Slowking, the Royal Pokémon. When its head was bitten, toxins entered Slowpoke's head and unlocked an extraordinary power. It has incredible intellect and intuition. Whatever the situation, it remains calm and collected.
Slowking returns to Paldea in spectacular fashion, reprising its role as special sponge and pivot, earning its trainer advantage through positioning and constantly ensuring its opponent is on the back foot. 95 HP and 110 Special Defense may not seem that impressive at first glance, but Slowking goes the distance with the infinite recovery of Regenerator and the on-demand healing of Slack Off, making it difficult to make any progress on Slowking. Water-Psychic helps in this regard, granting invaluable Water, Fire and Ice resistances while ensuring Slowking remains the best Keldeo answer in the game. Adding onto this is a fantastic movepool, with Scald, Thunder Wave and Yawn all shutting down opposing attackers, while possessing amazingly wide coverage that enables Slowking to threaten a huge selection of threats given its Special Attack is viable. The true crown jewel that Slowking possesses is its new Signature move, Chilly Reception. Replacing the RBY transfer only move of Teleport, Chilly Reception enables Slowking to weaponize the speed that is its namesake and generate free switches that can be normally hard to come by.
Many of Slowking’s greatest strengths are also its greatest flaws. While Water Psychic provides valuable resistances, the numerous weaknesses it provides means Slowking is often threatened out as easily as it comes in, while the ever present Knock Off is quite nightmarish for Slowking. Slowking’s eponymous sluggishness further exacerbates matters, for as much as Slowking can weaponize its slowness with Chilly Reception and Slack Off, it is a shackle in disadvantageous matchups that forces Slowking to switch out or be KO’d. Such slow Speed also cuts into the value of offensive sets, making it hard for Slowking to apply pressure with merely good Special Attack, especially when it does not have the sheer defensive power to boost up despite the attacks it is taking. Additionally, no Pokémon feels the healing move PP reduction any more than Slowking, whose burst healing is now much more finite and cannot exercise its longevity to the fullest. Its only average defense also means Slowking struggles to play the role of the bulky Water type given it cannot soak the Ground attacks through sheer bulk the way its contemporaries can. While Slowking’s royal trappings may slow it down, its role is near irreplaceable with very few Pokémon able to pull off what Slowking does with such efficacy.
95 HP / 110 Special Defense grants Slowking considerable Special Bulk.
Regenerator + Slack Off gives Slowking absurd amounts of healing, allowing it to soak numerous attacks without being worn down.
Fantastic movepool, with plentiful coverage, status and support, giving Slowking plenty of utility, and can be customized to fit the situation.
Water Psychic typing grants a bevy of resistances to prominent offensive types including Water, Ice, and Fighting.
Water Psychic typing also grants a bevy of common weaknesses in Dark, Grass, Electric, allowing many to overwhelm Slowking.
80 Defense is merely average and prevents Slowking from comfortably checking the Ground and Rock types that Water types are normally expected to answer.
Slowking is unsurprisingly slow, making it easy for such attackers to force it out or outright KO it in short order.
King with Glasses
-Ice Beam
Ability: Regenerator
Item: Choice Specs
EVs and Nature:
252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
Specs Slowking subverts expectations of the normal pivot set, surprising switch ins expecting status or a light hit with a brutal blow. Regenerator pairs wonderfully with Specs, the recovery from Regenerator pairing well with the constant switching Specs sets are wont to do, giving Slowking incredible resilience for a Specs user. Scald continues Slowking's ability to play defense while on offense, being a STAB attack with an impressive Burn chance, crippling any physical attacker looking to come in and exploit Slowking's unimpressive Defense. Psyshock is secondary STAB, brutalizing Clodsire and Toxapex who can otherwise stomach Slowking's Scald with ease. Ice Beam is powerful coverage, hitting the Dragon and Grass types who can endure Scalds with ease, especially Hydrapple who could otherwise outlast Slowking in Regenerator wars. Flamethrower rounds out the set being answers to Lokix and Scizor on the switch-in while threatening many prominent Steel types like Cobalion, Metagross, Tinkaton and Revavroom..
