You shall not post this on anywhere for public use You shall not sell this for public use Do not replicate and forward without permission Do not claim this is yours Do Not Translate it into your languange and claim ownership Great Thanks to Xeno Lugia for making this brilliant Synopsis so quickly Alto Mare is a island all of its own... the style, the way it's built, location, even what it's famous for: A city comprised upon the basis of water as transportation. The beauty and sites on Alto Mare gave it the title, "The Water Capital". But there's something else behind Alto Mare... A long time ago while Alto Mare was just still a little town, an old couple were walking along the shore when they found two children unconscious on the shores. The two brought them home and nursed the children until they were healthy. However, these children seemed not to have parents of their own, so they grew close with the couple.Soon however, a dark cloud appeared over Alto Mare and rained down the darkness. Whatever it hit, it turned that part into itself. One of these shards was about to hit the old couple while they were outside with the two children. But before it hit, the two children glew, and soon the shard was instantly destroyed, as well as all the others that was raining down upon Alto Mare. The two soon floated upwards and revealed themselves to be the infinite Pokemon, Ratious and Latias. They summoned more of their kind, one of them carrying a strange blue orb. Their power along with the orbs shown upon the dark cloud, obliterating it. And as a token to the people of Alto Mare for helping the two "children", they personally gave that orb to the couple. After a few moments of peace, the same two Latios and Latias returned back to them. Or so an interesting story as two women, one with blonde hair with huge spiral ends, and another with blue, rather normal hair, read through the legend of Alto Mare in a huge archive. They had to cut it short, as a security guard was approaching. The two escaped like ninjas through an open window. When the guard came by, he was shocked to see one book missing. In place was a rose and a card, which soon flew to him when the books aside collasped in the empty space. The rose seems to be a familar sign... The card... well it had a insignia of some sort. As for the two women, they escaped to a flashy car which then sped off and turned into a jet plane. (Just imagine, they took the old Batmobile, painted it pink, and modified it a bit more) These two are Rockets, known as Annie and Oakley. They soon head over to Alto Mare.
*Introduction* Today is one of those special days in Alto Mare, in fact it's probably one of the biggest. Not only being the Latios Festa, but also the a big race through Alto Mare's many canals. There are a lot of people who are in it, but two of them happen to be Ash and Misty. The race soon starts and the two keep it good neck-and-neck in first place, as well as one other person with a Wailmer. Brock watches from a bridge, until a random woman steps out of the crowd, Brock going to those mushy feelings fast. As for Pikachu, he fell off while rooting for Ash, and luckily fell right on him. This goes on, and it happens to be that two odd transparent figures fly about through the city. Ash. Misty and the other are still keeping a good match up with first place, but soon the path hits tight squeezes. The figures zip about, coming across Jesse, James and Meowth who are gorging themselves on pasta. The figures soon fly by some more people watching, right outside their windows. One girl happens to notice something strange, but can't make it out. Ash does well until he gets to a too tight of a turn and nearly smashes into a wall. However, something grabs onto him before he does, strange... Ash is now lagging really badly after that wipeout, but he's not going to quit just yet. But when he out of the tight spots, something grabs onto the rope, and Ash really zooms far. He just gets inches to Misty and the other, but suddenly makes a quick turn in an ally, off the course! Just that whatever's pulling Ash won't stop, and he soon hits some stairs and manages to jump over the brick guard rail on the other side. As for Misty, she's keeping it good, and when they hit the mark, it's close finish. Though Misty has a wipe out, Corsola managed to win by a small shot. Meanwhile, Ash sits on the stairs, Totodile blaming himself for Ash's lost, but Ash doesn't mind that he lost. The other man, which who was mentioned as Rossi, congratulates Misty on her win. He also mentions he's a boat driver around here, so he'll take the gang around. At the Rossi's boat, Ash and Brock look at the scenery for a mement while Rossi talks about the city for a moment. Misty says she really likes the trophy and Rossi asks if he could