If you are avid players of Ruby & Sapphire, you would know about the Battle-E Cards for it. Well now, for Colosseum, we have Double-Battle-e Cards. In the first set there are only 24 cards...20 Trainers and 4 stages...The trainers have 4 Pokémon each. Here's an example:
You can use these cards after beating the game at the Card E Room in Fenasu City.
But, once you have beaten all 24 trainers in each difficulty, in a row (6 in Each Pack)...a real trainer arises and he has something that you can capture. You cannot move on to the next difficulty until you have beaten this trainer.
In Essence, since Each Card can be battled in each difficulty including the 6th one...there is a whopping 72 Trainers in this pack which would seem to have 20. Now the trainer cards are out of the way...the Stage cards provide a change in scenery for the Virtual Room which would normally just be a black room...in it you end up with the room changing to say the Stadium in Fenasu City as seen in the transformation below
Scans and Details of Each Card Will Come Soon. Pictures Thanks to Pokémon Japan |
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