserade
408 Cranidos
409 Rampardos
410 Shieldon
411 Bastiodon
412 Burmy
413 Wormadam
414 Mothim
415 Combee
416 Vespiquen
417 Pachirisu
418 Buizel
419 Floatzel
420 Cherubi
421 Cherrim
422 Shellos
423 Gastrodon
424 Ambipom
425 Drifloon
426 Drifblim
427 Buneary
428 Lopunny
429 Mismagius
430 Honchkrow
431 Glameow
432 Purugly
433 Chingling
434 Stunky
435 Skuntank
436 Bronzor
437 Bronzong
438 Bonsly
439 Mime Jr.
440 Happiny
441 Chatot
442 Spiritomb
443 Gible
444 Gabite
445 Garchomp
446 Munchlax
447 Riolu
448 Lucario
449 Hippopotas
450 Hippowdon
451 Skorupi
452 Drapion
453 Croagunk
454 Toxicroak
455 Carnivine
456 Finneon
457 Lumineon
458 Mantyke
459 Snover
460 Abomasnow
461 Weavile
462 Magnezone
463 Lickilicky
464 Rhyperior
465 Tangrowth
466 Electivire
467 Magmortar
468 Togekiss
469 Yanmega
470 Leafeon
471 Glaceon
472 Gliscor
473 Mamoswine
474 Porygon-Z
475 Gallade
476 Probopass
477 Dusknoir
478 Froslass
479 Rotom
480 Uxie
481 Mesprit
482 Azelf
483 Dialga
484 Palkia
485 Heatran
486 Regigigas
487 Giratina
488 Cresselia
489 Phione
490 Manaphy
491 Darkrai
492 Shaymin
493 Arceus
Almia: 001-105
R-001 Pichu
R-002 Pikachu
R-003 Raichu
R-004 Bidoof
R-005 Bibarel
R-006 Taillow
R-007 Swellow
R-008 Budew
R-009 Roselia
R-010 Roserade
R-011 Squirtle
R-012 Wartortle
R-013 Blastoise
R-014 Zubat
R-015 Golbat
R-016 Crobat
R-017 Gastly
R-018 Haunter
R-019 Gengar
R-020 Buneary
R-021 Lopunny
R-022 Happiny
R-023 Starly
R-024 Staravia
R-025 Staraptor
R-026 Pachirisu
R-027 Munchlax
R-028 Makuhita
R-029 Hariyama
R-030 Bonsly
R-031 Sudowoodo
R-032 Slakoth
R-033 Seedot
R-034 Nuzleaf
R-035 Shiftry
R-036 Tangrowth
R-037 Shellos
R-038 Gastrodon
R-039 Glameow
R-040 Purugly
R-041 Geodude
R-042 Graveler
R-043 Golem
R-044 Nosepass
R-045 Probopass
R-046 Miltank
R-047 Cherubi
R-048 Cherrim
R-049 Shinx
R-050 Luxio
R-051 Luxray
R-052 Turtwig
R-053 Grotle
R-054 Torterra
R-055 Buizel
R-056 Floatzel
R-057 Weedle
R-058 Beedrill
R-059 Combee
R-060 Vespiquen
R-061 Tyrogue
R-062 Magnemite
R-063 Magneton
R-064 Magnezone
R-065 Growlithe
R-066 Arcanine
R-067 Rattata
R-068 Raticate
R-069 Chatot
R-070 Elekid
R-071 Electabuzz
R-072 Electivire
R-073 Magby
R-074 Magmar
R-075 Magmortar
R-076 Voltorb
R-077 Electrode
R-078 Wingull
R-079 Pelipper
R-080 Croagunk
R-081 Toxicroak
R-082 Kricketot
R-083 Kricketune
R-084 Cranidos
R-085 Rampardos
R-086 Finneon
R-087 Lumineon
R-088 Chinchou
R-089 Lanturn
R-090 Mantyke
R-091 Mantine
R-092 Qwilfish
R-093 Corsola
R-094 Staryu
R-095 Starmie
R-096 Sharpedo
R-097 Eevee
R-098 Vaporeon
R-099 Jolteon
R-100 Flareon
R-101 Espeon
R-102 Umbreon
R-103 Leafeon
R-104 Glaceon
R-105 Mareep
R-106 Flaaffy
R-107 Ampharos
R-108 Aipom
R-109 Ambipom
R-110 Pineco
R-111 Forretress
R-112 Spearow
R-113 Fearow
R-114 Oddish
R-115 Gloom
R-116 Vileplume
R-117 Bellossom
R-118 Yanma
R-119 Yanmega
R-120 Larvitar
R-121 Pupitar
R-122 Tyranitar
R-123 Pinsir
R-124 Numel
R-125 Camerupt
R-126 Mankey
R-127 Primeape
R-128 Gligar
R-129 Gliscor
R-130 Mawile
R-131 Aron
R-132 Lairon
R-133 Aggron
R-134 Doduo
R-135 Dodrio
Almia: 136-267
R-136 Carnivine
R-137 Charmander
R-138 Charmeleon
R-139 Charizard
R-140 Slugma
R-141 Magcargo
R-142 Drifloon
R-143 Drifblim
R-144 Stunky
R-145 Skuntank
R-146 Kangaskhan
R-147 Shuppet
R-148 Banette
R-149 Rhyhorn
R-150 Rhydon
R-151 Rhyperior
R-152 Muk
R-153 Houndour
R-154 Houndoom
R-155 Spinarak
R-156 Ariados
R-157 Ralts
R-158 Kirlia
R-159 Gardevoir
R-160 Gallade
R-161 Machop
R-162 Machoke
R-163 Machamp
R-164 Mime Jr.