Tera Types:
Slowking gets a lot of mileage out of its typing, but it's typing also grants numerous easily exploitable weaknesses. Factor in Slowking's unimpressive Special Attack and this set is reliant on Terastalization to excel. Tera Water is a strong option, removing Slowking's exploitable Dark, Bug and Ghost weaknesses, while buffing Scald, allowing Slowking to reach OHKO's on neutral targets like Espeon, Houndstone, and defensive Tyranitar, on top of 2HKOing others like Bellibolt, Polteageist, Greninja, and Comfey. Tera Fire is another strong offensive defensive option, addressing Slowking's Grass and Bug weaknesses while possessing many incredible resistances and bolstering Flamethrower to STAB status.
EVs and Items:
Max HP and Special Attack are recommended. Speed is unsurprisingly a lost cause on Slowking, so one wants as much bulk as possible so Slowking can survive as many hits as possible before striking back. HP investment is preferred for general bulk and extra healing from Regenerator. Everything else goes into Special Attack to get as much damage as possible from Slowking. Choice Specs is the namesake of this set and gives Slowking the biggest immediate power boost while synergizing incredibly with Regenerator.
As Slowking is going to be forced out by super effective attackers, having sturdy pivots to absorb such attacks are ideal. Zarude is an amazing example, forming both a Psychic-Dark core and Water-Grass core with Slowking, each covering for most of the other's weaknesses. Other Grass and Dark types like Ogerpon, Serperior, Tyranitar, and Hydreigon can perform similarly to some extent, though not as efficiently as Zarude. Skeledirge also deserves some mention, for its Grass and Bug resistances on top of possessing Unaware, prevent setup sweepers from using Slowking as setup fodder.
Excadrill is also a notable partner, so selling the Electric attacks sent Slowking's way and offering hazard control so entry hazards don't reduce the recovery Slowking is getting from Regenerator, while Slowking answers the Fire, Water and Fighting attacks Excadrill fears.
Other Options:
Grass Knot is great if worried about opposing Water types like Greninja, Gastrodon and Milotic, though most of Grass' other coverage is redundant with Slowking's Water STAB.
Psychic and Psychic Noise are alternatives to Psyshock for Psychic STAB. Psychic is slightly stronger than Psyshock, but does less to specially bulky Waters like Milotic and Gastrodon.
Dogged Comedian
-Chilly Reception
-Future Sight
-Slack Off
Ability: Regenerator
Item: Heavy-Duty Boosts
EVs and Nature:
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Relaxed Nature
Slowking’s flagship pivot set is the glue that holds many teams together. Chilly Reception with Slowking's molasses speed ensures it is pivoting after the opponent moves, effectively giving any Pokémon a free switch. Future Sight pairs wonderfully with this pivot, putting further pressure on a switch as few Pokémon can withstand the one-two punch of Future Sight (a base 120 STAB attack) and whatever damage Slowking partner applies, which is great at generating momentum and reaching Kos otherwise not possible. Scald prevents Slowking from being entirely passive and shores up its poorer defense thanks to its great Burn chance, something Slowking's allies can also capitalize on. Slack Off rounds out the set, but it is important for recovering damage that Regenerator doesn't, keeping Slowking around for longer to continue pivoting.
Tera Types:
Slowking both adores and loathes its typing, but the sheer value one gets from the pivoting Slowking provides gives ample reason to Terastalization to ensure Slowking survives to offer its services again. Tera Water is highly recommended, giving Scald a nice damage bonus while removing Slowking’s painful weaknesses to Knock Off and U-Turn as well as Skeledirge’s Shadow Ball. Tera Fairy is also popular as just an excellent defensive Tera Type, giving Slowking a resistance to Dark while maintaining its valuable resistance to Fighting and being hard to remove with the relative rarity of Steel and Poison as offensive types.
EVs and Items:
Max HP and Defense EV investment are the way to go here, bringing Slowking’s Defense in line with its Special Defense and making it as hard to remove as possible on both sides of the offensive spectrum. Relaxed Nature is preferred for the Speed drop, so Slowking can outslow as many targets as possible for Chilly Reception, ensuring safe switch ins. Special Defense investment is not out of the question, with a Sassy nature alone allowing Slowking to shrug off unboosted Latios’ and Salamence’s Draco Meteors. Heavy-Duty Boots is highly recommended for this set. Slowking is constantly switching and cannot afford to have such recovery reduced by Stealth Rocks and Spikes. If Heavy-Duty Boots isn’t an option, Colbur Berry is a good alternative, greatly reducing an instance of Knock Off on Slowking, who is tantalizing target for the move otherwise. Rocky Helmet can also work, allowing Slowking to chip opponents while setting up and pivoting to its allies to take advantage.
