Palafin, the Dolphin Pokémon. This Pokémon changes its appearance if it hears its allies calling for help. Palafin will never show anybody its moment of transformation. Its physical capabilities are no different than a Finizen's, but when its allies are in danger, it transforms and powers itself up. This Pokémon’s ancient genes have awakened. It is now so extraordinarily strong that it can easily lift a cruise ship with one fin. This hero of the ocean swims at a speed of 50 knots and saves drowning people and Pokémon.
For several generations now Gamefreak has tried introducing gimmick Pokémon, ones that transform when certain conditions are met. Unlike previous attempts with Wishiwashi, Minior and the Darmanitans, Palafin is wildly successful. At the cost of a single switch, Palafin transforms into one of the most overbearing Pokémon in the game. Base 160 Attack is utterly ridiculous, eclipsing even Groudon’s Attack, ensuring even with minimal investment, Palafin hits like a truck. 100 HP is above average and with 97/87 Defenses and access to recovery in Drain Punch, Palafin can and will stick around once it hits the field. And that’s not even the end. Base 100 Speed is shockingly fast for something so bulky and naturally faster Pokémon still need to be wary because Gamefreak gave Palafin a buffed priority move in Jet Punch, ensuring little is safe.
While Palafin-Zero is relatively exposed until it transforms, which can allow opponents to use the opportunity for free setup, Palafin has access to Flip Turn, enabling a slower switch that enables Palafin’s trainer to maintain positioning and apply pressure even on what is supposed to be a “free turn” for the opponent. Additionally, Palafin Zero’s poor defenses make it difficult to pivot in reliably. The only other blemish this hero has is predictability. Palafin struggles against checks to Water types due to its lack of coverage. However, like the Heroes it emulates, Palafin can solve this issue with brute force, stacking Bulk Up to muscle past would be checks. For such a low cost in switching out, Palafin is overwhelming to face and must be accounted for when team building.
Easy Transformation method in switching with access to Flip Turn to ease positioning
Base 100 Speed is good, getting the jump on many defensive and even some offensive Pokémon, while Jet Punch handles most faster targets
Base 160 Attack is phenomenal with a plethora of STAB moves that offer utility
Good 100/97/87 Defenses and Drain Punch ensure that Palafin will stick around
We finally got a Dolphin Pokémon
Zero form is vulnerable and can be hard to get in safely
Struggles with most Water checks without several Bulk Ups
Bulky Hero
-Bulk Up
-Jet Punch
-Drain Punch
Ability: Zero to Hero
Item: Leftovers
EVs and Nature:
248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SDef
Careful Nature
Palafin bursts onto the scene with its flagship set. After transforming, Palafin takes advantage of vile evildoers who struggle to damage it to come in and accrue Bulk Ups until it is an unstoppable force. Jet Punch allows Palafin to enter the scene with aplomb, picking off weakened targets that would normally threaten Palafin with their greater speed. Drain Punch keeps Palafin healthy while it is setting up Bulk Ups and offers valuable coverage against Water resistant or immune villains. Taunt rounds out the set, preventing foes from concocting vile schemes that would bring Palafin down low, like Dondozo matching Bulk Up with Curses or Clodsire and Toxapex using Toxic.
Tera Types:
Tera Water is decent for Palafin, bolstering Jet Punches to disgusting new heights, but there are several good options. Tera Fighting bolsters Palafin’s Drain Punch, increasing its healing, while Tera Fairy is an all around excellent defensive typing that gives Palafin valuable coverage against Dragons that it may otherwise struggle with. Tera Fire provides valuable resistances to Freeze Dry and Grass while making Palafin immune to Burns, while Tera Poison gives a valuable immunity to Toxic.
EVs and Items:
Max HP and Special Defense are recommended to make Palafin as bulky as possible to ease setup. Bulk Up will be addressing Palafin’s Attack and Defense while Jet Punch can make up for a lack of Speed investment. Leftovers is heavily recommended, giving Palafin some passive recovery while it is setting up and making it not so reliant on Drain Punch. Alternatively, Heavy Duty Boots or Lum Berry are worth considering. Both address Palafin’s issues with Toxic Spikes, but have their own benefits. Heavy Duty Boots protects Palafin from entry hazards, meaning it can come in relatively healthier and starting Bulking Up right away instead of being forced to heal with Drain Punch. Lum Berry is one time use, but also protects against errant Will-O-Wisps or an unfortunate Flame Body activation.
Allies that can address traditional Water type answers are greatly appreciated, clearing the way for a Palafin sweep. Regieleki is a shining example, eviscerating many Water resistant targets including Miraidon, Koraidon, Rayquaza, Dondozo, Kyogre, Iron Bundle etc. with a combination of Tera Ice and Electric STAB. Iron Bundle despite weakness stacking also works well, crushing opposing Water, Grass and Dragon types with Freeze Dry though the weakness stacking can be painful.
