Crabominable the Wolly Crab Pokémon. The detached pincers of these Pokémon are delicious. Some Trainers bring Lechonk into the mountains just to search for them. Though its punches are powerful, this Pokémon's movements are sluggish. It blows icy bubbles from its mouth to immobilize its opponents.
Crabominable is the proof that power isn’t everything for power is all that it has. Base 132 Attack is monstrous, and Ice Fighting STAB ratchets up the power further, hitting half of the base types in the game for Super Effective with no single type resisting both. Add in coverage for most of those that do resist both STABs, abilities that either boost or protect Crabominable’s power and nothing is safe.
Or at least, that would be the theory due to Crabominable lacking in every other area. Base 43 is horribly slow, losing out to all but the most dedicated of walls. Poor defenses sabotage a slightly above average HP, preventing Crabominable from enduring the hits it must take to launch its own. Ice Fighting is crippling defensively, offering a myriad of weaknesses that further subvert what little bulk Crabominable has. And while, Crabominable’s slow speed does lend it well to Trick Room, there are many others that do what Crabominable is trying to do far better. In the end, this is still the most viable Crabominable has been. Terastalization is a boon for all Ice types, removing their weakness laden typing while keeping their potent STABs.
Base 132 attack is amazing, punching holes in most neutral targets.
Ice Fighting STAB along with viable coverage in Earthquake, Liquidation, and Iron Fist Boosted Thunder Punch gives Crabominable an option for just about every opponent.
Base 43 Speed is pitiable. Crabominable will almost always be forced to tank an attack before launching one and does not get Ice Shard to compensate.
Base 77/67 Defenses are poor. Crabominable struggles to endure hits that its poor speed forces it to take.
Ice Fighting is horrible defensively, making Crabominable’s lack of bulk even more apparent.
Jabby Crabby
-Bulk Up
-Ice Hammer
-Drain Punch
-Thunder Punch
Ability: Iron Fist
Item: Leftovers
EVs and Nature:
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
A setup set aiming to increase Crabominable's power and Defense with Bulk Up giving Crabominable some badly needed staying power. Ice Hammer is STAB of Choice -being boosted by Iron Fist to a base 120 STAB Ice Attack is nothing to scoff at. Drain Punch is STAB and healing all in one, giving Crabominable more time to attack and setup more Bulk Ups. Thunder Punch rounds out the set for pseudo-Bolt Beam, Iron Fist boosting Thunder Punch to a respectable base 90 and hitting targets like Slowbro, Azumarill and Toxapex who otherwise resist Crabominable's STABs.
Tera Types:
Crabominable greatly prefers Terastalizing over keeping its horrid base typing. Tera Electric is preferred here, giving Thunder Punch STAB, removing most of Crabominable's weaknesses and even turning its Steel and Flying weaknesses into resistances, though Tera Fighting giving much stronger Fighting STAB is worth consideration.
EVs and Items:
Max HP and Attack to best balance Crabominable's bulk and offense, though moving Attack to Special Defense is worth considering to increase the reliability of Bulk Up. Leftovers is preferred for as much staying power as possible. Punching Glove is tempting giving the benefits of Muscle Band and Protective Pads in one slot, but the passive recovery lost means more often you are forced to Drain Punch or are forced to a threshold where you will be KOd from the next attack and currently there is very little contact abusing effects currently.
Trick Room Setters are Crabominable's best friend. Its poor Speed is always a sticking point, so getting the jump on targets does wonders for getting a Bulk Up first. Slowking is easily the best Trick Room setter for Crabominable, having extremely complimentary typings with each other and Slowking able to pivot out and setup Defense Boosting Snow with Chilling Reception, further easing Crabominable's setup. Other Trick Room setters like Hatterene also make for fine partners.
Kingambit makes for a decent partner to Crabominable, checking Psychic, Fairy, Steel and Flying moves, while being a fellow Trick Room abuser and capable of acting out of Trick Room with Sucker Punch.
Partners that enable Bulk Up setup are greatly appreciated. Bronzong is another excellent example, not only setting up Trick Room, but Screens, making it easier to accrue bulk ups and attack. Arblovia is another Trick Room abuser who provides ample passive recovery in Grassy Terrain and Leech Seed, which gives Crabominable the extra durability to survive and setup. Abomasnow's Snow is equally valued for its Defense Boosting capabilities.
Other Options:
Earthquake -Hits Gholdengo, Skelerdirge, Ceruledge, and Armarouge hard but can be stopped by Air Balloon
Crabhammer -Hits most of the above targets, but is resisted by Slowbro alongside STABs.
Ice Punch -on the off chance you don't want to ruin your speed, but the power drop is significant.
Giant Enemy Crab
-Ice Hammer
-Close Combat
-Thunder Punch
Ability: Iron Fist
Item: Choice Band
EVs and Nature:
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Brave Nature
Choice Band Crabominable is all about power. Get in after an ally sets up Trick Room and smash through softer targets and compromise walls as much as possible before Trick Room runs out. Ice Hammer is STAB of choice, a reliable with a drawback that is negligible with Crabominable’s poor speed. Close Combat is secondary STAB that hits many of the targets Ice Hammer does not. Earthquake and Thunder Punch provide coverage against targets that resist Crabominable’s STABs -the former covering Gholdengo, Skelerdirge, Ceruledge, and Armarouge and the latter covering Slowbro, and Azumarill.
