#0016 Pidgey
Gen VII Dex

| Professor Oak | Ralph | Emily | Casey | Trixie | Malachi | Wilbur | Francesca | Goh | Special/Other Trainers | Wild |

Professor Oak's Pidgey

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
247 Will the Real Oak Please Stand Up? Imposter Professor Oak!? Comic Haiku Showdown!! Pics

Ralph's Pidgey

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
102 Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon? Nidoran's Love Story Pics

Emily's Pidgey

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
102 Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon? Nidoran's Love Story Pics

Casey's Pidgey

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
120 The Double Trouble Header Rookie's Chikorita! Pics

Trixie's Pidgey

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
155 Love, The Totodile Style Dancing Totodile! Steps of Love!! Pics

Malachi's Pidgey

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
166 Carrying On Pidgey The Carrier Pigeon! Pics

Wilbur's Pidgey

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
213 Fly Me To The Moon Pidgey and Pidgey Detective! Still Will Watch an Eye to the Sky! Pics

Francesca's Pidgey

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
538 Bells are Singing! Pull Yourself Together, Chingling! Pics

Goh's Pidgey

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
1109 Dreams are Made of These! Go Towards Your Dream! Ash and Goh!! Pics
1112 Panic in the Park! Massive Panic! Cerise Park!! Pics
1124 Gotta Catch a What?! I Got Pikachu Pics
1127 Restore and Renew! The Colossal Restoration and the Fossil Pokémon! Pics
1135 Getting More Than You Battled For! Battling & Getting! Mewtwo Comes Back Pics
1159 Take My Thief! Please! Please Get Morpeko!! Pics
1183 Suffering the Flings and Arrows! The Heracross Loss and the Pinsir in Love Pics
1196 Big Brother to the Rescue! Help Us, Big Bro Yamper! Pics
1225 These Could be the Start of Something Big! Ash and Goh! Setting Off Anew!! Pics

Special/Other Trainers's Pidgey

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
9 The School of Hard Knocks Pokemon Ensured-Victory Manual Pics
14 Electric Shock Showdown Electric Battle! Vermillion Gym Pics
15 Battle Aboard the St. Anne Battle On The St. Anne Pics
291 Gonna Rule The School! Try to Study! Pokémon Trainer's School! Pics
396 The Ribbon Cup Caper Mysterious Thief Brody & The Ribbon Cup! Pics
420 The Saffron Con Pokémon Contest! Saffron Conference (Part 1)! Pics
467 Once More With Reeling Ash VS May! The Last Battle!! Pics
506 One Big Happiny Family Explosive Birth! Cycle Road! Pics
805 Lumiose City Pursuit! Mega Evolution and the Prism Tower! Pics
883 Performing with Fiery Charm! Braixen and Pancham! An Entrancing Fire Performance!! Pics
1122 Trade, Borrow, and Steal! Who Wants to Trade Pokémon? Pics
1138 To Train, or Not to Train! Chloe & The Really Mysterious Eevee Pics
1176 Breaking the Ice! The Ice Queen and Glaceon Pics
58 Food Fit for a Kingambit! The Mascot Pokémon is Kingambit?! Pics
61 Resonating Spirits in a Challenge to Ryme! Resound, My Soul! Challenging Ryme! Pics