see it.. Misty held it up, it was circle made of glass with a green tint. It had the shape of two beings on the side and a sparkling circle in the middle. It wasn't before long that they passed two statues on pillars of two Pokemon. Ash asks about what are those two Pokemon. Rossi explains that the one on the right is Latios, the one on the left, Latias. Both are guardian Pokemon of Alto Mare, no one's really seen them, but everybody knows 'em. Next to them was a courtyard to a large building, and flying around it was a little remote CamBug. The bug belonged to none other than Annie and Oakley, who was surveying the city for the two Pokemon. Oakley fixed the bugs with a infrared scanner, simply noting that a Pokemon who can mimic human form, can't mimic humans altogether. The people walking around appeared all normal, until a blue figure came by. It was definitely their mark and they soon head off. As they did, they happen to splash Jesse, James, and Meowth who were about to eat an ice cream cone. Jesse yells at them (though Annie and Oakley were far off) but James knows its Annie and Oakley. James explains that they're the #1 Rockets right now. Jesse wants to get a little into the action and decides to copy them to get to the top. Rossi drops Ash and co. off at a back-alley ice cream stand to get a snack before heading off. While they're walking, Pikachu noticed a water fountain. Really thirsty anyway, Pikachu went off to the pump to get some water. By the time he got there, the person who was there originally left. Pikachu was a little disappointed but soon the water started up. He looked at there was a girl, dressed up in a white skirt and a green shirt, her hair style looking oddly familar, turned on the water. Pikachu happily drank and washed himself, and then Ash caught up with him. He thanked the girl, but the girl simply went up to him, looking at him strangely at all directions. Then she left off without saying a thing. Ash just shurgged in confusion. The girl is soon seen walking along one canal, when Annie and Oakley show up. Annie takes a look at her with some special glasses, which reveals that this girl is Latias! They go up to her, speaking a bit before calling her Latias. Latias was shocked, and simply tried to run away from the two. Annie and Oakley then sent out Espeon and Araidos to try to get things worked up. The Espeon gave the chase while Araidos went around to cut her off. With no other way to turn around, the two Rockets decided to attack now. Espeon got Latias with a Psychic, Araidos tying her up with String Shot. Soon Ash came and stopped the fight before anything else happened. He soon pulled on the webbing. Soon the Rocket seemed to tease him a bit before Annie told Espeon to give him a Psybeam. Ash took it quite well, and managed to escape with Latias before anything could happen, the Pokemon soon giving the chase. Taking advantage of such a place like this, Ash led Latias around in random directions in hopes to lose the two Pokemon that were chasing after them. It took a while, but Ash managed to lose them. After a bit, Latias soon led Ash someplace else, that someplace being where Misty and Brock were in a small courtyard enjoying some Ice cream. When Ash looked back, Latias was gone.) With that little incident out of the blue for now, Ash just takes it easy and the gang heads over to the temple of Alto Mare. However, Annie and Oakley spy upon them with a another cambug, watching his every movements. The place seems pretty big on the outside, but a few things shown on the inside. While they walk in the building, they come across some fossils embedded in the tiles. Misty gets a little jumpy at first but soon a chubby man sporting Mario's outfit explains that it's only just a fossil. The bigger catch, is the huge machine up ahead. He shows him to another room, in it is a huge contraption that's surrounded by big pillars, and a some circle with designs on it is in front of it. Up near the roof are stained glass pictures from the book Annie and Oakley stole the other time. He explains that this machine litterally controls the whole island if something happens. Or at least that's the legend says. Ash looks up and notices that there's a girl painting. The girl looks exactly like the one he saw earlier, only this time she was wearing a large white beret. He gets a closer look, but accidently puts his hNSA on the pillars, which gets him a scolding. When he looked back, the girl was packing up and leaving. He ran out, telling Misty and Brock he'd be at the Pokemon Center before lights out. Ash soon runs after the girl, but every where he gets to, she's always near, but so far. He goes through the building's balcony, courtyard, then finally he ends up talking with her on the other side of a canal, apparently