Choices, Choices

This Time You choose between Fushigidane, Hitokage and Zenigame. Fushigidane is the Best to choose. They evolve into these Pokémon:

The Gyms

Takeshi- Nivi city gym
Pokémon: Isitsubute Lv. 12, Iwark Lv. 14
Rewards: TM34, Boulder Badge

Misty- Hanada City Gym
Pokémon: Hitodeman Lv. 18, Starmie Lv. 21
Rewards: TM11, Cascade Badge

Mathisu- Kuchiba City Gym
Pokémon: Biriridama Lv. 21, Pikachu Lv. 18, Raichu Lv. 24
Rewards: TM24, Thunder Badge.

Erika- Tamamushi city gym
Pokémon: Monjara Lv. 24, Utsubot Lv. 29, Ruffresia Lv. 29
Rewards: TM21, Rainbow Badge

Natsume- Yamabuki city gym
Pokémon: Yungerer Lv. 38, Barrierd Lv. 37, Morphon Lv. 38, Foodin Lv. 43
Rewards: TM46, Marsh Badge

In the fighting dojo you can get either Sawamular or Ebiwalar

Kyou- Sekichiku City gym
Pokémon: Dogars Lv. 37, BetBeton Lv. 39, Dogars Lv. 37, Matadogas Lv. 43.
Rewards: TM06, Soul Badge

Katsura- Guren Town Gym
Pokémon: Gardie Lv. 42, Ponyta Lv. 40, Gallop Lv. 42, Windie Lv. 47
Rewards: TM37, Volcano Badge

Sakaki- Tokiwa City Gym
Pokémon: Sihorn Lv. 45, Dugtrio Lv. 42, Nidoking Lv. 45, Nidoqueen Lv. 43, Sidon Lv. 50
Rewards: TM27, Earth BAdge
Onto the Elite Four

Lorelei- 1st Member of the Elite 4
Pokémon: Jugon Lv. 54, Parshen Lv. 53, Yadoran Lv. 54, Rougela Lv. 56, Laplace Lv. 56

Bruno- 2nd Member of the Elite 4
Pokémon: Iwark Lv. 53, Ebiwalar Lv. 55, Sawamular Lv. 55, Iwark Lv. 56, Kairiky Lv. 58

Agatha- 3rd Member of the Elite 4
Pokémon: Gengar Lv. 56, Golbat Lv. 56, Ghost Lv. 55, Arbok Lv. 58, Gengar Lv. 60

Lance- 4th Member of the Elite 4
Pokémon: Gyarados Lv. 58, Hakuryu Lv. 56, Hakuryu Lv. 56, Ptera Lv. 58, Kairyu Lv. 62
Can I expect survival against your rival?
If he chose Hitokage.

Shigeru- Pokémon Master
Pokémon: Pigeot Lv. 61, Foodin Lv. 59, Sidon Lv. 61, Nassy Lv. 61, Gyarados Lv. 63, Lizardon Lv 65.
If he chose Zenigame.

Shigeru- Pokémon Master
Pokémon: Pigeot Lv. 61, Foodin Lv. 59, Sidon Lv. 61, Windie Lv. 61, Nassy Lv. 63, Kamex Lv 65.
If he chose Fushigidane.

Shigeru- Pokémon Master
Pokémon: Pigeot Lv. 61, Foodin Lv. 59, Sidon Lv. 61, Gyarados Lv. 61, Windie Lv. 63, Fushigibana Lv 65.