Wild Pidgey

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
1 Pokémon! I Choose You! Pokémon! I Choose You Pics
2 Pokémon Emergency Battle! Pokemon Center Pics
28 Pokémon Fashion Flash Vulpix! Breeder Battle Pics
30 Sparks Fly for Magnemite Magnemite! Dreams of an Electric Mouse!? Pics
31 Dig Those Diglett Full of Diglett Pics
62 Clefairy Tales Clefairy Vs. Jigglypuff Pics
67 Showdown at the Poke Corral Dueling with the Rival! Oak's Laboratory Pics
P1 Pikachu's Vacation Pikachu's Summer Vacation Pics
76 All Fired Up Moltres! Declaring the Pokémon League! Pics
77 Round One - Begin! Pokémon League Opening! Match In Water Field! Pics
83 Pallet Party Panic Pallet Town! Another Departure! Pics
90 In the Pink The Island of Pink Pokémon! Pics
M2 The Power of One Revelation Lugia Pics
M2 The Power of One Revelation Lugia Pics
P2 Pikachu's Rescue Adventure Pikachu's Exploration Party Pics
133 Fighting Flyer with Fire! Violet Gym! Sky Battle! Pics
135 Tanks Alot Pasture! Sentret & Togepi! Pics
151 Tunnel Vision Jigglypuff Vs. Snubbull! Pics
178 Ariados Amigos Ariados and the Ninja Battle  
181 The Apple Corp Pikachu & Pichu!  
197 The Poké-Spokes Person You Can Speak To Pokémon!? Pokémon's Words and Emotions!  
M4 Celebi: Voice of the Forest Celebi: A Timeless Encounter Pics
213 Fly Me To The Moon Pidgey and Pidgey Detective! Still Will Watch an Eye to the Sky! Pics
C1 Legend of Thunder Raikou! Legend of Thunder! Pics
255 Great Bowls of Fire Dragonite! Invoke the Imperial Wrath! Pics
M5 Heroes - Latios & Latias The Guardian Gods of Altomare - Latias and Latios Pics
260 Hatch Me If You Can! Protect the Egg! A Life was Hidden in The Storm! Pics
276 Hoenn Alone! The Parting with Pikachu! Pics
319 Let Bagons Be Bagons! Fly Bagon! Towards the Future! Pics
M7 Destiny Deoxys Visitor of the Space Fissure - Deoxys Pics
424 Sweet Baby James! Mime Jr Enters! House of Relaxation!! Pics
432 Green Guardian Pokémon Ranger Appears! Celebi Rescue Operation! Pics
433 From Cradle to Save! Bonsly & The Ninja School! Pics
447 Second Time's the Charm Battle Tower! Telepathy Battle! Pics
454 Battling the Enemy Within Battle Pyramid! VS Regirock! Pics
456 May, We Harley Drew'd Ya! Begin! Pokémon Contest - Grand Festival! Pics
469 Following a Maiden Voyage! Begin! From Twinleaf Town to Sandgem Town! Pics
481 A Staravia Is Born Good Luck Starly!! Pics
M10 The Rise of Darkrai Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai Pics
539 Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu (1) Pokémon Ranger! The Wave-Guiding Riolu! (Part One) Pics
540 Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu (2) Pokémon Ranger! The Wave-Guiding Riolu! (Part Two) Pics
541 Crossing Paths Goodbye, Dustox! Pics
M12 Arceus & The Jewel of Life Arceus - Towards Conquering Space-Time Pics
644 Coming Full Festival Circle! Semi-Final! Who is Heading to the Final!? Pics
802 Best Wishes Until We Meet Again! Best Wishes! Until The Day We Meet Again!! Pics
803 Dream Continues! My Dream: Pokémon Master! Pics
S32 Pokémon Origins Pokémon: The Origin Pics
804 Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin! We've Come to Kalos Region! Dreams and Adventures Begin! Pics
807 A Shockingly Cheeky Friendship! Pikachu & Dedenne! Nuzzle!! Pics
810 Giving Chase at the Rhyhorn Race! Leave it to Serena! Rampaging Rhyhorn Race! Pics
838 The Forest Champion The Forest Champion! Enter Hawlucha!! Pics
892 The Frocking Find in the Flowers Eevee is Shy with Strangers! The Catcher in the Flowers!! Pics
911 A Watershed Moment! A Chesnaught from the Wilderness! The Tree-planting Robon!! Pics
985 Alola, Kanto An Alola! in Kanto! Brock & Misty! Pics
M21 Pokémon: The Power of Us Pokémon: Everyone's Story Pics
1090 Enter Pikachu! Pikachu is Born!! Pics
1091 Legend? Go! Friends? Go! On Lugia They Go, Ash and Gho! Pics
1095 Working My Way Back To Mew! I'm Gonna Get a Ton of Pokémon! The Road to Mew!! Pics
1109 Dreams are Made of These! Go Towards Your Dream! Ash and Goh!! Pics
1115 Splash, Dash, and Smash for the Crown! Splash! Magikarp
Crown Yourself, Slowking
1119 Betrayed, Bothered, and Beleaguered! The Reluctant Pikachu and the Exasperated Mr. Mime Pics
1142 Healing the Healer! Getting a Legend?! Search for Suicune, the Guardian Deity of Water!! Pics
1224 Heroes Unite! Pokémon! I Am Glad I Got To Meet You Pics
1225 These Could be the Start of Something Big! Ash and Goh! Setting Off Anew!! Pics
SP TBD The Distant Blue Sky Pics
1226 The Road Most Traveled The Wind of Beginnings! The Eon Path!! Pics
1231 The Same Moon, Now and Forever! And We're Looking at the Same Moon! Pics
1236 The Rainbow and the Pokémon Master The Rainbow and the Pokémon Master! Pics
3 For Sure! Cause Sprigatito's with Me! As Long As I'm With Sprigatito... Pics
5 Found You, Fuecoco! I Found You, Fuecoco Pics
6 The Ancient Poké Ball! The Ancient Poké Ball Pics
85 TBC Arrival! The Paradise of Laqua Pics
86 TBC The Rising Volt Tacklers VS The Explorers! Pics
87 TBC The Guidance of the Black Rayquaza Pics
89 TBC At the End of the Adventures Pics

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