Bug, Fighting and Fairy types are strong recommendations for Future Sight Slowking, as they directly threaten the Dark types that can otherwise no sell Slowking's Future sight, placing the opponent between a rock and a hard place, as well as being a common pivot option into the Dark types looking to directly remove Slowking. Lokix in particular loves Slowking's slow pivot, its extreme fragility meaning free switches are rare for it, while its plentiful priority options help cover Slowking against faster more agressive teams. Weavile too excels similarly with Slowking, even getting a nice Defense buff from Chilly Reception in the process. Scizor is also notable, its typing making it adept at handling Slowking's Grass weakness as well, while providing a pivot option into Slowking with U-Turn, dodging the Fire types that would be used to dispatch it.
Other Options:
Thunder Wave is a powerful status option that makes Slowking's pivots all the more damaging by ensuring whatever comes in is going to be faster and apply that much more pressure, though it does exasperate Slowking's Electric weakness.
Yawn is the other Status option Slowking has and is a great way to directly punish setup Sweepers looking to take advantage of Slowking pivoting out and crippling just about any would be check.
Psychic Noise is niche, but a good option against Stall teams where Slowking is less impactful against by denying their healing for a time.
Countering Slowking
While Slowking’s offense isn’t impressive once known about, how infrequent it is can take one by surprise and Slowking does have the coverage to make the most of it.
Hisuian Goodra is easily the biggest threat to offensive Slowking, requiring multiple Specs Ice Beams or Nasty Plot boosts to be muscled through while able to dispatch it easily with Thunderbolt. Assault Vest Reuniclus is close behind with its Shadow Balls capable of overwhelming offensive Slowking while matching it with Regenerator. Others are more moveset dependent. Chansey walls any set not carrying Psyshock, though it can be PP Drained out of Seismic Toss due to Regenerator healing more than Seismic Toss. Greninja excels against sets lacking Grass Knot. Gastrodon is a great switch-in to Slowking’s most spammable move in Scald, but needs Slowking to not carry Psyshock and Grass Knot to win the 1v1.
Though the most difficult thing to deal with Slowking is not its offense, but its defense, especially on the pivot sets. While Slowking may have a litany of weaknesses, pinning it down can be difficult especially with Chilly Reception to act as a slow pivot out into the best available counter.
Not to say attackers ready to exploit these weaknesses aren’t valuable. Having such an attacker come in can force Slowking into a difficult position where it most either normally switch out, Terastalize or be KO’d if Slowking does something other than Chilly Reception on the switch in. Banded Tyranitar, Specs Hydrapple, Banded Lokix, and Zarude can all OHKO defensive Slowking and force this scenario, though none of them bar Hydrapple and Jungle Healing Zarude enjoy receiving a Thunder Wave or Scald Burn coming in. Hydrapple in general is invaluable for handling pivot Slowking, being able to match its endurance with its own Regenerator and thus be a persistent threat. Thundurus, while lacking the capability to OHKO Slowking, is still a great answer being immune to Thunder Wave and not particularly minding Scald while solidly 2HKOing Slowking with Thunderbolt, to the point where Slowking can’t shake off all the damage with Regenerator. Sandy Shocks also does well into predicted Thunder Waves but can’t really handle Scald. Other Pokémon, like Banded Scizor, Serperior, and Hydreigon are just some of the Pokémon that solidly 2HKO Slowking, though none like dealing with the status Slowking deals out.
Entry Hazards are by far the best way to handle pivot Slowking, as in conjunction with the hit Slowking takes on the way out, means Slowking comes in more damaged and is forced to Slack Off more often to compensate. While most Slowking run Heavy-Duty Boots as a result, the weakness to Knock Off pulls double duty in removing the boots and dealing a severe blow to Slowking. Tornadus-Therian is a notable Knock Off user since it also boasts Regenerator and can further shutdown Slowking with Taunt, preventing any Chilly Receptions. Ogerpon and Tinkaton with Encore can also prevent Slowking from slow pivoting with Encore, though neither enjoy encoring Scald. Fezandipiti also works well, compromising not only Slowking, but its partners with Toxic Chain, placing everything on a timer and piling on the damage, though it abhors Slowking’s Psychic STAB. Toxic and Toxic Spikes also work well in negating some of the recovery Slowking so desperately relies on to continue its duties.