she replies a little annoyed with a "What are you talking about?" She walks off and Ash continues to go after her. Suddenly, he comes to a four-way intersection, no one in sight... (There was a nice "Matrix" camera shooting in this scene, where the camera spins around the character) Using his instincts, Ash heads to his left. He soon runs into another canal, no one there but boats and people. Pikachu looks up at the bridge, noticing that the girl is there. Huh... this time she doesn't have her beret, or sketchbook for that matter. She runs off, wanting Ash to follow her. After a bit of going through various alleys and roads, Ash is lead to a vine-covered road which he hesistates to walk through. After that, he finds the girl in a dead end, then she walks IN the wall. Ash is a little puzzled, but soon Pikachu walks through it as well, then Ash takes a breath, and walks through it. The other end seemed to be a dark passageway, but soon brightened to reveal a huge garden with huge trees planted in places. Ash looked around, seeing a few Pokemon here and there, and soon saw the girl, but she ran off again. When he finally met up with her, she was swinging. Something happened, the wind chimes started to blow and something came out of the water and headed straight for them! Pikachu tried to shock it, but the being dodged it! It soon tackled down Pikachu and went off, making another run to them. All of a sudden, the girl came and stood right in front of Ash, the being stopping and revealing itself to be Latios! Latios was pretty angry for Ash being here, and seemingly yelling at the girl, however the girl never spoke one word. Soon a voice came by, and... it was the same person? Another of the same girl came by, except this one had the beret and sketchbook. She yelled at Ash for a minute, then told Latios to attack him, but the other girl stopped Latios. Then the man from the temple showed up, he cleared things up for them. He then explained that all Latias wanted to do was play with Ash, so if she wanted to, she could. The other girl was happy and took Ash to the swing. Ash noticed that the man called her Latias, and while they were swinging, the girl did reveal herself to be Latias! Ash was so surprised that he litterally jumped off the swing. Latios on the other hand seemed to take this well, even giving Pikachu a lick to prove it. Latios soon gave Pikachu a ride around, Latias soon joining up with him. Soon the real girl mentions her name is Kanon. On the outside, she's nothing more than a artist, but here, she takes care of the two. The man is her grandfather, Bongore, a care-taker of the museum and a boat maker. They walk around a bit while Latios and Latias play with Pikachu in the air. Latias soon dropped Pikachu to Ash before taking his hat. He tried to run after her, trying to grab his hat back and eventually did, before playing the same game with her. Soon Latios started to hum and his eyes glew. He swam into the fountain that was next to Ash and all of a sudden, Latias's eyes started to glow. All of a sudden, the whole scene becomes the underwater world that Latios is swimming through. Ash is stunned at this site, while Kanon explains that this is Latios and Latias's trick they can do. Latios acts like the camera, while Latias projects the image. They soon see that Latios is swimming around the canals, then past a school of Remoraids. The image soon narrows around to going past a few more groups of Pokemon before scene fades out. One spot the two show Ash is the legend of the island, and one more thing, the Soul Dew. They all gathered around a little pool of water it was in. This was the source of the water for Alto Mare, it's what keeps everything going. After a few moments of looking at it, Latias picks up Ash and flies over the pool of water just infront of where the Soul Dew is. Except she can't really hold on for long and lets go, Latios simply catches him on the way down. While all this is happening, a CamBug seems to be in the garden... it looks like the two know where Latios and Latias resides. Soon it gets late, and Ash has to get back to the Pokemon Center as he promised his friends. Latias doesn't want him to leave though, but these things have to happen. Bongore leads Ash to his boat house, which is connected to the garden. Kanon will give him a ride to the Center, Ash says his goodbyes and they start off. Ash asks Kanon a few things during the ride. One of them being why Latias is sometimes her. Well Latias is a playful one next to Latios. She tends to get a little lonely sometimes and the only other way is to go about Alto Mare, randomly doing things. But since she can't use her Pokemon form, Latias resorts to using Kanon's form. Kanon and the two Pokemon are best friends, so why not mimic the one you like so much? *Due to this good explaination, but it's NOT REALLY IN THE MOVIE, I'll keep it. This next sentence is actually what happens in the movie.