| Black Tumblestone |
Sprites |
Item Type |
Japanese Name |
Price |
Material |
Purchase Price: | | Sell Price: | 0 |
Attainable In |
GS |
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RS |
E |
DP |
Pt |
HG |
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B |
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B2 |
W2 |
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ΩR |
αS |
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US |
UM |
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SH |
 Yes |
SV |
In-Depth Effect |
This item is used to craft for Poké Balls, specifically the Heavy Ball, Leaden Ball and Gigaton Ball |
Flavour Text |
Legends: Arceus |
When combined with an Apricorn, this mysterious black stone can draw out the properties required to forge a Heavy Ball. |
Scarlet |
Violet |
When combined with an Apricorn, this mysterious black stone can draw out the properties required to forge a Heavy Ball. |
Locations |
Legends Arceus |
Grey Ore deposits Hidden in ground and dug up by Ursaluna (Random chance) Request Rewards: Massive Mass Outbreak in the Mirelands Carried by Pokémon Onix, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Rhyperior, Bonsly, Sudowoodo, Skorupi, Drapion, Cranidos, Rampardos, Shieldon, Bastiodon |
Items Able to Be Crafted with Black Tumblestone
Heavy Ball |
A ball that is too heavy to fly high or far, but it is highly effective if you manage to hit an unsuspecting Pokémon. |
Leaden Ball |
An improvement on the original Heavy Ball design. A ball that is too heavy to fly high or far, but it is highly effective if you manage to hit an unsuspecting Pokémon. |
Gigaton Ball |
The ultimate iteration of the Heavy Ball. A ball that is too heavy to fly high or far, but it is highly effective if you manage to hit an unsuspecting Pokémon. |