Galarian Slowking, the Hexpert Pokémon. It administers its potions to weakened Pokémon it sees. These potions are derived from poison and secreted from holes in Slowking's horns. It creates potions by mixing toxins with the food it's eaten. Not even Slowking itself knows what effects the potions will have.
If Johtonian Slowking’s return in the ninth generation was fantastic, Galarian Slowking’s was outright revolutionary. Galarian Slowking already saw heavy use back in the eighth generation, its near unique Poison Psychic typing offering an incredible defensive profile that is more difficult to exploit than its nominate counterpart. Add in the same HP, Special Defense, Regenerator and Slack Off and Galarian Slowking excelled as a specially defensive pivot. This was without any pivoting move whatsoever as Galarian Slowpoke could not get the transfer exclusive Teleport. Galarian Slowking was gifted the same Chilly Reception as its counterpart, allowing Galarian Slowking to excel as the premier slow pivot, allowing effectively free switches. Add in a slightly boosted Base 110 Special Attack and the near identical movepool and you have not only one of the best sponges in the game, but a sponge that isn’t passive.
Galarian Slowking is still a Slowking and as such possesses many of the same weaknesses. Unimpressive Defense is quite exploitable and Galarian Slowking still possesses the selfsame weakness to the ubiquitous Knock Off. Slowking’s slowness still hinders it in every matter aside from pivoting and healing, forcing Galarian Slowking to lean on its bulk even more than it otherwise would like. The loss of Slack Off PP is also disastrous for Galarian Slowking, limiting the time it can stick around to perform its duties. Galarian Slowking does have its own unique flaws too. While it’s true it possesses fewer weaknesses than its Johtonian form, Galarian Slowking’s Ground weakness is quite common all the same. Additionally, Galarian Slowking is more exposed to physical attackers than its Johtonian counterpart, crucially lacking the amazing Scald from its moveset, allowing such attackers to switch in much more freely with less risk of permanent crippling. These are only minor blemishes on a Pokémon of Galarian Slowking’s stature, its utility invaluable and presence must be accounted for, lest this king march its team to victory.
95 HP / 110 Special Defense grants Slowking considerable Special Bulk.
Regenerator + Slack Off gives Slowking absurd amounts of healing, allowing it to soak numerous attacks without being worn down.
Fantastic movepool, with plentiful coverage, status and support, giving Slowking plenty of utility, and can be customized to fit the situation.
Poison Psychic typing is great, with an array of resistances and few weaknesses to speak of.
80 Defense is merely averag.
Slowking is unsurprisingly slow, making it easy for such attackers to force it out or outright KO it in short order.
Weaknesses to Knock Off and Ground are rather exploitable, especially in light of Galarian Slowking’s abysmal Speed.
Royal Assault Vestments
-Psychic Noise
-Sludge Bomb
-Ice Beam
Ability: Regenerator
Item: Assault Vest
EVs and Nature:
252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Calm Nature
Assault Vest and Galarian Slowking are a natural pair, pushing Galarian Slowking's special bulk to even greater heights while Regenerator and immunity to Toxic means Galarian Slowking cannot be easily worn down. Galarian Slowking uses this newfound Special bulk to the fullest, grinding opponents down with consistent damage. Psychic Noise further aids Galarian Slowking in winning the stall game, preventing similarly tanky opponents such as Clodsire, Alomomola, and Eternatus from healing while dealing not inconsiderable damage to them. Sludge Bomb is the main damage dealer when not confronting such foes, its power impressive, and the great Poison chance further enables Galarian Slowking's grind game. Flamethrower is a direct answer to the Steel and Tera Steel types that scoff at Galarian Slowking's STABs, allowing it to better threaten what is usually a key defensive piece of the opposing team, such as Scizor, Iron Treads and Gholdengo. Ice Beam rounds out the set for the frankly phenomenal coverage it provides, threatening many top threats on the switch in, including Dragonite, Landorus-Therian, and Gliscor.
Tera Types:
Assault Vest Galarian Slowking's phenomenal special bulk makes it incredibly desirable to handle the scariest special attackers around. On the same token, the Toxic immunity its base typing provides is part of what makes Galarian Slowking so difficult to remove, so awareness of the opposing team is vital when choosing to Terastalize. Tera Dark is a good choice when considering some of the brutal Ghost and Dark Special Attackers Galarian Slowking can be tasked to cover, like Gholdengo, Calyrex-Shadow Rider, Chi-Yu, Lunala, etc. while warding Galarian Slowking against the near universal Knock Off. Tera Normal is great for emulating Blissey, given the scarcity of special Fighting attacks and preventing Fairy coverage and STAB from Flutter Mane, Calyrex Shadow Rider and Miraidon from threatening Galarian Slowking post Tera. In more restricted formats, Tera Grass is popular, giving Galarian Slowking a badly needed resistance to Ground, greatly improving matchups against Raging Bolt, Wellspring Ogerpon, etc.