* Ash mentions that Latias was earlier attacked, by two people. He's a little worried that they'll take her for some reason and Kanon should watch out for Latias. Later that night, Annie and Oakley make their move to the garden. They hop buildings to get there without notice. Jesse, James, and Meowth soon try to follow the same, but after a while they slip and fal on a lamp post. All the while their hanging, Wobuffet comes out of turn and sends them plummeting. When they reached Kanon's house, they send Espeon to take out Bongore in the boat house. While he's knocked out, the Rockets make their move. Upon entering the garden, Latios wakes up from his sleep, then Latias does too and follows as Latios finds them. He tries to tackle the Rockets, but they cartwheel out of the way. Then Latios rounds up for Oakley, which she simply goes down the hill. With no other way through this, Latios and Latias resorts to camoufloguing and try attacking from there. It's no good, Annie and Oakley can still time their dodges perfectly. The Rockets soon put on their special shades that let them see where he is. Finding him, Annie tells her Espeon to use Swift on him. The attack hits, making him visible. Oakley on the other side tells her Araidos to use Night Shade. It hits Latias, but Latios gets in the way halfway through the attack. Latios soon goes down, then Annie tosses a bola-like ball which opens up a into a net that secures Latios. With Latias alone, Annie says to do a Psychic attack. Latias is out for now, and Annie takes the advantage by telling Espeon to use Tackle. Latios gets in the way once more, despite that net around him. Latias tries to help Latios, but Latios simply yells at her to get out. Annie tries to through another ball, but once more Latios gets in the way. He yells at Latias once more to get out before she gets caught, and she soon goes off into the pool Latios took the other time, saddened. With their victory catch, Oakley soon tries to pull out the Soul Dew. It's a little wedged in at first, but she manages to pull it out. The orb sparkles with light on the inside, making it look very beautiful. The two exchange possesion of it, then Oakley takes a snapshot of the tiles that form the legend with her laptop. The Laptop soon rearranges them and decodes the whole legend. Now to put it to work... Latias emerges from a random canal, finding one person who can help. Back at the garden, Kanon and Bongore rush to the Soul Dew Of The Heart's holder, but they were a littlle too late... Meanwhile, Annie and Oakley carry Latios to the machine in the temple. They begin the phase to work the machine. Step 1: Place the guardains (in this case, guardian) upon the pedistal. They do so, and soon three rings similar to the traps Lawrence III used back in the second movie, surround Latios. Soon a pattern of lines glow red, providing the energy. The pillars of the machine soon come down, and the main machine itself appears. The machine itself looks like a scale of some kind, one end has a large orb, the other has some sort of thing to place something on. Multiple arms jut out, which looks rather made in weird designs. Step 2: Place the Soul Dew in the placement holder. Oakley takes care of that part, and places the orb in a holding place that soon clamps it down. Before they could move on, Kanon and her father soon enter. They are soon taken care of with a Psychic. Step 3: Manually control the effects from there. The large orb soon goes in front of them, but it's a single seater. Annie doesn't really like the idea of doing this, so Oakley gladly goes in. Latias goes to the Pokemon Center, only knowing that one person can help her brother. The windo is left open, Pikachu notices something easily. When Ash wakes up, Latias stands there, as Kanon. He gets a little bit confused at who's who at first but he figures it out when Latias soon sobs on his shoulder. (Since Latias can't talk in her Kanon form, she doesn't make any noise there either) Back at the temple, Ariados is done with securing Kanon and Bongore. Latios woke up, trying to get out of his imprisonment before he notices that he is trapped. Kanon soon shouts at him, telling him he should project the area to Latias since she has a feeling Latias would be with Ash. Latios's eyes glow once more and... Everyone else wakes up and soon there's some explaining to do. Sometime after the revelation, Latias changes back to her Pokemon form, Brock and Misty instantly stunned. Soon Latias eyes glow, and their taken to see w hat Latios sees. Misty and Brock are obviously surprised, but they look around. They soon see that Kanon is there, held hostage. They