OK. To Avoid the current hassles there is this disclaimer for those Who want to use it without permission:
You shall not post this on anywhere for public use
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Do not replicate and forward without permission
Do not claim this is yours
Do Not Translate it into your languange and claim ownershipBrock has led Ash and Misty to Scissors Street in Celadon City. Ash and Misty don't know why, but they walk along with him. As they see several Pokémon beauty parlors. Misty remembers that Scissors Street is also known as Breeder's Lane, and both she and Ash agree that that's why Brock's here. Brock doesn't answer them, and continues to look. Misty comes across the newest salon that has opened, Salon Roquét. Inside, the two stylists (Jessie and James) are working on a Raichu and Dodrio. They finish, and their owner loves what they did. The Pokémon, on the other hand, disagree, but they go along with it. Meowth is at the cash register, gleefully counting money. He tells Jessie and James, that they're spend too much.
Outside, Misty thinks about getting in line, when Brock finds what he was looking for. They go inside, and find Susie, a Pokémon breeder, taking care of a Chansey. The owner comes in and takes the Pokémon, thanking Susie on an excellent job. Susie turns to Ash and his friends and asks them if they have come to treat their Pokémon. Ash replies that they're just looking around, Brock starts to stutter, and Misty sees a Vulpix sleeping on a chair. She runs over and picks him up. The grumpy Vulpix burns Misty with a fire attack and jumps back onto the chair, yawns, and goes back to sleep. Susie tells her that Vulpix doesn't like strangers, and Brock calls out Susie's name. He introduces himself and tells her that he wants to become a breeder like her. He stumbles all over his words, but finally spits out the main reason he is in her salon: He wants to be her apprentice. Everyone is astounded, including Susie. Ash asks why Brock wants to do this, and he explains that Susie has won many awards for her salon, going on and on. He starts on Vulpix, but Ash stops him. Susie is flattered, but declines, saying that she is still learning herself.
Later, during lunch, Susie compliments Brock on his food making abilities, noting that Pikachu has a nice, shiny coat. Vulpix jumps onto the table, and approaches Pikachu's plate. She sniffs the food, and starts to happily eat. Brock is extremely flattered that she likes his food. Susie is surprised as well, saying that Vulpix only ate food that she herself had made. Misty brings up the subject of Salon Roquét, asking if the flashy Pokémon is the newest trend. Susie explains that ever since the Rockets' Salon opened, trainers have been trying to make their Pokémon as flashy as possible. Ash agrees that it is stupid to show off, but Misty disagrees, saying that even Pokémon like to get dressed up. Ash starts to argue with her about the subject, while Brock and Susie look on. Ash suggests that Misty takes Psyduck over to the new Salon, and she agrees. She releases Psyduck, and they hurry over. Susie wonders aloud if she should change her methods per the new trend, but Brock tells her not to, saying that if people want style over substance, they'll give them substance with style.
Later, Brock, Susie, and Ash do a lecture on care, with Susie doing the talking and demonstrating with Pikachu. At Salon Roquét’s, the line outside gets shorter and shorter, as more and more people go to watch the lecture. The owner of the Chansey from before approaches her and tells her about the lecture. Back at Susie's, Susie has Ash massage Pikachu's cheeks as an example. Brock announces his opinion as to how a technique is only as good as the trainer or breeder who uses it. Several people look at their Pokémon, thinking about this.
At Salon Roquét, Jessie and James finish up on the Squirtle they were working in, and asks the next customer to come in. Much to their surprise, it's Misty with Psyduck. They grin, and pull her into a chair. They do a little make-over, and Misty loves it. Jessie and James continue to work on her, but Meowth pipes up, saying that they need to think of a way to capture the Pikachu she hangs around with. Misty recognizes him, and Jessie and James beat up on him a little bit for blowing their cover. He slashes at them, ripping their clothes to shreds, and reveling their Team Rocket uniforms underneath. They grab Misty, and she calls for Psyduck. However, Psyduck has left, and is hurrying over to Susie's Salon. Once he gets there, tells Ash through Pikachu that Misty is in trouble, and they all rush over to Salon Roquét, bursting through the door. They see Misty's face, and hold back a laugh. Team Rocket tells them that they're doing some beauty research on Misty, and Susie scoffs at them, saying that it's what on the inside that counts. Team Rocket is about to respond, when Meowth scratches their faces, reminding them that the whole Salon Roquét thing was a scam. Meowth then goes on to explain how they planned to make a lot of money of stupid people, and if someone brought in a rare Pokémon, they'd take it. Jessie tells them that they'll trade Misty for Pikachu, but Ash and Brock refuse and prepare to battle. James pushes a button, and the salon explodes. When the dust settles, Misty is at the top of a flight of stairs, and Jessie and James are wearing soldier and Southern Belle costumes (respectively). Koffing and Ekans come out and Ash sends out Pikachu, with Brock's Geodude helping. Koffing is successfully able to put them out of commission with a Sludge attack, and Jessie tells Koffing and Ekans to finish them off. Unfortunately, their costumes get caught, and they trip. They pick themselves up, and Meowth attacks Pikachu and Geodude with them. Just as they are about to hit, Vulpix jumps out and uses Fire Spin. The tornado of fire scoops up Team Rocket and their Pokémon, and hurl them into the air.
Brock tells the crowd how exterior beauty can hide inner strength, and they all rub off the makeup on their Pokémon. Psyduck unties Misty, and they all return to Susie's Salon. Ash and his friends thank Susie and Vulpix, and she thanks them for restoring her confidence in her methods. She tells Brock how impressed she was as to how he handled his Pokémon, and tells him that she has decided to give her Vulpix. She tells him that he is the first person other than she herself whom Vulpix has been friendly with, and tells him that he would do a better job raising Vulpix than she would. Brock puts Vulpix into a Pokéball, and Misty and Ash look at each other. Ash notices Misty's makeup once again, and laughs, angering her. As they wave their good-byes to Susie, Team Rocket is chased by several angry trainers who want their money back

028: Pokémon Fashion Flash

028: Vulpix! Breeder Battle



Ash Brock Misty Jessie James Suzie 
Ash: Brock: Misty: Jessie: James: Rocket: Suzie: Wild:

Brock gets given Vulpix from Suzie |