R-165 Mr. Mime
R-166 Drowzee
R-167 Hypno
R-168 Chimchar
R-169 Monferno
R-170 Infernape
R-171 Vulpix
R-172 Ninetales
R-173 Skorupi
R-174 Drapion
R-175 Lickilicky
R-176 Ponyta
R-177 Rapidash
R-178 Girafarig
R-179 Tauros
R-180 Ninjask
R-181 Shieldon
R-182 Bastiodon
R-183 Abra
R-184 Alakazam
R-185 Murkrow
R-186 Honchrkrow
R-187 Koffing
R-188 Weezing
R-189 Skarmory
R-190 Duskull
R-191 Dusclops
R-192 Dusknoir
R-193 Sableye
R-194 Sandshrew
R-195 Sandslash
R-196 Spiritomb
R-197 Spheal
R-198 Sealeo
R-199 Walrein
R-200 Swinub
R-201 Piloswine
R-202 Mamoswine
R-203 Jigglypuff
R-204 Wigglytuff
R-205 Chingling
R-206 Piplup
R-207 Prinplup
R-208 Empoleon
R-209 Delibird
R-210 Jynx
R-211 Snover
R-212 Abomasnow
R-213 Snorunt
R-214 Glalie
R-215 Froslass
R-216 Scyther
R-217 Scizor
R-218 Dratini
R-219 Dragonair
R-220 Misdreavus
R-221 Mismagius
R-222 Riolu
R-223 Lucario
R-224 Torkoal
R-225 Bagon
R-226 Shelgon
R-227 Salamence
R-228 Heatran
R-229 Horsea
R-230 Seadra
R-231 Kingdra
R-232 Huntail
R-233 Gorebyss
R-234 Tentacruel
R-235 Omanyte
R-236 Omastar
R-237 Wailmer
R-238 Wailord
R-239 Cacnea
R-240 Cacturne
R-241 Mothim
R-242 Victreebel
R-243 Sceptile
R-244 Sneasel
R-245 Weavile
R-246 Hippopotas
R-247 Hippowdon
R-248 Bronzor
R-249 Bronzong
R-250 Claydol
R-251 Gible
R-252 Gabite
R-253 Garchomp
R-254 Cresselia
R-255 Blaziken
R-256 Absol
R-257 Darkrai
R-258 Aerodactyl
R-259 Flygon
R-260 Altaria
R-261 Togekiss
R-262 Porygon-Z
R-263 Celebi
R-264 Regirock
R-265 Regice
R-266 Registeel
R-267 Regigigas
Oblivia: 1-150
R-001 Pidgey
R-002 Pidgeotto
R-003 Pidgeot
R-004 Pichu
R-005 Pikachu
R-006 Raichu
R-007 Mareep
R-008 Flaaffy
R-008 Ampharos
R-010 Sunkern
R-011 Sunflora
R-012 Sentret
R-013 Furret
R-014 Bulbasaur
R-015 Ivysaur
R-015 Venusaur
R-017 Teddiursa
R-018 Ursaring
R-019 Marill
R-020 Azumarill
R-021 Krabby
R-022 Kingler
R-023 Wingull
R-024 Pelipper
R-025 Pachirisu
R-026 Hoppip
R-027 Skiploom
R-028 Jumpluff
R-029 Kricketot
R-030 Kricketune
R-031 Hoothoot
R-032 Noctowl