Flutter Mane is fantastic if Koraidon is available, being able to handily punish Koraidon’s Sun and eliminate it with ease.
Hazard Control is invaluable if not running Heavy Duty Boots, as Toxic Spikes is a great way to stop Palafin before it even starts. Iron Treads is invaluable at this role, providing crucial pivots into Miraidon, Regieleki and Flutter Mane in addition to clearing Hazards, while loving Palafin’s ability to absorb Fire and Water attacks.
Other Options:
Substitute -eases setting up and more reliably blocks crippling Status, but does nothing against foes who try to match Palafin’s boosts.
Grass Knot -Wrecks Dondozo
Ice Punch -if not using Tera Fairy, best option against most Dragon and Grass type.
Band of a Hero
-Flip Turn
-Jet Punch
-Wave Crash
-Close Combat
Ability: Zero to Hero
Item: Choice Band
EVs and Nature:
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
Choice Band Palafin trades in sheer inevitability of the Bulk Up sets for immediate power, punching holes into the opposing team and cleaning up targets to enable teammates to rampage. Banded Flip Turn is amazing, not only providing a punishment for opponents expecting Palafin Zero to simply switch out, after transformation it turns into an excellent pivoting tool, blowing holes into opponents and maintaining great positioning against counter switches, surprise Terastalizations, etc. Jet Punch is a fantastic clean up tool, easily eliminating weakened targets and enabling Palafin to get in the last laugh if it looks like it is going to be KO’d. Wave Crash is pure power, plain and simple, blowing holes into anything that doesn’t resist water and damaging many things that do. Close Combat rounds out the set as superb Fighting coverage that punishes many otherwise Water resistant Pokémon that think they can switch in such as Baxcalibur, Roaring Moon, Wo-Chien, Iron Bundle, Tera Normal Dragonite, etc. .
Tera Types:
Tera Water is heavily recommended here, pushing Palafin’s damage to outright heroic levels of power. Like having a good chance to OHKO Chien-Pao with Jet Punch good. Like 3HKOing Toxapex with Wave Crash good. Tera Water pushes Palafin into a wallbreaker few can switch in safely to.
EVs and Items:
Standard Sweeper array of Max Speed and Attack to maximize Palafin’s damage potential. Adamant is incredibly valuable in pushing Jet Punch and Flip turn to absurd heights of power and Palafin’s defenses are good enough to eat the extra attacks from the loss in speed. Though, being able to outrun opposing Palafin and bulky Garchomp are an argument for Jolly. Choice Band is the crux of the set, providing Palafin amazing power, though if you feel the Choice lock makes Palafin to easy to play around, Mystic Water offers a nice power boost, while Assault Vest trades power for bulk.
Rain setters like Pelipper and Kyogre make great partners for Palafin, boosting its Water attacks to Dracovish inspired heights while dispelling opposing weathers.
Miraidon, Regieleki, and Iron Hands all make for great partners for Banded Palafin as part of a VoltTurn core, the aforementioned all dealing with opposing bulky Waters like Alomomola, Dondozo and opposing Palafin that give Palafin trouble while Palafin covers the Ground types that stymie them.
Scizor is another option that is fantastic for VoltTurn cores, easily handling Grass/Tera Grass types along with Flutter Mane that can trouble Palafin while Palafin can easily absorb most Fire attacks for Scizor.
Other Options:
Ice Punch -hits water resistant Dragon and Grass types, but leaves you a sitting duck against opposing Water types.
Zen Headbutt -hits Water Absorb Clodsire, Toxapex and Koraidon hard, all of whom tank Palafin’s Water/Fighting coverage well.
Doubles and VGC Options
With as fantastic a stat spread as Palafin has, you’d think it would be a shoe in for Doubles, but Palafin has had a rocky history in doubles. Dondozo being so excellent with Tatsugiri it dominated early Scarlet/Violet doubles and being both another Water type and one of Palafin’s regular checks left little room for Palafin. Considering how fast paced doubles matches are and the vulnerability of switching out to trigger Zero to hero can lead to a huge loss of momentum, making Palafin even less attractive. However, Palafin’s good attributes still shine through. In addition to Palafin’s all around excellent stats, its movepool is really suited for doubles. Jet Punch is great at picking off foes before they can act. Excellent subversive options in Taunt, Haze and Encore prove Palafin isn’t just a one trick pony. With Regieleki and many Generation 8 Doubles staples returning it will be interesting to see how Palafin manages a new environment, but Palafin remains a Pokémon one must watch and plan for.