Tera Types:
As a Pokémon with horrible defensive typing, Crabominable wants to Terastalize whenever it can. Tera Electric is again recommended for STAB Physical BoltBeam or Tera Steel which keeps your Fighting and Fire weaknesses in exchange for a lot more resistances. Tera Water combines the best of both worlds, giving STAB Coverage in Crabhammer while wiping out most of Crabominable’s resists.
EVs and Items:
Max Attack and HP to make Crabominable as bulky and powerful as possible. You want to partner this with Trick Room for maximum effect, so Brave Nature is recommended. Choice Band further emphasizes Crabominable’s power and enables its Wallbreaking. Max Speed, Jolly and Choice Scarf for a revenge killer is not recommended -even with all that, Crabominable can still be outsped by positive natured Base 90s like Annihilape, Lucario, Dachsbun, etc.
Trick Room setters are a must for this set. With nothing aside from Terastilization to shore up against threats, you want Crabominable to outspeed as many targets as possible to perform its wallbreaking role. Slowking is easily the best Trick Room setter for Crabominable, having extremely complimentary typings with each other and Slowking able to pivot out and setup Defense Boosting Snow with Chilling Reception, further easing Crabominable’s setup. Other Trick Room setters like Hatterene and Bronzong also make for fine partners.
Kingambit makes for a decent partner to Crabominable, checking Psychic, Fairy, Steel and Flying moves, while being a fellow Trick Room abuser and capable of acting out of Trick Room with Sucker Punch.
Partners that appreciate Crabominable’s Dark clearing abilities work well. Psychic types in addition to the aforementioned Trick Room setters like Espathra, and Armarouge enjoy Crabominable’s wallbreaking abilities and begin forming a Fighting-Psychic-Dark core.
Other Options:
Crabhammer -excellent coverage option that hits several resists and prominent Physical walls hard.
Iron Head -covers Fairies, but STAB Ice Hammer tends to suffice.
VGC & Doubles Options
As a slow Pokémon who functions best in Trick Room, it would stand to reason that Crabominable excels in Doubles where Trick Room is stronger. However, Crabominable’s bulk issues plague it in Doubles. What often makes Trick Room abusers so threatening is that they can afford to take a beating while applying heaps of damage themselves. Crabominable lacks that selfsame quality, and due to there being multiple opponents, it will take attacks. In addition, its near lack of usefulness outside of Trick Room, and much better Trick Room abusers including Kingambit, Azumarill, and Hariyama on top of a better physical offense Ice type in Cetitan makes it difficult to justify Crabominable.
Yeti Space
-Ice Hammer
-Drain Punch
Ability: Hyper Cutter
Item: Life Orb
EVs and Nature:
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Brave Nature
Crabominable functions as a potent Trick Room attacker. Ice Hammer is still an amazing STAB, even without the Iron Fist boost and makes Crabominable incredibly difficult to outslow in Trick Room. Drain Punch gives Crabominable resilience enabling it to stick around for Trick Room’s full duration. Earthquake covers Gholdengo and Armarouge, two common threats that otherwise resist both of Crabominable’s STABs. Protect rounds out the set as the best move in Doubles and enable Crabominable to survive turns when Trick Room is not up.
Hyper Cutter is recommended so that methods like Intimidate, Breaking Swipe, Feather Dance and Charm do not blunt Crabominable’s offense while not having to invest in a Clear Amulet to block them.
Partners & Options:
Stomping Tantrum -provides Ground coverage without hitting teammate or being blocked by Wide Guard, while potentially powering up if Crabominable is flinched by Fake Out.
Crabhammer -covers Armarouge while hitting Air Balloon Gholdengo and Tera Fire Hydreigon.
Wide Guard -great for Snow teams to avoid being eviscerated by Rock Slide and Make It Rain.
Farigiraf -an Excellent Trick Room setter that is protected against Fake Out thanks to Armor Tail.
Amoongus -Trick Room Abuser whose disruption in Spore and Rage Powder and healing in Pollen Puff does wonders in keeping Crabominable alive to apply pressure.
Countering Crabominable
Crabominable as expected for a Pokémon lauded for its power, is nigh impossible to defend against, though Crabominable’s coverage can determine what can check it. Sets lacking Thunder Punch struggle against Slowbro and defensive Azumarill. Sets lacking Earthquake and Crabhammer can be walled by Skeledirge, and resisted by Ceruledge, Armarouge and Fire Breed Tauros.
Gholdengo also excels when Crabominable lacks Earthquake. Air Balloon Gholdengo in particular can pivot into any move and threaten a OHKO with Make It Rain.
Offensively checking Crabominable is a far simpler task. Its poor Speed, poor defenses and poor typing give many options that can come in after a KO (or on a good prediction) and force Crabominable out or be KOd, including Rotom-Heat, Perrserker, Pyroar, Hariyama, Heracross, Flamigo, etc.
Locations in Games
Not in game
Not in game
Not in game
Not in game
Not in game
Not in game
Not in game
Not in game
Black 2/White 2:
Not in game
Not in game
Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire:
Not in game
Evolve Crabrawler
Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon:
Evolve Crabrawler
Let's Go, Pikachu!/Let's Go, Eevee!:
Not in game
Not in game
Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl:
Not in game
Legends: Arceus:
Not in game
Glaseado Mountain
Fixed: East Province Area Two
Tera Raid Battles: 4 Star Raid Battles

Anime Appearences
Crabominable has had a few appearances in the anime. Most notably, Hala evolved his Crabrawler into one during a visit to Mt. Lanakila
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