Hitmonchan, The Punching Pokémon. Its punches are capable of being used in a similar fashion as a drill. It can punch at very fast speed and tales a break every 3 minutes of solid punching. Its Punches Slice through the air at such an high speed, a graze will really burn. To increase strength of it's hits, it spins its arms just before impact. Battle Moveset The best Moveset for Hitmonchan would have to be this: Attacks:
Sky Uppercut Items Attached:
Preferred Nature: Adament Strategy Using Hitmonchan
Now, we move onto a very unbalanced pokemon in Hitmonchan. Given its type and name, you would expect a hard hitting pokemon, and you would not be very far off the mark either. It's attack can go into the 340s, and any stat in the 340s is usually a good sign. Sky Uppercut is easily the best fighting move avalable to hitmonchan that is a "sure hit" (I usually generalize these moves as having 85% accuracy or higher.) Focus punch may be the move that makes you double take. I know I have probably said before to some of you in e-mails, and even at the forum, that having two attack moves of the same type is a cardinal sin when wantign to give a pokemon a set. Now, while this holds true most of the time, there are exceptions to this rule. Focus Punch is quite different than Sky Uppercut in the sense it deals a LOAD of damage and it could quite possibly KO on the switch in, which is exactly what it is sued for. If you believe there is a chance of a switch that is truly your best bet. EV Corner: For those who know about EVs, here is a little something for you. If you can't be bothered with them or have no idea what I am talking about, don't fret, this is in no way required, this is simply extra. Train your EVs to get as much Attack and Speed as possible, thats basically it, all your other stats are secondy compared to those two. He isn't very fast at max, no need to give him near the bottom of his EV scale and make him even slower. If you have complaints about this set and description please e-mail me at sirchristheknight@yahoo.com, thanks! Strategy Against Hitmonchan Best bet here is to try to challenge Hitmonchan 1 on 1, and get it to try to take a hit, which it will fail miserably at doing. A good choice would be use something that it would normally be strong against, like a rock type, and give it aerial ace or something. Speed is very important at taking out Hitmonchan, if you are slower you wil be in alot of trouble, I can garuntee this to you. Just keep your speed up and avoid Chan Contest Moveset The best Moveset for Hitmonchan would have to be this for the Cool Contest best with Lonely, Adament, Naughty or Brave Nature: Attacks:
Sky Uppercut Items Attached:
Strategy Using Hitmonchan All these attacks are high scoring and should win it for you Locations in Games
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