R-033 Stantler
R-034 Spinarak
R-035 Ariados
R-036 Buizel
R-037 Floatzel
R-038 Croagunk
R-039 Toxicroak
R-040 Poochyena
R-041 Mightyena
R-042 Zubat
R-043 Golbat
R-044 Crobat
R-045 Koffing
R-046 Weezing
R-047 Geodude
R-048 Graveler
R-049 Golem
R-050 Cranidos
R-051 Rampardos
R-052 Dunsparce
R-053 Stunky
R-054 Skuntank
R-055 Murkrow
R-056 Honchkrow
R-057 Celebi
R-058 Lapras
R-059 Luvdisc
R-060 Chinchou
R-061 Lanturn
R-062 Mantyke
R-063 Mantine
R-064 Clamperl
R-065 Huntail
R-066 Gorebyss
R-067 Corsola
R-068 Horsea
R-069 Seadra
R-070 Kingdra
R-071 Carvanha
R-072 Sharpedo
R-073 Igglybuff
R-074 Munchlax
R-075 Eevee
R-076 Vaporeon
R-077 Jolteon
R-078 Flareon
R-079 Espeon
R-080 Umbreon
R-081 Leafeon
R-082 Glaceon
R-083 Piplup
R-084 Prinplup
R-085 Empoleon
R-086 Shellos
R-087 Gastrodon
R-088 Aipom
R-089 Ambipom
R-090 Totodile
R-091 Croconaw
R-092 Feraligatr
R-093 Ledyba
R-094 Ledian
R-095 Mudkip
R-096 Marshtomp
R-097 Swampert
R-098 Sudowoodo
R-098 Bonsly
R-100 Tyrogue
R-101 Hitmonlee
R-102 Hitmonchan
R-103 Hitmontop
R-104 Wobbuffet
R-105 Electrike
R-106 Manectric
R-107 Gligar
R-108 Gliscor
R-109 Shuckle
R-110 Magnemite
R-111 Magneton
R-112 Magnezone
R-113 Voltorb
R-114 Electrode
R-115 Elekid
R-116 Electabuzz
R-117 Electivire
R-118 Porygon2
R-119 Porygon-Z
R-120 Aron
R-121 Lairon
R-122 Aggron
R-123 Shinx
R-124 Luxio
R-125 Luxray
R-126 Raikou
R-127 Oddish
R-128 Gloom
R-129 Vileplume
R-130 Bellossom
R-131 Cherubi
R-132 Cherrim
R-133 Ralts
R-134 Kirlia
R-135 Gardevoir
R-136 Gallade
R-137 Bidoof
R-138 Bibarel
R-139 Turtwig
R-140 Grotle
R-141 Torterra
R-142 Treecko
R-143 Grovyle
R-144 Sceptile
R-145 Budew
R-146 Roselia
R-147 Roserade
R-148 Duskull
R-149 Dusclops
R-150 Dusknoir
Oblivia: 151-301
R-151 Wooper
R-152 Quagsire
R-153 Togepi
R-154 Togetic
R-155 Togekiss
R-156 Mothim
R-157 Cyndaquil
R-158 Quilava
R-159 Typhlosion
R-160 Misdreavus
R-161 Mismagius
R-162 Glameow
R-163 Purugly
R-164 Gastly
R-165 Haunter
R-166 Gengar
R-167 Vulpix
R-168 Ninetales
R-169 Mime Jr.
