#0450 Hippowdon
General Attacks Stats Main Pokédex Gen 9 Pokédex
Picture Name Other Names Gender Type
Japan: Kabaldon
French: Hippodocus
German: Hippoterus
Korean: 하마돈
Male :50%
Female :50%
Classification Std. Height Std. Weight Capture Rate
Heavyweight Pokémon 6’07”
Flee Rate Egg Distance Buddy Candy Distance Cost for Second Charge Attack Maximum CP
8% Not in Eggs 3km 50,000 Stardust
50 Candy
3488 (Std) | 3530 (Buddy)
Evolutionary Chain
Obtaining Methods
WildAvailable in the wild as standard
Raid BattlesMost recently available in Raid Battles: 22/7/24 - 24/7/24
Special ResearchAvailable in the following Special Research: GO Fest 2019 - Chicago

Fast Attacks
Name Type Damage Energy Increase Duration PvP Power PvP Energy PvP Duration
Fire Fang 12 8 0.9 seconds 8 5 0.5 Seconds
Bite 6 4 0.5 seconds 4 2 0.5 Seconds
Thunder Fang 12 8 0.9 seconds 8 5 0.5 Seconds
Ice Fang 12 8 0.9 seconds 8 5 0.5 Seconds
Sand Attack 4 7 0.6 seconds 4 2 0.5 Seconds

Charge Attacks
Name Type Damage Duration Energy Requirements PvP Power PvP Energy Requirement PvP Effect PvP Chance
Earthquake 140 3.6 seconds 1 Energy 110 65 None --
Stone Edge 100 2.3 seconds 1 Energy 100 55 None --
Body Slam 50 1.9 seconds 3 Energy 60 35 None --
Earth Power 100 3.6 seconds 2 Energy 90 55 None --
Weather Ball Rock 55 1.6 seconds 3 Energy 55 35 None --
Scorching Sands 95 3.2 seconds 2 Energy 80 50 May lower opponent's Attack 30%

Shadow Hippowdon

Shadow Pokémon Move
Name Type Damage Critical Hit Ratio Duration Energy Requirements PvP Power PvP Energy Requirement PvP Effect PvP Chance
Frustration 10 0% 2 seconds 3 Energy 10 70 None --

Purified Pokémon Move
Name Type Damage Critical Hit Ratio Duration Energy Requirements PvP Power PvP Energy Requirement PvP Effect PvP Chance
Return 35 0% 0.7 seconds 3 Energy 130 70 None --

Base Stats
Hit Points Attack Defense
239 201 191

Max Stats
Trainer Level/Power Ups Max Hit Points Max Combat Points
2 Power Ups
22 - 23 37 - 43
Up to start of Level 2
4 Power Ups
39 - 42 118 - 136
Up to start of Level 3
6 Power Ups
51 - 54 199 - 229
Up to start of Level 4
8 Power Ups
61 - 64 280 - 323
Up to start of Level 5
10 Power Ups
69 - 73 361 - 416
Up to start of Level 6
12 Power Ups
76 - 81 442 - 509
Up to start of Level 7
14 Power Ups
83 - 88 523 - 602
Up to start of Level 8
16 Power Ups
89 - 95 604 - 695
Up to start of Level 9
18 Power Ups
95 - 101 685 - 788
Up to start of Level 10
20 Power Ups
100 - 107 766 - 881
Up to start of Level 11
22 Power Ups
105 - 112 843 - 970
Up to start of Level 12
24 Power Ups
110 - 117 919 - 1058
Up to start of Level 13
26 Power Ups
115 - 122 996 - 1146
Up to start of Level 14
28 Power Ups
119 - 126 1073 - 1234
Up to start of Level 15
30 Power Ups
123 - 131 1149 - 1322
Up to start of Level 16
32 Power Ups
127 - 135 1226 - 1410
Up to start of Level 17
34 Power Ups
131 - 139 1302 - 1498
Up to start of Level 18
36 Power Ups
135 - 143 1379 - 1587
Up to start of Level 19
38 Power Ups
139 - 147 1456 - 1675
Up to start of Level 20
40 Power Ups
142 - 151 1532 - 1763
Up to start of Level 21
42 Power Ups
146 - 155 1609 - 1851
Up to start of Level 22
44 Power Ups
149 - 159 1685 - 1939
Up to start of Level 23
46 Power Ups
153 - 162 1762 - 2027
Up to start of Level 24
48 Power Ups
156 - 166 1839 - 2116
Up to start of Level 25
50 Power Ups
159 - 169 1915 - 2204
Up to start of Level 26
52 Power Ups
162 - 173 1992 - 2292
Up to start of Level 27
54 Power Ups
165 - 176 2069 - 2380
Up to start of Level 28
56 Power Ups
168 - 179 2145 - 2468
Up to start of Level 29
58 Power Ups
171 - 182 2222 - 2557
Up to start of Level 30
60 Power Ups
174 - 185 2299 - 2645
Up to start of Level 31
62 Power Ups
176 - 187 2337 - 2689
Up to start of Level 32
64 Power Ups
177 - 188 2375 - 2733
Up to start of Level 33
66 Power Ups
179 - 190 2414 - 2777
Up to start of Level 34
68 Power Ups
180 - 191 2452 - 2821
Up to start of Level 35
70 Power Ups
182 - 193 2490 - 2865
Up to start of Level 36
72 Power Ups
183 - 194 2529 - 2909
Up to start of Level 37
74 Power Ups
184 - 196 2567 - 2953
Up to start of Level 38
76 Power Ups
186 - 197 2605 - 2997
Up to start of Level 39
78 Power Ups
187 - 199 2643 - 3041
Up to start of Level 40
80 Power Ups
188 - 200 2682 - 3085
Up to start of Level 41
82 Power Ups
190 - 202 2716 - 3125
Up to start of Level 42
84 Power Ups
191 - 203 2750 - 3164
Up to start of Level 43
86 Power Ups
192 - 204 2785 - 3204
Up to start of Level 44
88 Power Ups
193 - 205 2819 - 3244
Up to start of Level 45
90 Power Ups
194 - 207 2854 - 3284
Up to start of Level 46
92 Power Ups
196 - 208 2889 - 3324
Up to start of Level 47
94 Power Ups
197 - 209 2925 - 3365
Up to start of Level 48
96 Power Ups
198 - 210 2960 - 3406
Up to start of Level 49
98 Power Ups
199 - 212 2996 - 3447
Up to start of Level 50
100 Power Ups
200 - 213 3032 - 3488
Level 51
(Buddy Boost)
202 - 214 3068 - 3530

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