see that Oakley starts to control the machine, which takes energy from Latios to power it's various functions. One thing she does is revive the fossils of the Aerodactyl and Kabutops that where embedded. They come to life through the machine, and Oakley ordered them to find Latias. That was just about then that Latios passed out, and Latias "lost connection." Ash soon puts one more thing on his agenda, get Latios out. The next thing Oakley wanted to do, was to prevent anybody from coming in. To do so, she initiated a total lockdown on the city, just by that machine. Soon everywhere where there was a balcony or place fit for a door, cages and other type of blocks soon formed up. Jesse, James and Meowth happened to be in an alley when this started up, first their front was blocked off, then their backs, leaving them trapped. Ash looked out the window to see what was happening. Soon the bars started to form up on the balcony and he jumped out with Latias before it was too late. Ash said to Misty and Brock that he'll go on, they'll just have to find their way through. Ash tried to go around on foot, but nothing was open. Finding no other way, he decided to take a boat ride. While he was going through the canal, the Aerodactyl soon attacked from behind, grabbing Latios. Ash stopped and jumped onto the Aerodactyl, then told Pikachu to use Thunderbolt. The attack worked, but Latias went off scared. Then the Aerodactyl was charging up a Hyperbeam, there as no other place to go, so Ash and Pikachu made a swim for it. The Aerodactyl missed by a hair, but the attack forced Ash underwater. Latias soon peeked out and then noticed the Aerodactyl was gone. She then went underwater to help Ash up, then everything seemed okay. Latias carried Ash around a bit before he noticed there was some pods left over from the race. There was only one thing to do now. Latias soon starts to surf off with Ash as they try to lose the Aerodactyl. Soon the Aerodactyl was on their tail again. Latias kept up the speed, and tried ways to stop it from following them. She soon went in a narrow canal, which was enough to stop the Aerodactyl. But as they were coming along, they sped passed the Kabutops, which soon ran after them with incredible speed. Someplace else, Brock tries to open up the bars but has no luck. Misty tells him maybe they should just send out their Pokemon to find and help Ash before anything happens. Brock sends out Crobat while Misty with Politoed and Corsola. As they head off, Brock climbs the fence. The Kabutops is easily able to keep up with Ash and Latias, as water isn't going to stop him. Latias rounds one corner, but makes it too deep and causes Ash to land on a side road. Though the Kabutops did catch up, it was tackled by Crobat, then squirted down by Corsola and Politoed. Thanking them, Ash and Latias soon head off to the Temple. Oakley sees that Ash is coming, but it's no problem. Oakley soon uses yet another option upon the machine that contols the water. When Ash and Latias made it to the large canal just before the museum, the water soon starts to come alive as they make it to the grounds. The water glides along the cracks of the tiles then manages to trap Ash and Latias in square before becoming a large column of water. Oakley seems to be controlling this, which she waves her hands around like a conductor of a high-speed orchestra. Annie on the other hand seems a little worried that Oakley is a little, nuts. The water in turn soon was choking Ash and Latias. Latias soon glew and soon produced a ball of light that surrounded her, stopping the water. She did get some of the wind knocked out of her, but was okay. However, as soon as Latias did this, the machine started to go haywire for a minute. They made it to the machine as it started to mess up, Oakley's control not working at all. Soon the machine started to spin around. Ash soon tries to free Kanon, but the webbing is too tight. He tells Pikachu to Thundershock the web, which cuts it enough for Ash to tear it. Latias on the other hand rams into the rings around Latios, which only reflects her back. She tries this again, but is bounced back. With one other way, Pikachu uses a Thunderbolt, but the barrier soon reflects the bolt back at them, but this also lowered the containment. All in the while, the machine closed the control hatch, leaving Oakley trapped as it spun around. No other option but tackling seems to help. Soon Ash, Pikachu, and Latias tackle at the barrier, all not working. Soon Latias devolops the ball of light around her and rams into the barrier, enough to shut it down. Ash, Kanon, and her father soon start to grab Latios out, which takes a while, but managed to work. The machine soon stopped, and the control pod opened back up.Latios woke up and seemed okay. Annie simply