Avengers Assemble
-Jet Punch
-Wave Crash
Ability: Zero to Hero
Item: Mystic Water
Tera Type: Water
EVs and Nature:
252 HP /252 Atk / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
Palafin acts as a cleaner in this doubles set wiping away both an opponent and their stat buffs, offering important utility on what is otherwise an offensive set. Jet Punch is amazing at cleaning up weakened targets. And by weakened, I mean about 50% HP gone on frailer targets, 60-66% on most and 75% for the known bulky targets that don't resist Water. And this is before a potential Water Terastalization. Wave Crash is the nuke to Jet Punch's missile strike, dealing obscene damage to anything that isn't immune or bulky with a resist, though it comes at a cost to Palafin's longevity. Haze is amazing, wiping away Intimidate and Snarl drops, Overheat and Draco Meteor drops, Dondozo's Commander boosts, Icy Wind/Electroweb drops, the list goes on and on. Protect rounds out the set, enabling Palafin to stall out Weather, opposing Tailwind, Trick Room, as well as scout for moves, blank attacks, the utility of Protect in Doubles is amazing. .
Other Options:
Close Combat -overs incredible coverage against the Treasures, Kingambit and Iron Bundle
Taunt -can completely shutdown a support Pokémon, or at the very least make a Pokémon unable to Protect
Encore -one of the most brutal moves in Doubles, Encore is fantastic at forcing switches and outright disabling an opponent due to the large number of moves that do nothing when repeated (Fake Out, Tailwind, etc.) or are outright detrimental to repeat (Trick Room).
Partners :
Amoonguss -forms an incredible Water Grass core with Palafin and can try away crippling Electric attacks away from Palafin while keeping it healthy with Pollen Puff. In turn, Palafin eviscerates the many Fire types that give Amoongus trouble.
Arcanine and Incineroar -round out the Fire-Water-Grass core and offers incredible support with Intimidate and Snarl, easing getting Palafin to switch without losing too much momentum. A little counter intuitive with Haze, but controlling the stat drops in your favor is invaluable.
Ting-Lu and Chien-Pao -offer useful stat drops that aren't wiped by Haze, enjoy Palafin's Haze wiping away opposing Intimidates and can answer Palafin's weaknesses with ease..
Countering Palafin
Palafin is so difficult to handle in part due to its two sets having very different checks and in part because even those sets can answer their checks. Dondozo is probably the closest to a Palafin counter, taking pittance from Palafin’s attacks, ignoring Bulk Up thanks to Unaware and able to muscle through Palafin with Commander/Curse/Order Up. However, Dondozo doesn’t like Taunt, Haze or Encore and struggles to do damage without boosts. And even then, some Palafin will run Grass Knot explicitly for Dondozo.
Toxapex and Clodsire also do fairly well against both sets, getting by their lack of direct damage with Toxic and able to tank boosted Water STAB and Drain Punches fairly well. However, they dislike Taunt and Encore as well, can be overwhelmed by enough Bulk Up/Tera Water and outright lose to Substitute and Zen Headbutt. Amoongus is also in a similar boat, though it can wipe away Bulk Up with Clear Smog.
The Bulk Up set is honestly very difficult to deal with, having immense bulk that defies being broken through easily and can muscle through anything given enough Bulk Ups. Passive damage from the aforementioned Toxic users or a teammate setting Toxic Spikes works great. Garganacl with Salt Cure can also wear down Palafin quickly, but it needs to Terastalize into something not Water and/or Fighting weak to avoid being overwhelmed. And loses to Substitute.
Choiced sets are easier to play around given Palafin is running almost exclusively Water moves. Classic Water walls like Rotom-Wash, and Azumarill work well, though the latter does struggle to damage Palafin. Palfin’s coverage move often dictates what works best against it. Fighting coverage leaves Palafin open to many Water resistant Poison types and Iron Leaves. Ice Punch leaves Palafin high and dry against opposing Water types like Dondozo, Alomomola, and so forth. Zen Headbutt has Palafin struggling against Wo-Chien, Iron Leaves, and Roaring Moon. Please note that anything that isn’t outright Immune to Water must be wary of a Water Terastalization which pushes Wave Crash into one or two hit KO range on all but the bulkiest of Pokémon.
Otherwise, revenge KOing Palafin works well, provided Palafin has not accrued too many boosts. Miraidon excels at this, taking pittance even from boosted Jet Punches while easily OHKOing back. Koraidon works as well, its typing a self-made Sun bolstering it and its team against Palafin’s potent power. Meowscarada deserves mention, able to easily OHKO through Bulk Up, but can’t switch in Safely either. Iron Bundle can’t switch into Fighting coverage, but eats Jet Punch just fine and can 1-2HKO back with Freeze Dry.
Locations in Games
Not in game
Not in game
Not in game
Not in game
Not in game
Not in game
Not in game
Not in game
Black 2/White 2:
Not in game
Not in game
Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire:
Not in game
Not in game
Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon:
Not in game
Let's Go, Pikachu!/Let's Go, Eevee!:
Not in game
Not in game
Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl:
Not in game
Legends: Arceus:
Not in game
Evolve Finizen
Tera Raid Battles: 6 Star Raid Battles

Anime Appearences
Palafin has yet to make an appearance in the anime
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