Dungeon Time & Darkness, like other Pokémon games, have several things in-game that you cannot access without an event. However, unlike the main games, you don't necessarily have to go to an event in order to obtain them. There are 8 Dungeons in which you can only get to with the Wonder-Mail Codes and with each dungeon is a special mission. How do you get them, simply put in the codes in the Code Option on the Main Menu. Below is a list of the Dungeons and Missions

Maze Cave
Mission Description:
Following the same plot as the Dungeon Time & Dark Anime Special, Shinx's sister is ill and needs a "Gabite's Scale" to be healed. This scale is only found in Maze Cave.

Unlock Notes
Beat Chapter 10
Password: 78SR -H2M P0+4 Y6FY 1&Y+ #R9S

Dungeon Boss
Gabite - Cannot Be Recuited

Gabite's Scale

Bottomless Sea
Mission Description:
Get to the End of the Dungeon

Unlock Notes
Rescue Scizor from Crevice Cave
Password: FN01 HWN- 00%F 8678 +XY@ &%#3

Dungeon Boss

Water Harmonica - (Increases Recruit Rate for Water Pokémon)


Shimmering Desert
Mission Description:
Get to the End of the Dungeon

Unlock Notes
Rescue Scizor from Crevice Cave
Password: #&S6 NY2& YJN= 1P57 F0MN MH7Y

Dungeon Boss

Earth Cymbal - (Increases Recruit Rate for Ground Pokémon)


Mt. Avalanche
Mission Description:
Get to the End of the Dungeon

Unlock Notes
Rescue Scizor from Crevice Cave
Password: 4MP= K98# CT%Y R@-- &P7% %K86

Dungeon Boss

Ice Flute - (Increases Recruit Rate for Ice Pokémon)


Giant Volcano
Mission Description:
Get to the End of the Dungeon

Unlock Notes
Rescue Scizor from Crevice Cave
Password: FH0T HYNH R0QF 86N8 +SY@ &%YN

Dungeon Boss

Fire Drum - (Increases Recruit Rate for Fire Pokémon)


The Great Hole
Mission Description:
Get to the End of the Dungeon

Unlock Notes
Rescue Scizor from Crevice Cave
Password: WNWY JXTK &5C1 4N3- P4NM 8K&C

Dungeon Boss

Rock Megaphone - (Increases Recruit Rate for Rock Pokémon)


Sky Stairs
Mission Description:
Get to the End of the Dungeon

Unlock Notes
Rescue Scizor from Crevice Cave
Password: HW+8 66%T 5S51+J5Y 4-K# H@P-

Dungeon Boss

Flying Pianica - (Increases Recruit Rate for Flying Pokémon)


Mysterious Jungle
Mission Description:
Get to the End of the Dungeon

Unlock Notes
Rescue Scizor from Crevice Cave
Password: X%8S WYY+ S-JF PFH@ @##K 5W8K

Dungeon Boss

Grass Trumpet - (Increases Recruit Rate for Grass Pokémon)


There are also numerous non legendary Pokémon that are only obtainable within these dungeons. They are as follows:

Pic: Name: Type 1 Type 2
Ekans Poison na
Arbok Poison na
Diglett Ground na
Dugtrio Ground na
Gastly Ghost Poison
Haunter Ghost Poison
Gengar Ghost Poison
Ditto Normal na
Only if not chosen as Starter or Partner
Grass na
Only if not chosen as Starter or Partner
Grass na
Only if not chosen as Starter or Partner
Grass na

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