EVs and Items:
Max HP and Special Defense are recommended for this set, if running in formats where restricted Pokémon are allowed and Galarian Slowking needs ever drop of Special Bulk it can to answer such threats. 4 Defense is relevant, as that plus Max HP allows Slowking to avoid being OHKO'd by Zacian Crowned's Behemoth Blade. Some Special Attack investment can be tantalizing. 144 Special Attack and Modest Nature allows Slowking to 2HKO bulky Gholdengo, Corviknight, Raging Bolt, Walking Wake, Flutter Mane after Stealth Rocks, and one shot Chien-Pao after Spikes. Assault Vest is the namesake of the set and mandatory for the item.
Given Galarian Slowking's weakness into Ground type attackers, Pokémon that can switch into such moves are highly recommended. Skarmory and Corviknight are standout examples, having the physical defense to compliment Assault Vest Slowking's Special and thus forming a solid core with it. Skarmory especially, given the hazards it lays does wonders in helping Galarian Slowking grind opponents down while Corviknight does the opposite and keeps Galarian Slowking healthy by removing said hazards. Landorus-Therian is also a great pick, between Intimidate softening physical blows for the whole team and ability to set Rocks for chip damage.
Great Tusk and Zamazenta are other excellent examples, being solid switch-in's to physical and Dark attacks that trouble Galarian Slowking greatly while slowking is a pivot into Fairy and Special Attacks that could be used to fell them.
Other Options:
Snarl allows Galarian Slowking to prevent boosting sweepers from overwhelming it and even allow more offensive allies to come in if Galarian Slowking can't finish the job.
Future Sight is niche, but allows Galarian Slowking to continue providing pressure, especially when unsure what one's opponent's next move will be.
Acid Spray helps out Galarian Slowking in one on one matchups, greatly accelerating the opponent's demise.
Therapy King
-Chilly Reception
-Slack Off
Ability: Regenerator
Item: Heavy-Duty Boots
EVs and Nature:
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Galarian Slowking also makes for an absurdly effective pivot. The advantage one gains from Galarian Slowking’s slow pivots, getting allies in safely while ensured against double switches cannot be understated. With Galarian Slowking, one has a powerful positioning tool that will make it difficult for the opponent to progress until they take Galarian Slowking out. Chilly Reception is vital to Slowking’s success; the fact it provides weather control on top of its already stated benefits is just gravy. Toxic outright cripples switch-ins, placing them on a timer that Galarian Slowking and its allies are more than well-equipped to run out. Slack Off aids in for keeping Galarian Slowking around for longer to both stall out the Toxic timer and continue its switching duties. Flamethrower rounds out the set, a great option into Poison immune Steel types that may try to take advantage of Toxic once it is known..
Tera Types:
Galarian Slowking does get considerable mileage out of its base typing, especially the Poison immunity, but keeping it alive to better wall opponents or land a Toxic can be well worth the tradeoff. Tera Grass is worth considering, wiping away Galarian Slowking’s Dark and Ghost weaknesses while giving it a resistance to Ground does so much. The extra Water and Electric resistances for the likes of Raging Bolt, Zapdos, Primarina and Walking Wake also do a lot in aiding Galarian Slowking in its walling duties. Tera Fairy is an all around good defensive typing while punishing opponents attempting to use Knock Off or Dark STAB in general. Tera Water deserves mention for much the same reason as Tera Fairy, being a good defensive typing with few weaknesses, though one would need alternative answers to Electric types like Zapdos and Raging Bolt as a result.
EVs and Items:
Max HP and Max Defense are recommended for giving Galarian Slowking as much general bulk as possible, though going all in on Special Defense for a dedicated special answer is fine too. For specially defensive sets, 16 Defense EVs should be spared to at least avoid a OHKO from Meowscarada’s Knock Off. Item choice is far more flexible. While Heavy-Duty Boots is highly recommended due to the constant switching this set invokes, if not available options do open up. Shuca and Colbur Berries are great at addressing Galarian Slowking’s biggest weaknesses and allow it to act in face of those weaknesses once without expending Terastalization on top of reducing the damage of future uses of Knock Off. Leftovers and Black Sludge also work well, especially if Toxic stalling, helping Galarian Slowking win the battle of attrition.
