There are 5 columns and 11 rows spread between the two screens. To move it you have to slide a row or column up or down and all the Pokemon in that row or column will move, or if its at the dn, go back round to the other size as seen in the screenshots and diagrams below.

On the top left of the top screen there is a counter saying how many Pokémon off screen there are. If you have a full screen with all 55 squares taken by a Pokémon and still an amount left on the counter, you lose...if you take it down to 0 then you will win the level

Your task is to get 4 Pokémon together in a row to release them. As this happens any Tiles above will fall down aswell as any remainding tiles left on the counter.

However this is not all, sometimes in the game you will get a Trozei Chance Icon come up...this means that for a short time Pokémon match-ups of 2 or 3 Pokémon will be also allows for different combinations including L and T shapes

The only other bit of information to know is that Ditto as a Pokémon is used as a wildcard allowing for you to use it to take out anything including Rocks in Adventure Mode