smiled and went up to check Oakley, who was shaken out for the moment. All at once, the bars started to open back up. Annie talked with Oakley for a while, then went to the Soul Dew Of the Heart... it was purple. She almost touched it when Bongore shouted "No!" and it was too late. The Soul Dew shattered and it blew Annie back into the control pod before the machine went haywire again. This time the pillars came back up and secured the machine down. Bongore said in an almost sad tone, that if the Soul Dew was shattered, it would bring disaster into Alto Mare. All around Alto Mare, the waters started to recede back towards the ocean. The ocean itself soon started to drain out towards the horizon. Ash, Kanon, her father, Latios, and Latias soon went out, this wasn't good at all. Then Latios and Latias soon went towards the top of the building, spinning around a sun-like crest that was there. This was the plan to bring the waters back. However, they got more than they bargained for. The waters came back as a huge tidal wave! Knowing what to do, the guardians flew over towards the tidal wave. After a ways there, they started to glow, white. Then just as they near the waves, they fused together in a single ball of light. (Sorry, they didn't fuse physically) Just as the waves hit them, the ball of light grew, and soon all the waters in the wave stopped, barely wiping out a small island in the distance. The glow continued, and the waters barely did a thing to the city.
However... At dawn, Ash, Misty, Brock, Kanon, and her father set off to find Latios and Latias. After a moment, Pikachu looked and noticed a Mantine and some other water Pokemon were carrying Latias. They got her onto the boat, Latias soon woke up. She looked around franctically for Latios, as well as the others. Latias soon looked up, Kanon mentioning it was where that light was. Then Bongore figured out something, that shaft of light was Latios... he expended too much energy while he was used up, and in turn, gave up his life. But soon Latias's eyes glew and they were brought in the eyes of Latios, only surrounded in a Soul Dew themselves. They saw that he was still accending, the earth visible and getting smaller. Then the visual went black, that orb soon went up and was brought just in front of Kanon. She placed her hand out, and the orb became a new Soul Dew. A momento left behind of Latios. The projection soon stopped, Kanon still having the Soul Dew...Latias soon was saddened. But soon Ash comforted her, sure she lost her brother... but he left something behind for her to remember him by. Kanon soon placed the Teardop back into its proper place, the pool becoming lively once more as it did. She thanked Ash, as well as her father and Latias. And things... well seemed normal once more. Later that day, the gang was on a boat back to the mainland. But just before they left, they made a pitstop at Kanon's house. Ash asked Bongore if Kanon was home. He called up to the window to her room... apparently there was no answer. Ash said to say goodbye for them next time he sees her and they were off. Back in Kanon's room however... Kanon and picked up a rolled up paper before leaving. Along the way Ash noticed Kanon running across a bridge and told the boat driver to stop. He soon met up with Kanon at the end of a pier and said his goodbye. Kanon soon gave him the paper, and kissed him on the cheek. Misty and Brock soon where both equally surprised at this. But Brock managed to almost praise Ash on this. Afterwards, Kanon ran off... But Ash knew someting... It wasn't Kanon, it was Latias, thanking him. Ash unrolled the paper, it was a painting of him and Pikachu on his shoulder...
*Ending Credits* Ash soon goes back to the mainland. The scene skips over to Bongore remodelizing the machine, fixing whatever went busted and such. They soon got Annie and Oakley out, but they were arrested, and made front page. Back at where Annie and Oakley are being kept in, they look over a book on Lawarence III and all the treasures he collected, planning out to snag a few from him next. At the garden, we see that the new Latios and Latias soon found themselves a home. Meanwhile, Kanon is seen painting and takes a breather for the moment as a wind blows by. As for Ash, we see him going along the coasts. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Pokémon Heroes - Latias and Latios ![]() The Guardian Gods of the Water Capital - Latias and Latios ![]() ![]() Yes ![]() ![]() Camp Pikachu! ![]() ![]() Cameo Pkmn in the Movie ![]() ![]() The Legend of Altomare ![]() Ash Brock Misty Jessie James Annie Oakley Ross Bianca Lorenzo ![]() Ash: Brock: Misty: Jessie: Rocket: Annie: Oakley: Ross: Special/Other Trainers: Wild: ![]() ![]() Latios ![]() Latias ![]() Pikachu ![]() Espeon ![]() Ariados |