R-170 Chikorita
R-171 Bayleef
R-172 Meganium
R-173 Baltoy
R-174 Claydol
R-175 Natu
R-176 Xatu
R-177 Sableye
R-178 Shieldon
R-179 Bastiodon
R-180 Sandshrew
R-180 Sandslash
R-182 Mankey
R-183 Primeape
R-184 Bronzor
R-185 Bronzong
R-186 Entei
R-187 Magby
R-188 Magmar
R-189 Magmortar
R-190 Pineco
R-191 Forretress
R-192 Combee
R-193 Vespiquen
R-194 Chimchar
R-195 Monferno
R-196 Infernape
R-197 Makuhita
R-198 Hariyama
R-199 Gible
R-200 Gabite
R-201 Garchomp
R-202 Sneasel
R-203 Weavile
R-204 Yanma
R-205 Yanmega
R-206 Charmander
R-207 Charmeleon
R-208 Charizard
R-209 Phanpy
R-210 Donphan
R-211 Torchic
R-212 Combusken
R-213 Blaziken
R-214 Numel
R-215 Camerupt
R-216 Larvitar
R-217 Pupitar
R-218 Tyranitar
R-219 Bagon
R-220 Shelgon
R-221 Salamence
R-222 Scyther
R-223 Scizor
R-224 Beldum
R-225 Metang
R-226 Metagross
R-227 Happiny
R-228 Starly
R-229 Staravia
R-230 Staraptor
R-231 Skarmory
R-232 Drifloon
R-233 Drifblim
R-234 Chatot
R-235 Smeargle
R-236 Snubbull
R-237 Granbull
R-238 Carnivine
R-239 Politoed
R-240 Cleffa
R-241 Girafarig
R-242 Dodrio
R-243 Lotad
R-244 Lombre
R-245 Ludicolo
R-246 Finneon
R-247 Lumineon
R-248 Relicanth
R-249 Suicune
R-250 Lickilicky
R-251 Buneary
R-252 Lopunny
R-253 Spheal
R-254 Sealeo
R-255 Walrein
R-256 Delibird
R-257 Snover
R-258 Abomasnow
R-259 Smoochum
R-260 Chingling
R-261 Chimecho
R-262 Skorupi
R-263 Drapion
R-264 Riolu
R-265 Lucario
R-266 Houndour
R-267 Houndoom
R-268 Slowking
R-269 Anorith
R-270 Armaldo
R-271 Kabuto
R-272 Kabutops
R-273 Qwilfish
R-274 Remoraid
R-275 Octillery
R-276 Tentacool
R-277 Tentacruel
R-278 Latias
R-279 Latios
R-280 Swinub
R-281 Piloswine
R-282 Mamoswine
R-283 Hippopotas
R-284 Hippowdon
R-285 Absol
R-286 Ho-oh
R-287 Rhyperior
R-288 Froslass
R-289 Tangrowth
R-290 Probopass
R-291 Ditto
R-292 Regigigas
R-293 Mewtwo
R-294 Blastoise
R-295 Heracross
R-296 Blissey
R-297 Phione
R-298 Articuno
R-299 Zapdos
R-300 Moltres
R-301 Lugia
S-001 Heatran
S-002 Shaymin
S-003 Giratina
S-004 Dialga
S-005 Palkia
S-006 Arceus
#013 Weedle
Pokémon Game Picture
National No.
Regional No.
English name
Japanese Name
Ranger 2
Shield Dust
Shield Dust
: Damaging moves used by the opponent will not have an additional effect.
Gender Ratio
Male: 50 %
Female: 50 %
Type 1
Type 2
Hairy Pokémon
7.1 lbs
Evolution Chain
--Lv. 7-->
--Lv. 10-->
Mystery Dungeon 2 Info
Body Size
IQ Group
Group A
Ranger Shadows of Almia Info
Type Group
Field Ability
Pkmn Assist
Tackle * 1
PokéPark Wii - Pikachu's Adventure Info
Score to Beat
Bulbasaur's Daring Dash
Get Rate
Obtainable Location
Time & Darkness
Apple Woods - 4F-9F
Apple Woods - 4F-9F
Ranger Shadows of Almia
Vien Forest
Blazing Adventure Squad
Dubious Forest 1F-6F
Stormy Adventure Squad
Not in Game
Light Adventure Squad
Not in Game
PokéPark Wii - Pikachu's Adventure
Tag Race after knocking it out of a tree
Meadow Zone
Dungeon Time/Darkness Level Up
Attack Name
Critical Rate
Poison Sting
The foe is stabbed with a poisonous barb of some sort. It may also poison the target.
String Shot
The foe is bound with silk blown from the user's mouth. It reduces the target's Speed stat.
Dungeon Sky Level Up
Attack Name
Critical Rate
Poison Sting
The foe is stabbed with a poisonous barb of some sort. It may also poison the target.
String Shot
The foe is bound with silk blown from the user's mouth. It reduces the target's Speed stat.
Bug Bite
The user bites the foe. If the foe is holding a Berry, the user eats it and gains its effect.
Episode 90
To the Skies Once More
Airdate: 11/04/2025
Episode 45
Respective Departures!
Episode 46
Welcome to the Naranja Academy!!
Airdate: 07/02/2025
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