Frail attackers love the free switches Galarian Slowking generates, giving them rare opportunities to come in safely and start wreaking havoc. Dragapult adores Galarian Slowking’s status spreading, able to fire off boosted Hexes into the crippled team. Meowscarada’s Flower Trick and Triple Axel work wonders against the many Ground types that threaten Galarian Slowking and can even setup Spikes to further take advantage of the many switches Galarian Slowking forces.
Great Tusk and Zamazenta are other excellent examples, being solid switch-ins to physical and Dark attacks that trouble Galarian Slowking greatly while slowking is a pivot into Fairy and Special Attacks that could be used to fell them.
Other Options:
Future Sight is amazing in conjunction with Chilly Reception, creating a pseudo two versus one moment that is hard to overcome.
Psychic Noise excels against defensive teams, forcing the damage they take to pile up.
Sludge Bomb is Galarian Slowking’s best STAB attack and the Poison chance is generally useful.
Thunder Wave offers incredible Speed control, allowing Galarian Slowking’s teammates to overcome faster threats that would normally check them.
Countering Galarian Slowking
Galarian Slowking’s prodigious recovery, good bulk and great typing all come together in a package that is difficult to overwhelm.
Ground types are a persistent problem for Galarian Slowking. While it may have the tools to deal with them, their ability to threaten Galarian Slowking’s weaker Defense with Super Effective STAB goes a long way in compromising it. Assault Vest Ting-Lu is near perfect against Galarian Slowking, able to solidly 2HKO with STAB Earthquake and taking mere pittance from all Galarian Slowking’s moves… but abhors Toxic and a Sludge Bomb Poisoning can be instrumental in taking Ting-Lu down. Gliscor doesn’t fear Poisoning, but cannot handle Ice Beam and loathes getting hit with Psychic Noise. Great Tusk and Landorus-Therian, both directly threaten OHKOs but are compromised if not removed outright by Ice Beam, and Psychic STAB in Great Tusk’s case.
Knock Off users in general are recommended against Galarian Slowking, as aside from Slowking’s weakness, it derives a lot of its survivability from its item and makes it far easier to KO in the long run. Roaring Moon and Weavile outright OHKO, as does Hisuian Samurott with its Ceaseless Edge. Galarian Slowking without Heavy-Duty Boots are at constant risk from non-Toxic Spikes entry hazards, given the damage cuts into the recovery from Regenerator, making them all the more liable to be worn down into KO range.
If not running Flamethrower, Steel types become very problematic for Galarian Slowking, resisting its STABs, while being immune to Toxic. Heatran is notable for not even caring about Flamethrower and threatening Galarian Slowking with Magma Storm’s trapping. Gholdengo also works well, ignoring even Thunder Wave, and preying on Galarian Slowking’s Ghost weakness, or just utterly ruining it with Trick Choice Scarf. Terastalization can reverse the matchup however, given Galarian Slowking’s amazing special bulk. Kingambit directly threatens with Dark STAB, and doesn’t have to worry about relying on Sucker Punch for once due to its naturally greater speed.
Locations in Games
Not in game
Evolve Slowpoke
Trade from LeafGreen
Evolve Slowpoke (FireRed)
Trade from LeafGreen (FireRed)
Trade from LeafGreen
Evolve Slowpoke (Pearl/Platinum)
Trade from Pearl/Platinum/HeartGold/SoulSilver (Diamond)
Evolve Slowpoke
Abundant Shrine
Black 2/White 2:
Evolve Slowpoke
Evolve Slowpoke
Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire:
Evolve Slowpoke
Evolve Slowpoke
Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon:
Kala'e Bay
Let's Go, Pikachu!/Let's Go, Eevee!:
Not in Game
Evolve Slowpoke (Galarian Form)
Dynamax Adventure (Kantonian Form)
Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl:
Evolve Slowpoke (Shining Pearl)
Legends: Arceus:
Not in game
Evolve Slowpoke

Anime Appearences
Slowking has made a few appearances in the anime. Most of these have been cameos but Ash & Goh visited Slowpoke Island where a Galarian Slowking and a Slowking faced off. |
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